Diyarbakır ili devlet hastaneleri mutfak personelinin hijyen bilgi düzeylerinin incelenmesi
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Bu araştırma, Diyarbakır'da bulunan ve toplu beslenme hizmeti veren hastanelerin yiyecek/içecek servisinde ve mutfağında çalışan personelin hijyen konusundaki bilgi düzeylerini incelemek amacı ile yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla hazırlanan anket formu, Diyarbakır merkez ilçelerindeki üç hastane mutfağında çalışan 117 erkek ve 33 kadın olmak üzere 150 kişiye uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bilgiler doğrultusunda Diyarbakır ilinde bulunan kurum mutfağında çalışan personelin çoğunluğunun erkeklerden oluştuğu (%78,0) gözlenmiştir. Ankete katılan personelin büyük çoğunluğunun eğitim durumu %20,7 okuryazar olup, bunu, %20,0 ilkokul, %27,3 ortaokul ve %20,0 ile lise düzeyindekiler takip etmektedir. %12,0 ile yükseköğrenim düzeyindeki personel ankete katılanlar içinde en az oran olarak göze çarpmaktadır. Meslekte geçen hizmet sürelerinin 2-5 yıl arasında yoğunlaştığı (%40,7) belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen verilerden, hijyen eğitimini alan personelin %95,3 gibi büyük çoğunluğu oluşturduğu görülmektedir. Toplu tüketim yerlerinde gıda güvenirliliği ve güvenirliliğin devamı için gıda hijyeni, personel hijyeni, yiyecek içecekle ilgili alanlar ve araç-gereç hijyeni ile ilgili kurallara mutlaka uyulmalıdır. Bu işletmelerin gerekli hijyen kurallarını oluşturması ve devamlılığını sağlaması HACCP sistemi gibi etkin bir Gıda Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemi ile sağlanabilir. Bu güvenlik sisteminin etkinliği ile insanlarda oluşabilecek gıda kaynaklı sağlık sorunlarının ortaya çıkması önlenebilecektir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen verilerden, bu tip işletmelerde çalışanların tamamının hijyen eğitimi almalarının gerektiği, örgün eğitim seviyesinin yükseltilmesinin gıda hijyen bilgi düzeyini olumlu yönde etkileyeceği, hijyen eğitimlerinin gıda hijyeni konusunda uzmanlaşmış kişiler tarafından verilmesi gerektiği ve toplu beslenme hizmeti veren mutfaklarda gıda güvenliğini garanti altına alan HACCP gibi uygulamaların faydalı olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır. Kurum mutfaklarında çalışanların gıda hijyen bilgi düzeylerinin tamamen yeterli olmadığı ve bu yüzden de bu tip işletmelerin resmi otoriteler tarafından sürekli ve sıklıkla denetlenmesinin gıda kaynaklı hastalıkları önlenmek için gerekli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Hijyen, besin hijyeni, kurum mutfağı, toplu beslenme
The aim of this study was to investigate the hygiene level of the personnel working in the food and beverage service kitchen of the hospitals in Diyarbakır providing mass nutrition services. The questionnaire prepared for this purpose was applied to 150 people (117 male and 33 female) working in three hospital kitchens in central districts of Diyarbakır. According to the information obtained from the research, it was observed that the majority of the personnel working in the institutional kitchen in Diyarbakır were male (78.0%). The majority of the personnel surveyed were literate at 20.7%, followed by 20.0% primary school, 27.3% secondary school and 20.0% high school. At least in the ratio of personnel survey respondents with higher education levels are outstanding as 12.0%. It has been determined that the duration of service in the profession is concentrated between 2-5 years (40.7%). According to the data obtained from the research, it is seen that 95.3% of the personnel receiving the hygiene education constitute the majority. Food safety, personnel hygiene, food and beverage related areas and equipment hygiene rules must be followed in order to maintain food safety and reliability in mass consumption places. The establishment of the necessary hygiene rules and ensuring the continuity of these enterprises can be provided by an effective Food Safety Management System such as HACCP system. The effectiveness of this security system will prevent the occurrence of food-borne health problems in humans. From the data obtained as a result of the research, it is necessary to ensure that all employees in this type of establishments should receive hygiene education, that raising the level of formal education will positively affect the level of food hygiene knowledge, that hygiene trainings should be provided by experts in food hygiene and that food safety in the kitchens providing collective nutrition service is guaranteed. It has been determined that food hygiene knowledge levels of employees in institutional kitchens are not completely sufficient and therefore it is necessary to constantly and frequently supervise such enterprises by official authorities to prevent foodborne diseases. Key Words: Hygiene, food hygiene, institution kitchen, catering services
The aim of this study was to investigate the hygiene level of the personnel working in the food and beverage service kitchen of the hospitals in Diyarbakır providing mass nutrition services. The questionnaire prepared for this purpose was applied to 150 people (117 male and 33 female) working in three hospital kitchens in central districts of Diyarbakır. According to the information obtained from the research, it was observed that the majority of the personnel working in the institutional kitchen in Diyarbakır were male (78.0%). The majority of the personnel surveyed were literate at 20.7%, followed by 20.0% primary school, 27.3% secondary school and 20.0% high school. At least in the ratio of personnel survey respondents with higher education levels are outstanding as 12.0%. It has been determined that the duration of service in the profession is concentrated between 2-5 years (40.7%). According to the data obtained from the research, it is seen that 95.3% of the personnel receiving the hygiene education constitute the majority. Food safety, personnel hygiene, food and beverage related areas and equipment hygiene rules must be followed in order to maintain food safety and reliability in mass consumption places. The establishment of the necessary hygiene rules and ensuring the continuity of these enterprises can be provided by an effective Food Safety Management System such as HACCP system. The effectiveness of this security system will prevent the occurrence of food-borne health problems in humans. From the data obtained as a result of the research, it is necessary to ensure that all employees in this type of establishments should receive hygiene education, that raising the level of formal education will positively affect the level of food hygiene knowledge, that hygiene trainings should be provided by experts in food hygiene and that food safety in the kitchens providing collective nutrition service is guaranteed. It has been determined that food hygiene knowledge levels of employees in institutional kitchens are not completely sufficient and therefore it is necessary to constantly and frequently supervise such enterprises by official authorities to prevent foodborne diseases. Key Words: Hygiene, food hygiene, institution kitchen, catering services
Beslenme ve Diyetetik, Aşçılar, Bilgi düzeyi, Diyarbakır, Nutrition and Dietetics, Hastaneler, Cooks, Level of knowledge, Hastaneler-devlet, Diyarbakır, Hospitals, Hijyen, Hospitals-public, Mutfak, Hygiene, Kitchen, Çalışanlar, Workers
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