Kilitli EPS blok-kum arayüz kayma mukavemetinin laboratuvar deneyleri ile incelenmesi
Genleştirilmiş polistren (EPS) bloklar (geofoam bloklar) geleneksel toprak dolgulardan 50-100 kat daha hafif malzemedirler. Dolayısıyla, oturma potansiyeli yüksek, taşıma gücü düşük yumuşak killi zeminler üzerine inşa edilecek otoyol dolgularının inşasında toplam ve farklı oturmaları önlemek amacı ile tercih edilirler. Geofoam bloklardan inşa edilmiş otoyol dolgularının yanal yükler altındaki tasarımlarında bloklar arasındaki sürtünmeye ek olarak (geofoam blok-geofoam blok) bloklarla üst betonarme yük yayma platformu arasındaki (geofoam blok-beton) ara yüzey ve bloklar ile temel tesviye kumu (geofoam blok-kum) ara yüzündeki kayma dayanımları tasarım parametreleri olarak karşımıza çıkarlar. Bu tez kapsamında geleneksel geofoam bloklar üzerinde dişler oluşturmanın geofoam blok-kum ara yüzeyindeki kayma dayanımına etkileri kesme kutusu deneyleri ile araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda, malzeme yoğunluğunun ara yüzey gerilme-şekil değiştirme davranışına ve ara yüzey mukavemet parametrelerine etkilerini incelemek amacıyla iki farklı yoğunlukta (EPS19 ve EPS29) geofoam bloklar kullanılmıştır. Kumun dane boyutu ve köşeliliğinin ara yüzey davranışına etkisini incelemek amacıyla standart Ottawa kumu (ortalama dane çapı 0.72 mm) ve Adapazarı Kumu (ortalama dane çapı 0.40 mm kötü derecelendirilmiş kum) kullanılmıştır. Ara yüzey deneylerinde her iki kum da aynı rölatif sıkılıkta (Dr = %86, sıkı kum) hazırlanmıştır. Deneylerde geleneksel geofoam bloklarla ek olarak 4 farklı diş geometrisine sahip blokların kum ara yüzey mukavemetleri belirlenmiştir. Ara yüzey mukavemeti deneylerinde hem geleneksel geofoam bloklar hem de dişli bloklar (tek kare diş, dört adet kare diş, tek üçgen diş, dört üçgen diş formlarında bloklar) deney süresince sabit 4 farklı düşey gerilme (10, 20, 30 ve 40 kPa) altında test edilmişlerdir. Deney sonuçları her bir geometriye ait ara yüzey gerilme-şekil değiştirme ve ara yüzey mukavemet parametreleri (ara yüzey sürtünme açısı ve adhezyon) üzerinden tartışılmıştır. EPS bloklarda diş oluşturmanın geofoam blok-kum ara yüzey kayma mukavemetini iyileştirdiği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, dişli geofoam bloklar ara yüzey sürtünme mekanizmasını geleneksel geofoam-kum ara yüzeyindeki sadece sürtünmesel mukavemetten, sürtünmesel-adhezyonsal davranışa çevirdiği tespit edilmiştir.
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) blocks (geofoam blocks) are 50 to 100 times lighter than the conventional earth fill materials. Therefore, they preferred to use in construction of roadway embankments to be constructed on soft soil sites which has a high consolidation settlement potential and low bearing capacities. In addition to interface shear strength properties in between geofoam blocks (geofoam block to geofoam block), interface properties in between geofoam blocks and load distribution slab (geofoam-concrete) and geofoam blocks to bedding sand (geofoam-sand) needs to be considered in the design of traditional lightweight geofoam block embankment systems subjected to horizontal loading. In this study, the effects of ledges on the surface of the traditional geofoam blocks to the interface shear strength properties of geofoam-bedding sand were investigated by direct shear tests. Two different geofoam blocks (EPS19 and EPS29) were used to study the effect of geofoam hardness on the interface shear stress –strain characteristics and interface friction properties. In order to study the effect of the grain size and shape of the bedding sand on the interface shear strength properties Ottawa Sand (mean grain size of 0.72 mm) and Adapazari sand (poorly graded sand, mean grain size of 0.40 mm) were used. Both sands were prepared with same relative density (Dr = %86) in the interface shear tests. In addition to the traditional geofoam blocks, four different geofoam blocks were used to have ledges along their contact surfaces with bedding sand. Both traditional geofoam blocks and geofoam blocks with ledges (one square ledge, one triangle ledge, four square ledges and four triangular ledges) were tested under four different constant normal stresses (10, 20, 30 and 40 kPa) in the interface shear strength tests. Tests results were discussed in terms of interface shear stress –strain characteristics and interface friction properties (interface friction angle and adhesion ) for each configurations. Manufacturing ledges along the traditional geofoam blocks surfaces significantly improved the traditional geofoam block-sand interface shear strength. In addition, geofoam blocks with ledges changed the interface shear strength behavior of traditional geofoam blok-bedding sand interface from purely frictional to frictional-adhesional behavior.
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) blocks (geofoam blocks) are 50 to 100 times lighter than the conventional earth fill materials. Therefore, they preferred to use in construction of roadway embankments to be constructed on soft soil sites which has a high consolidation settlement potential and low bearing capacities. In addition to interface shear strength properties in between geofoam blocks (geofoam block to geofoam block), interface properties in between geofoam blocks and load distribution slab (geofoam-concrete) and geofoam blocks to bedding sand (geofoam-sand) needs to be considered in the design of traditional lightweight geofoam block embankment systems subjected to horizontal loading. In this study, the effects of ledges on the surface of the traditional geofoam blocks to the interface shear strength properties of geofoam-bedding sand were investigated by direct shear tests. Two different geofoam blocks (EPS19 and EPS29) were used to study the effect of geofoam hardness on the interface shear stress –strain characteristics and interface friction properties. In order to study the effect of the grain size and shape of the bedding sand on the interface shear strength properties Ottawa Sand (mean grain size of 0.72 mm) and Adapazari sand (poorly graded sand, mean grain size of 0.40 mm) were used. Both sands were prepared with same relative density (Dr = %86) in the interface shear tests. In addition to the traditional geofoam blocks, four different geofoam blocks were used to have ledges along their contact surfaces with bedding sand. Both traditional geofoam blocks and geofoam blocks with ledges (one square ledge, one triangle ledge, four square ledges and four triangular ledges) were tested under four different constant normal stresses (10, 20, 30 and 40 kPa) in the interface shear strength tests. Tests results were discussed in terms of interface shear stress –strain characteristics and interface friction properties (interface friction angle and adhesion ) for each configurations. Manufacturing ledges along the traditional geofoam blocks surfaces significantly improved the traditional geofoam block-sand interface shear strength. In addition, geofoam blocks with ledges changed the interface shear strength behavior of traditional geofoam blok-bedding sand interface from purely frictional to frictional-adhesional behavior.
İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering