Bir eğitim araştırma hastanesinde yatarak tedavi gören hastalarda psikiyatrik belirtilerin incelenmesi
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Bu araştırma, hastanede yatarak tedavi gören hastalardaki psikiyatrik belirtiler ve etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini bir eğitim araştırma hastanesinin dahiliye, genel cerrahi ve ortopedi servislerinde yatarak tedavi gören 260 hasta oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmaya, 18 yaşını doldurmuş ve daha önce bir psikiyatrik tanı almamış hastalar alınmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak 'Kişisel Bilgi Formu', 'Genel Sağlık Anketi (GSA-12)' ve 'Belirti Tarama Testi (SCL-90 R)' kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan bireylerin demografik özellikleri incelediğinde, hastaların; %53,8'inin erkek, %69,2'inin evli, %53,5'inin ilköğretim mezunu, %49,2'sinin eş ve çocuklarıyla yaşadığı, %84,6'sının şehirde yaşadığı, %61,8'inin ekonomik durumunu 'orta' algıladığı, %58,7'sisnin sigara kullanmadığı, %45,2'sinin kronik hastalığı olduğu, %83,8'inin daha önce ruh sağlığı hizmeti almadığı, %64,2'sinin daha önce hastaneye yatarak tedavi gördüğü ve %96,16'sının hastaneye yattığı süre boyunca psikiyatrik konsültaasyon almadığı belirlenmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda hastalar genel sağlık anketine göre değerlendirildiğinde %48,8'i ruh sağlığı bozukluğu açısından riskli bulunurken, belirti tarama testine göre bakıldığında; %16,9'unun Somatizasyon, %10 'unun Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk, %13,8'inin Kişiler Arası Duyarlılık, %20'sinin Depresyon, %8,1'inin Anksiyete, 10,4'ünün Öfke-Düşmanlık, %5'inin Fobik Anksiyete, %11,1'inin Paranoid Düşünce, % 12,2'sinin Psikotizm ve %19,2'sinin ise Ek Maddeler (uyku bozuklukları, yeme bozuklukları ve suçluluk) yönünden riskli olduğu saptanmıştır. Hastaların; cinsiyet, yattığı servis, medeni durum, eğitim düzeyi, ekonomik durum, çalışıp çalışmama durumu, anne-babanın hayatta olma durumu, uyku düzeni, hastaneye yatış nedeni, çocuk sayısı ve birlikte yaşadığı kişiler psikiyatrik belirti düzeylerini anlamlı olarak etkilemektedir. Hastalardan; daha önce hastaneye yatanlar, kronik bir hastalığı bulunanlar ve daha önce ruh sağlığı hizmeti alanların psikolojik belirti puanları, daha önce hastaneye yatmayan, kronik bir hastalığı bulunmayan ve daha önce ruh sağlığı hizmeti almayanlardan önemli ölçüde yüksek çıkmıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda, fiziksel hastalık nedeniyle hastanede yatarak tedavi gören hastaların fiziksel, ruhsal, sosyal ve kültürel açıdan bir bütün olarak ele alınması, hastaneye yattığı süre boyunca psikolojik belirtiler yönünden takip edilmesi, yüksek riskli servislerde (uzun süre yatışı gerektiren kronik hastalığı olan bireylerin olduğu) yatan hastalara koruyucu ruh sağlığı hizmeti verilmesi önerilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kronik hastalık, Psikiyatrik belirti, Konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi, Hemşirelik.
This study was conducted to determine the psychiatric symptoms and factors affecting inpatient treatment in the hospital. The sample of the study consisted of 260 patients who were hospitalized in the internal medicine, general surgery and orthopedic services of an educational research hospital. Patients who completed the age of 18 and had not been diagnosed with a psychiatric diagnosis were included in the study. 'Personal Information Form', 'General Health Questionnaire (GSA-12)' and 'Symptom Screening Test (SCL-90 R)' were used as data collection tools. When the demographic characteristics of the individuals participating in the study were examined, it was determined that the patients: 53.8% are male, 69.5% are married, 53.5% graduated from primary school, 49.2% are living with their spouses and children, 84.6% are living in the city, 61.8% of them perceive their economic status as 'moderate', 58.7% of them have not used cigarettes, 45.2% of them have chronic diseases, 83.8% had never had mental health services, 64.2% had previously been hospitalized and 96.16% of them did not receive psychiatric consultation during the hospitalization period. As a result of the analyzes, when the patients are evaluated according to the general health questionnaire, 48.8% were found to be risky in terms of mental health disorders while the symptom screening test results had given that 16.9% of them were at risk of somatization, 10% at Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, 13,8% about Interpersonal Sensitivity, 20% Depression, 8,1% Anxiety, 10,4% Anger-Hostility, 5% Phobic Anxiety, 11,1% Paranoid Thought, 12,2% in Psychotism and 19.2% of them were at risk for additional clause (sleep disorders, eating disorders and guilt). Gender, marital status, educational level, economic status, working status, parental survival status, sleeping pattern, hospitalization reason, number of children and cohabitation factors affect patients' psychiatric symptom levels significantly. Among the patients; psychological symptom scores of previously hospitalized patients, those with chronic illnesses and those who were previously receiving mental health services are considerably higher than those who have not been hospitalized before, have no chronic illnesses and have not received mental health services before. As a result of this study, it is advisable; to treat patients who are hospitalized due to physical illness as a whole in terms of physical, psychological, social and cultural; to follow patients in terms of psychological symptoms during the period of hospitalization; to provide disease-protective mental health services in high-risk services (individuals with chronic illness requiring long-term inpatient treatment). Anahtar Kelimeler: Kronik hastalık, Psikiyatrik belirti, Konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi, Hemşirelik.
This study was conducted to determine the psychiatric symptoms and factors affecting inpatient treatment in the hospital. The sample of the study consisted of 260 patients who were hospitalized in the internal medicine, general surgery and orthopedic services of an educational research hospital. Patients who completed the age of 18 and had not been diagnosed with a psychiatric diagnosis were included in the study. 'Personal Information Form', 'General Health Questionnaire (GSA-12)' and 'Symptom Screening Test (SCL-90 R)' were used as data collection tools. When the demographic characteristics of the individuals participating in the study were examined, it was determined that the patients: 53.8% are male, 69.5% are married, 53.5% graduated from primary school, 49.2% are living with their spouses and children, 84.6% are living in the city, 61.8% of them perceive their economic status as 'moderate', 58.7% of them have not used cigarettes, 45.2% of them have chronic diseases, 83.8% had never had mental health services, 64.2% had previously been hospitalized and 96.16% of them did not receive psychiatric consultation during the hospitalization period. As a result of the analyzes, when the patients are evaluated according to the general health questionnaire, 48.8% were found to be risky in terms of mental health disorders while the symptom screening test results had given that 16.9% of them were at risk of somatization, 10% at Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, 13,8% about Interpersonal Sensitivity, 20% Depression, 8,1% Anxiety, 10,4% Anger-Hostility, 5% Phobic Anxiety, 11,1% Paranoid Thought, 12,2% in Psychotism and 19.2% of them were at risk for additional clause (sleep disorders, eating disorders and guilt). Gender, marital status, educational level, economic status, working status, parental survival status, sleeping pattern, hospitalization reason, number of children and cohabitation factors affect patients' psychiatric symptom levels significantly. Among the patients; psychological symptom scores of previously hospitalized patients, those with chronic illnesses and those who were previously receiving mental health services are considerably higher than those who have not been hospitalized before, have no chronic illnesses and have not received mental health services before. As a result of this study, it is advisable; to treat patients who are hospitalized due to physical illness as a whole in terms of physical, psychological, social and cultural; to follow patients in terms of psychological symptoms during the period of hospitalization; to provide disease-protective mental health services in high-risk services (individuals with chronic illness requiring long-term inpatient treatment). Anahtar Kelimeler: Kronik hastalık, Psikiyatrik belirti, Konsültasyon liyezon psikiyatrisi, Hemşirelik.
Hemşirelik, Psikiyatri, Belirti ve semptomlar, Hastaneler, Nursing, Hastaneye yatırma, Psychiatry, Kronik hastalık, Signs and symptoms, Hospitals, Psikiyatri, Hospitalization, Chronic disease, Psikiyatrik belirtiler, Psychiatry, Psikiyatrik hemşirelik, Psychiatric symptoms, Psychiatric nursing, Yatan hastalar, Inpatients
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