Kurumsal yönetimin kazanç kalitesi üzerindeki etkisi: Ürdün'den kanıtlar
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Dünya çapındaki büyük iş skandalları ve başarısızlıkların bir sonucu olarak, kurumsal yönetimin kazanç kalitesi üzerindeki etkisi giderek daha fazla dikkat çekmektedir. Kurumsal yönetim ve kazanç kalitesi üzerine yapılan çoğu çalışma, öncelikle İngiltere ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri gibi gelişmiş ülkelerde ve pazarlarda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak, Ürdün ve Orta Doğu'nun geri kalanı hakkında bilgi sınırlıdır. Bu tezde, kurumsal yönetim ile kazanç kalitesi arasındaki bağlantıyı incelemek için ajans teorisi uygulanmaktadır. Bu teoriye göre değer maksimizasyonu, müdürler (hissedarlar) ve vekiller (yöneticiler) arasındaki vekalet çatışması nedeniyle engellenmektedir. Yönetim kurulu, mülkiyet yoğunlaşması ve yönetim mülkiyeti, hissedarlar ve yönetim arasındaki ajans sorununu çözmek için etkili kurumsal yönetim sistemleri olarak önerilmiştir. Araştırma, tahakkuk bazlı bir model kullanarak kurumsal yönetim mekanizmalarının kazanç kalitesi üzerindeki etkisini incelemeyi amaçlamıştır. Örneklem, 2014'ten 2020'ye kadar olan dönemde Amman Menkul Kıymetler Borsası'nda işlem gören tüm Ürdün sanayi şirketlerini kapsamaktadır. 2021 yılı, Ürdün sanayi sektörü üzerinde büyük etkisi olan Covid-19 salgını nedeniyle kapanmalar, çalışma saatlerinin sınırlandırılması ve diğer bazı kısıtlamalar dahil olmak üzere hükümetin aldığı önlemlerle bağlantılı olarak çoğu şirket ve sektörün kapanması nedeniyle kapsam dışı bırakılmıştır. Araştırmanın temel bulguları, yönetim kurulunun bağımsızlığının kazanç kalitesi üzerinde bir etkisinin olmadığını ortaya koymaktadır. Ancak, yönetim kurulu büyüklüğü kazanç kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Ayrıca çalışma, ajans teorisinin gözetim hipotezi doğrultusunda denetim komitesinin varlığının, kazanç kalitesi üzerinde bir etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte, kurumsal mülkiyetin kazanç kalitesi üzerinde önemli bir pozitif etkisi var iken yönetimsel mülkiyetin ve aile mülkiyetinin kazanç kalitesi üzerinde herhangi bir etkisi olmadığı bulunmuştur.
The impact of corporate governance on earnings quality is gaining increasing attention as a result of major business scandals and failures that have occurred around the world. However, most studies on corporate governance and its impact on earnings quality have been conducted in developed markets, primarily the United Kingdom and the United States, with limited information being available on Jordan and other Middle East countries. This dissertation applies agency theory to examine the connection between corporate governance and earnings quality. According to this theory, value maximisation is hindered by the agency conflict between principals (shareholders) and agents (managers). Board of directors, ownership concentration, and management ownership have all been proposed as effective corporate governance mechanisms for resolving the agency problem between shareholders and management. The research aims to investigate the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on earnings quality by using an accrual-based model. The sample consists of all Jordanian industrial companies listed on Amman Stock Exchange for the period from 2014 until 2020. The year 2021 was excluded due to the closure of most companies and sectors in connection with the measures taken by the government including closures, limited duration of working hours, and some other restrictions as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, which had an immense impact on the Jordanian industrial sector. The main findings of the research reveal that board independence has no impact on earnings quality. However, board size negatively affects the quality of earnings. The study also shows that the presence of an audit committee influenced the quality of earnings, in line with the monitoring hypothesis of agency theory. Furthermore, while institutional ownership has a significant positive effect on earnings quality, managerial ownership and family ownership has no effect on earnings quality
The impact of corporate governance on earnings quality is gaining increasing attention as a result of major business scandals and failures that have occurred around the world. However, most studies on corporate governance and its impact on earnings quality have been conducted in developed markets, primarily the United Kingdom and the United States, with limited information being available on Jordan and other Middle East countries. This dissertation applies agency theory to examine the connection between corporate governance and earnings quality. According to this theory, value maximisation is hindered by the agency conflict between principals (shareholders) and agents (managers). Board of directors, ownership concentration, and management ownership have all been proposed as effective corporate governance mechanisms for resolving the agency problem between shareholders and management. The research aims to investigate the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on earnings quality by using an accrual-based model. The sample consists of all Jordanian industrial companies listed on Amman Stock Exchange for the period from 2014 until 2020. The year 2021 was excluded due to the closure of most companies and sectors in connection with the measures taken by the government including closures, limited duration of working hours, and some other restrictions as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, which had an immense impact on the Jordanian industrial sector. The main findings of the research reveal that board independence has no impact on earnings quality. However, board size negatively affects the quality of earnings. The study also shows that the presence of an audit committee influenced the quality of earnings, in line with the monitoring hypothesis of agency theory. Furthermore, while institutional ownership has a significant positive effect on earnings quality, managerial ownership and family ownership has no effect on earnings quality
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