Muhasebede hata ve hilelerin önlenmesinde iç kontrol sisteminin etkinliğinin önemi ve Kocaeli'de bağımsız denetçiler üzerinde bir araştırma
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Denetim ve kontrol kavramları ile ortaya koydukları faaliyetler birbirinden farklı olması ile birlikte amaçları da birbirlerinden farklıdır. Denetim faaliyetleri genellikle muhasebe ile ilgiliyken kontrol kavramı muhasebenin yanı sıra işletmenin tüm faaliyetlerini de kapsamaktadır. Denetim faaliyetleri, işletmeden bağımsız bir şekilde denetim konusunda deneyimli, eğitimli ve uzman kişiler tarafından yürütülürken kontrol kavramına ilişkin faaliyetler ise, işletme faaliyetleri ve faaliyetlere ilişkin süreçlerin yine işletme yapısı içinde ve işletme yönetimine bağlı bir şekilde yürütülmektedir. Denetim faaliyetlerinin temel amacı işletme yönetiminin bir iddia niteliğinde ortaya koyduğu finansal tabloların dürüstlüğü ve güvenirliği konusunda işletme ile ilgili çıkar kişi ve gruplarına makul bir güvence sağlamak olması iken; kontrol faaliyetlerinin temel amacı ise işletme faaliyetlerine ilişkin iş ve süreçlerinin performansının incelenmesi, değerlendirilmesi ve işletme hedeflerine ulaşabilme başarısının ortaya konmasıdır. Kontrol kavramını denetim kavramından ayıran en belirgin özellik kontrol faaliyetlerinin işletme yönetimine bağlı bir şekilde yürütülmesidir. İşletmeler ekonomilerin en önemli unsuru olup doğal olarak meydana gelen değişim ve gelişmelerden en çok etkilenen birimler haline gelmişlerdir. Günümüz dünyasında yaşanan küreselleşmenin beraberinde getirdiği etki ile ekonomik dünya çok daha karmaşık bir yapı halini almış, işlem sayısı artmış, işletmeler genişlemiş olup bu durumda yetki ve sorumluluk paylaşımını gerekli bir hale getirmiştir. Bu gelişmeler iç denetim ve iç kontrol kavramlarının gerekliliğini ortaya koymuş olup faaliyet ve işlemleri kontrol edebilmek ve risklere karşı bir korunma mekanizması oluşturmak üzere söz konusu sistem ve birimleri işletmeler yapısında kurulmasını zorunluluk haline getirmiştir
Audit and control concepts are different from each other and their objectives are different. Audit activities are generally related to accounting, but the concept of control includes accounting as well as all activities of the enterprise. Audit activities are carried out independently of the company by experienced, trained and expert people in auditing, while activities related to the concept of control are carried out within the structure of the company and related processes related to the business activities and activities, depending on the management of the company. Audit activities the main purpose of a claim of the nature revealed Business Administration when it comes to integrity and reliability of the financial statements of the business-related interest is to provide reasonable assurance that individuals and groups; while the main purpose of the performance of control activities and business activities and business processes of examination, evaluation and the success of the business demonstrates ability to reach its goals. The most prominent feature distinguishes the concept of control from the concept of control is that control activities are carried out in a manner connected to the management of the company. Enterprises are the most important element of the economy and have become the most affected units of natural changes and developments. With the impact of globalization experienced in today's world, the economic world has become a much more complex structure, the number of transactions has increased, businesses have expanded and in this case the sharing of authority and responsibility has made it necessary. These developments have revealed the necessity of the concepts of internal audit and internal control, and made it necessary to establish such systems and units in the structure of the organization in order to control operations and operations and to establish a protection mechanism against risks.
Audit and control concepts are different from each other and their objectives are different. Audit activities are generally related to accounting, but the concept of control includes accounting as well as all activities of the enterprise. Audit activities are carried out independently of the company by experienced, trained and expert people in auditing, while activities related to the concept of control are carried out within the structure of the company and related processes related to the business activities and activities, depending on the management of the company. Audit activities the main purpose of a claim of the nature revealed Business Administration when it comes to integrity and reliability of the financial statements of the business-related interest is to provide reasonable assurance that individuals and groups; while the main purpose of the performance of control activities and business activities and business processes of examination, evaluation and the success of the business demonstrates ability to reach its goals. The most prominent feature distinguishes the concept of control from the concept of control is that control activities are carried out in a manner connected to the management of the company. Enterprises are the most important element of the economy and have become the most affected units of natural changes and developments. With the impact of globalization experienced in today's world, the economic world has become a much more complex structure, the number of transactions has increased, businesses have expanded and in this case the sharing of authority and responsibility has made it necessary. These developments have revealed the necessity of the concepts of internal audit and internal control, and made it necessary to establish such systems and units in the structure of the organization in order to control operations and operations and to establish a protection mechanism against risks.
İşletme, Bağımsız denetim, Business Administration, Denetim, Independent audit, Muhasebe hata ve hileleri, Control, Accounting mistakes and frauds, İç denetim ve iç kontrol, Internal control and internal audit
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