Kurumsallaşma ve ihracat performansı ilişkisi: Türkiye örneği
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Globalleşmenin etkisiyle dünya ticaretinde ihracatın önemi artmış ve bu artış firmaların ihracat performanslarını ve kurumsallaşmalarını etkilemiştir. Küresel boyutta bir serbest pazar oluşturma isteği firmaların uluslararası faaliyetlerini yöneticiler ve araştırmacılar için önemli bir hale getirmektedir. Bu etkiyle birlikte firmaların ayrı ayrı ihracat performanslarını ve özellikle kurumsallaşmasını inceleyen araştırmalar da son yıllarda giderek önem kazanmıştır. Kurumsallaşma, işletmenin kişilerden ziyade, farklı bir kimlik kazanması için kurallara, standartlara, prosedürlere sahip olması, kendine has karşılama biçimlerini, iş görme yöntemlerini benimsemesi sürecidir. Kurumsallaşma ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaların daha çok aile şirketlerinin kurumsallaşması konusunda yapıldığı görülmektedir. İhracat performansı ise genel olarak işletmenin uluslar arası satışlardan elde ettiği çıktılar şeklinde tanımlanmaktadır. İhracat performansı ile ilgili çalışmalara bakıldığında ihracat performansı belirleyicilerine odaklanıldığı ve literatürde konuyla ilgili ortak bir görüş olmadığı görülmektedir. Bu tez çalışması kurumsallaşma ve ihracat performansı arasında bir ilişkinin olup olmadığını araştırarak mevcut literatüre katkı sağlamaktadır. Çalışma bulguları ihracat performansının kurumsallaşmayı artırdığını göstermektedir. Bu bağlamda Türkiye'de ihracat yapan firmaların ihracat oranlarını artırarak, kurumsallaşma oranlarını artırdıkları bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır.
The subject of this thesis is to acknowledge and define whether a relationship exists between a businesses institutionalization and its growing performance in export. Due to globalozation, export gained momentum and this growth had a positive effect on businesses performances and their conversion to becoming more corporate entities. For management and research companies, local businesses ability to complete in different markets is becoming increasingly important. With this in mind, the research being done regarding businesses export performances and their institutionalization is becoming more important. Converting into a corporate business requires a change of identity. The old way of doing business which used to be run by people, their personal opinions and ideas shifts to a company with set rules, standards and procedures. It has become vivid that the majority of the businesses that are converting to corporate businesses are family owned busineses. The performance of an export business is generally defined by its revenue made to overseas countries. It has been realized that there is no consensus on any common indicatives for defining a businesses exportation performance. The findings for businesses growing performances in their exportation gives them a push to become corporate companies. It is safe to say that, the businesses which are concentrating on their exportation side of their business in Turkey are becoming more corporate every day.
The subject of this thesis is to acknowledge and define whether a relationship exists between a businesses institutionalization and its growing performance in export. Due to globalozation, export gained momentum and this growth had a positive effect on businesses performances and their conversion to becoming more corporate entities. For management and research companies, local businesses ability to complete in different markets is becoming increasingly important. With this in mind, the research being done regarding businesses export performances and their institutionalization is becoming more important. Converting into a corporate business requires a change of identity. The old way of doing business which used to be run by people, their personal opinions and ideas shifts to a company with set rules, standards and procedures. It has become vivid that the majority of the businesses that are converting to corporate businesses are family owned busineses. The performance of an export business is generally defined by its revenue made to overseas countries. It has been realized that there is no consensus on any common indicatives for defining a businesses exportation performance. The findings for businesses growing performances in their exportation gives them a push to become corporate companies. It is safe to say that, the businesses which are concentrating on their exportation side of their business in Turkey are becoming more corporate every day.
İşletme, Kurumsal yönetim, Kurumsal yönetim endeksi, Kurumsallaşma, Business Administration, Corporate governance, Performans, Corporate governance index, Institutionalization, Performans değerlendirme, Performance, Türkiye, Performance evaluation, Türkiye, İhracat, Export
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