Yaşlı hastalarda katarakt cerrahisi sonrası düşme riskinin düşme korkusu üzerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi
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Katarakt, genellikle yaşın ilerlemesiyle ortaya çıkan, yaşlılarda görme bozukluğuna ve ilişkili olarak düşme riskine neden olan önemli küresel bir sorundur. Bu araştırma, 65 yaş ve üzeri hastalarda katarakt cerrahisi sonrası erken dönemde düşme riskinin düşme korkusu üzerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla tanımlayıcı olarak sürdürüldü. Araştırma, İstanbul'da bulunan bir eğitim ve araştırma hastanesinin göz hastalıkları kliniğinde günübirlik katarakt cerrahisi geçiren yaşlı hastalar üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Veriler, Ekim-Aralık 2023 tarihleri arasında Hasta Tanılama Formu, Delmarva Vakfı Tarafından Geliştirilen Düşme Riski Değerlendirme Ölçeği ve Uluslararası Düşme Etkinlik Ölçeği ile toplandı. Araştırma kapsamında hastaların yaş ortalaması 74,69±5,89 olup %51,5'i kadındı. Hastaların düşme risk düzeyi puan ortalaması 7,22±2,39 (orta düzey), düşme korku düzeyi puan ortalaması 26,72±9,35 (orta düzey) olarak belirlendi. Hastaların düşme riski ile düşme korkusu arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ve pozitif yönlü bir ilişki belirlendi (p<0,001). Hastalarda düşme riskini ve düşme korkusunu etkileyen ortak risk faktörlerinin yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim düzeyi, kronik hastalık varlığı, ilaç kullanımı, beden kitle indeksi, yürümeye yardımcı araç kullanımı, son bir yılda düşme öyküsü ve mobilizasyona engel fiziksel durum varlığı olduğu belirlendi (p<0,001). Araştırma sonucunda; hastaların düşme riski arttıkça düşme korkularının da arttığı belirlendi. Düşme riski yüksek saptanan hastalarda düşme korkusunun artabileceği göz önünde bulundurularak cerrahi süreçte düşme risk değerlendirmesinde hastaların demografik ve tıbbi özelliklerinin dikkate alınması, değiştirilebilen ve değiştirilemeyen risk faktörlerine yönelik önleyici ve koruyucu kanıta dayalı hemşirelik girişimlerinin planlanması önerilmektedir.
Cataract is a major global problem that usually occurs with the progression of age, causing visual impairment in the elderly and an associated risk of falling. This research was carried out descriptively to evaluate the effect of fall risk in the early period after cataract surgery on the fear of falling in patients aged 65 and older. The study was conducted on elderly patients who underwent cataract surgery as a day-case procedure at the ophthalmology clinic of a training and research hospital located in Istanbul. Data were collected between October - December 2023 using the Patient Information Form, the Fall Risk Assessment Scale developed by the Delmarva Foundation and the International Fall Efficacy Scale. The average age of the patients was 74.69±5.89 and 51.5% were female. The mean fall risk level of the patients was determined to be 7.22±2.39 (moderate level) and the mean fear of falling score was 26.72±9.35 (moderate level). A statistically significant and positive correlation was found between the patients' fall risk and the fear of falling (p<0,001). It was revealed that the common risk factors affecting the risk of falling and fear of falling in patients were age, gender, educational level, presence of chronic diseases, medication use, body mass index, use of walking aids, history of falling in the last year, and presence of physical condition that prevents mobilization (p<0,001). As a result of the research, it was determined that as the patients' fall risk increased, their fear of falling also increased. Considering that the fear of falling may increase in patients with a high fall risk, it is recommended to take into account the demographic and medical characteristics of patients in the fall risk assessment during the surgical process, to plan preventive and protective evidence-based nursing initiatives for modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors.
Cataract is a major global problem that usually occurs with the progression of age, causing visual impairment in the elderly and an associated risk of falling. This research was carried out descriptively to evaluate the effect of fall risk in the early period after cataract surgery on the fear of falling in patients aged 65 and older. The study was conducted on elderly patients who underwent cataract surgery as a day-case procedure at the ophthalmology clinic of a training and research hospital located in Istanbul. Data were collected between October - December 2023 using the Patient Information Form, the Fall Risk Assessment Scale developed by the Delmarva Foundation and the International Fall Efficacy Scale. The average age of the patients was 74.69±5.89 and 51.5% were female. The mean fall risk level of the patients was determined to be 7.22±2.39 (moderate level) and the mean fear of falling score was 26.72±9.35 (moderate level). A statistically significant and positive correlation was found between the patients' fall risk and the fear of falling (p<0,001). It was revealed that the common risk factors affecting the risk of falling and fear of falling in patients were age, gender, educational level, presence of chronic diseases, medication use, body mass index, use of walking aids, history of falling in the last year, and presence of physical condition that prevents mobilization (p<0,001). As a result of the research, it was determined that as the patients' fall risk increased, their fear of falling also increased. Considering that the fear of falling may increase in patients with a high fall risk, it is recommended to take into account the demographic and medical characteristics of patients in the fall risk assessment during the surgical process, to plan preventive and protective evidence-based nursing initiatives for modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors.
Hemşirelik, Nursing
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