Deniz taşımacışığında vergileme ve muhasebe
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Yaşadığımız coğrafyalarda insanoğlunun yeni yerleri keşfetme içgüdüsü okyanusların, denizlerin, nehirlerin ve akarsuların avcılıkta ve ticarette ve taşımacılıkta kullanılabilirliğinin farkına varmaları denizciliğin doğmasını sağlamıştır. Dünya ticaretinde taşımacılık alanında yaklaşık olarak pastadan % 90 payını alan denizcilik sektörü kullanılan en yaygın taşımacılık türüdür. Maliyetlerinin diğer taşıma türlerine göre daha düşük olması, büyük miktarlardaki yüklerin bir defada taşınabilmesinde alternatifsiz, güvenli olması ve her türlü teşviklerle yapılandırılması gibi birçok üstünlüğü nedeniyle denizcilik sektörü, diğer taşımacılık sektörlerinin önüne geçmiştir. Çalışmada, dünya ve Türk denizcilik tarihi özetlenmiş ve denizciliğin gelişimi incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Denizcilik ve gemi işletmeciliği kapsamında liman, yat, gemi çeşitleri gibi kavramsal olgulara değinilmiştir. İlaveten deniz taşımacılığına yön veren gerek ulusal gerekse uluslararası kuruluşlar araştırılmıştır. Denizcilik sektörünün Türkiye'de son yıllardaki gelişimi veriler ışığında değerlendirilmiş, Türkiye'de denizcilik sektöründe faaliyet gösteren gemi işletmelerinin tabi olduğu ulusal ve uluslararası düzenlemeler irdelenmiş ve söz konusu düzenlemeler doğrultusunda vergi uygulamaları ve Muhasebe organizasyonu denizcilik işletmeleri açısından incelemeye alınarak, denizcilik işletmelerinin muhasebe organizasyonunda; personel, belgeler, defterler, hesap planı ve raporlama tek tek ele alınarak, muhasebe yetkilileri ve personelinin dikkat etmesi gereken hususlar incelenmiş, açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Deniz Taşımacılığı, Denizcilikte Vergileme, DenizcilikteMuhasebe
We live in human geography to explore new places instinct of oceans, seas, rivers and streams in the hunting and trade in and aware of the availability of transport has led to the emergence of shipping. Approximately 90% share of the pie in the maritime transport sector in the world trade is the most common type of transportation used. To be lower than other types of transportation costs, its ability to move at a time of loading large amounts of alternative, be safe and maritime sector due to many advantages, such as the configured with all kinds of incentives, has surpassed other transport sectors. In this study, summarized international and Turkish maritime history and the development of maritime been studied. Shipping and ship management scope harbor, yacht, ship types are referred to as conceptual phenomenon. In addition, maritime transport should be guiding the national and international organizations were investigated. Data development in recent years has been evaluated in the light of the maritime sector in Turkey. Taxation and accounting organization in accordance with national and international regulations are examined and these regulations that apply to ships operating in the maritime sector enterprises in Turkey were investigated in terms of the maritime business. The accounting organization of the maritime business; personnel, documents, books, accounts and reporting by considering individual plan, pay attention to the accounting officers and staff have attempted to explain the issues to be examined. Key Words : Sea freight, Taxation on Maritime, Accounting on Maritime
We live in human geography to explore new places instinct of oceans, seas, rivers and streams in the hunting and trade in and aware of the availability of transport has led to the emergence of shipping. Approximately 90% share of the pie in the maritime transport sector in the world trade is the most common type of transportation used. To be lower than other types of transportation costs, its ability to move at a time of loading large amounts of alternative, be safe and maritime sector due to many advantages, such as the configured with all kinds of incentives, has surpassed other transport sectors. In this study, summarized international and Turkish maritime history and the development of maritime been studied. Shipping and ship management scope harbor, yacht, ship types are referred to as conceptual phenomenon. In addition, maritime transport should be guiding the national and international organizations were investigated. Data development in recent years has been evaluated in the light of the maritime sector in Turkey. Taxation and accounting organization in accordance with national and international regulations are examined and these regulations that apply to ships operating in the maritime sector enterprises in Turkey were investigated in terms of the maritime business. The accounting organization of the maritime business; personnel, documents, books, accounts and reporting by considering individual plan, pay attention to the accounting officers and staff have attempted to explain the issues to be examined. Key Words : Sea freight, Taxation on Maritime, Accounting on Maritime
İşletme, Deniz yolu taşımacılığı, Business Administration, Muhasebe, Sea transportation, Taşımacılık, Accounting, Transportation, Vergilendirme, Taxation