Down sendromlu çocukların beslenme davranışlarının, besin tüketimlerinin ve antropometrik ölçümlerinin değerlendirilmesi
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Down sendromu; zekâ geriliği, boy kısalığı, burun basıklığı ve benzeşen yüz tiplerinin olduğu bir sendrom olarak tanımlanmıştır. Down sendromlu çocuklar genetik olarak; obezite, kalp damar hastalıkları gibi hastalıklara eğilimlidir. Bu araştırma, Down sendromlu çocukların beslenme alışkanlık ve davranışlarının, besin tüketimlerinin ve antropometrik ölçümlerinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla planlanmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak sosyo-demografik bilgileri ve bazı beslenme alışkanlıklarını içeren anket formu ile Beslenme Davranış Ölçeği (BDÖ) kullanılmış, çocukların antropometrik ölçümleri ile 24 saatlik besin tüketim kaydı alınmıştır. Araştırma yaş ortalaması 12,3±4,3 yıl olan 96 (E: %47,9, K: %52,1) Down sendromlu çocuk ile yürütülmüştür. Çocukların persentil değerlerine göre boy uzunlukları incelendiğinde %49,0'unun (E: %61,7, K: %36,7) çok kısa, %20,8'inin (E:%14,9 K:%26,5) kısa olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yaşa göre beden kütle indeksi (BKİ) persentil değerlerine göre çocukların %58,3'ü fazla kilolu, %25,0'i obezdir. Çocukların BDÖ toplam puanı -2,3±5,9 (E:-1,95,±6,23 K: -2,56±5,61; p>0,05) olarak bulunmuştur. Anne ve babaları üniversite düzeyinde eğitim alan çocukların BDÖ puanı diğer çocuklara göre anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunmuştur (p=0,000; p=0,007). Çocukların BDÖ puanları ile günlük enerji ve makro besin ögeleri tüketimi arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamıştır (p>0,05). BDÖ puanı ile boy uzunluğu arasında pozitif, BKİ ile negatif korelasyon saptanmıştır (p=0,042, p=0,028). Sonuç olarak Down sendromlu çocukların sağlıklı beslenme davranış puanlarının düşük olduğu ve bu çocuklarda hafif şişmanlık ve obezite görülme oranının yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda, Down sendromlu çocuklara ve ailelerine sağlıklı beslenme davranışlarının kazandırılması için beslenme eğitimi verilerek büyüme ve gelişmelerinin yakından izlenmesi ile hatalı alanlara müdahale edilmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır.
Down syndrome; It has been defined as a syndrome with mental retardation, short stature, flattened nose and similar facial types. Children with Down syndrome are genetically prone to diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases. This research was planned to evaluate the nutritional behaviors, food consumption and anthropometric measurements of children with Down syndrome. As a data collection tool in the study, a questionnaire containing socio-demographical information and some nutritional habits and the Nutritional Behavior Scale (BDI) were used, and anthropometric measurements of the children and 24-hour food consumption record were taken. The study was conducted with 96 (M: 47.9%, F: 52.1%) children with Down syndrome, whose mean age was 12.3±4.3 years. When the heights of the children were examined according to the percentile values, 49.0% (M: 61.7%, F: 36.7%) were very short, 20.8% (M: 14.9% F: 26.5%) ) was determined to be short. According to the percentile values of the body mass index (BMI) for age, 58.3% of the children are overweight and 25.0% are obese. The children's total BDI score was found to be -2.3±5.9 (M: -1.95,±6.23 F: -2.56±5.61; p>0.05). The BDI score of the children whose mothers and fathers received university education was found to be significantly higher than the other children (p=0.000; p=0.007). There was no statistically significant relationship between children's BDI scores and daily energy and macronutrient consumption (p>0.05). A positive BMI and negative correlation was found between BDI score and height (p=0.042, p=0.028). As a result, it was determined that the healthy eating behavior scores of children with Down syndrome were low and the rate of mild obesity and obesity was high in these children. In line with the results obtained in the research, it is of great importance to give nutrition education to children with Down syndrome and their families to gain healthy eating behaviors, to closely monitor their growth and development, and to intervene in faulty areas.
Down syndrome; It has been defined as a syndrome with mental retardation, short stature, flattened nose and similar facial types. Children with Down syndrome are genetically prone to diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases. This research was planned to evaluate the nutritional behaviors, food consumption and anthropometric measurements of children with Down syndrome. As a data collection tool in the study, a questionnaire containing socio-demographical information and some nutritional habits and the Nutritional Behavior Scale (BDI) were used, and anthropometric measurements of the children and 24-hour food consumption record were taken. The study was conducted with 96 (M: 47.9%, F: 52.1%) children with Down syndrome, whose mean age was 12.3±4.3 years. When the heights of the children were examined according to the percentile values, 49.0% (M: 61.7%, F: 36.7%) were very short, 20.8% (M: 14.9% F: 26.5%) ) was determined to be short. According to the percentile values of the body mass index (BMI) for age, 58.3% of the children are overweight and 25.0% are obese. The children's total BDI score was found to be -2.3±5.9 (M: -1.95,±6.23 F: -2.56±5.61; p>0.05). The BDI score of the children whose mothers and fathers received university education was found to be significantly higher than the other children (p=0.000; p=0.007). There was no statistically significant relationship between children's BDI scores and daily energy and macronutrient consumption (p>0.05). A positive BMI and negative correlation was found between BDI score and height (p=0.042, p=0.028). As a result, it was determined that the healthy eating behavior scores of children with Down syndrome were low and the rate of mild obesity and obesity was high in these children. In line with the results obtained in the research, it is of great importance to give nutrition education to children with Down syndrome and their families to gain healthy eating behaviors, to closely monitor their growth and development, and to intervene in faulty areas.
Beslenme ve Diyetetik, Antropometri, Beslenme, Nutrition and Dietetics, Beslenme davranışı, Anthropometry, Nutrition, Down sendromu, Feeding behavior, Gıda tüketimi, Down syndrome, Food consumption, Çocuklar, Children