UI GreenMetric sürdürülebilir sıralama indeksinin üst üniversitelerde sürdürülebilirlik uygulamaları
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Sürdürülebilir kalkınma, son yıllarda giderek daha belirgin hale gelmiştir. Üniversiteler küresel ekonominin ayrılmaz bir parçası olduğu için ve devlet memurları ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarınnda çalışanların çoğu eğitimlerini üniversitelerde aldıkları için sürdürülebilir bir toplumun oluşmasını etkilemek için çok uygun pozisyondadırlar.Bu nedenle, toplumun değerlerine, sağlığına ve refahına katkıda bulunan temel kaynak olarak, üniversiteler sürdürülebilirliği öğretmek, eğitmek ve araştırmak için temel bir sorumluluğu vardır.Bu gelişme önemlidir, çünkü gelecekte profesyoneller sürdürülebilirliği giderek gündeminde tutacak olan firmalarda çalışıyor olacaklar.Bu da üniversitelere; sürdürülebilirliği yönetim sistemlerinin içine tamamen yerleştirmeleri konusunda daha çok sorumluluk yükler. İşte bu araştırma (tez) üniversitelerde olan sürdürülebilirlik uygulamalarını inceleyip değerlendiriyor.Bu tezin amacı; UI GreenMetric'in, üniversitelerinin web sitelerinin ve sürdürülebilirliğin yıllık raporlarının içerik analizini kullanarak üniversitelerin uygulamalarını incelemek ve bu tezin ana sorusuna cevap vermektir. Ana soru:CORE sistemine göre (yani Müfredat, İşletme, Araştırma, ve Angajman) sürdürülebilirlik odaklı üniversitelerde sürdürülebilirlik uygulamaları nasıl entegre edilmiştir?Kullanılan araştırma yöntemi ağırlıklı olarak 'UI GreenMetric Sürdürülebilir Universite Ölçüm ve Sıralama İndeksi'in içerik analizine dayanır.'UI GreenMetric Sürdürülebilir Universite Ölçüm ve Sıralama İndeksi'nin seçilme sebebi üniversitelerin CORE sistemini (Müfredat, İşletme, Araştırma, ve Angajman); Konum ve Altyapı, Enerji ve İklim Değişikliği, Geri Dönüşüm (çöp), Su, Ulaşım ve Eğitim gibi göstergeler ile ele aldığı içindir.Böylece GASU, AASHE: STARS ve benzeri indeklerinden farklı olarak sürdürülebilirliğin üç ana konusunu (Çevre, Ekonomi ve Toplum) kapsar.UI GreenMetric İndeksi ilk ve tek ölçme sistemidir ki her dahil olan üniversitenin 'çevre dostu' bir alt yapı geliştirmedeki katkılarını ölçer.Bu araştırmada toplanan ikincil veriler araştırma değişkenleri ve araştırma kavramsal çerçevesi geliştirmek için kullanılmışlardır.Bu araştırmada gözlemlenen ve değerlendirilen örnekler ve toplam nüfus UI GreenMetric sürdürülebilir sıralama endeksine göre en üst on (10) Sürdürülebilir Üniversitelerden oluşur. Bu analiz, çalışma yapılan universitelerde CORE sistemlerinin Yönetimsel uygulamalarda kayda değer ilerleme, ancak Müfredat, Araştırma ve Angajman uygulamaların da ise daha düşük ilerleme tespit etmiştir.Bu araştırma üniversitelerde sürdürülebilirliği konusunda harikulade sonuçlar sunar. Herhangi bir ünversiteye sürdürülebilirliği yönetim sistemlerine daha iyi yerleştirme konusunda yardım edebilir.Bununla beraber, bu araştırma küresel bir fenomen analiz edebilmek için zaman ve maddi şartlarla sınırlıdır.
Sustainable development has become increasingly evident during the last decades. Universities being the integral part of the global economy and since they train most of the professionals, who manage and work in governmental and non-governmental institutions, they are systematically positioned to influence the achievement of a sustainable society. Therefore, as major contributors to the values, health and wellbeing of society, universities have a fundamental responsibility to teach, train and research for sustainability. This development is important, as future professionals will be working globally with companies that increasingly have sustainability on their agenda. This places high demands on universities to integrate sustainability into the management practices of their institutions. This research observed and evaluated the sustainability practices in universities. It is intended by this research using content analysis of UI GreenMetric, universities' websites and sustainability annual reports to observe universities' practices related to sustainability to answer the research question, which is: How are sustainability-oriented practices integrated in sustainability focused universities as far as CORE system (Curriculum, Operations, Research, and Engagement) is considered? The employed research methodology mainly relies on content analysis of the studied universities from the UI GreenMetric Sustainable University assessment and ranking index. The UI GreenMetric Sustainable University assessment and ranking index was selected since it considers the Operations, Curriculum, Research and Engagements (CORE system) of universities with indicators such as Setting and Infrastructure, Energy and Climate Change, Waste, Water, Transportation and Education. This covers the triple bottom line of sustainability (Environment, Economy and Society) which other indexes like GASU, AASHE: STARS and others, focused mostly on operational Eco-efficiency. UI GreenMetric index is the first and the only ranking that measure each participating university's commitment in developing an 'environmentally friendly' infrastructure. The data gathered in this research has been used for developing research variables and conceptual framework of the research. The total populations and sample of the study observed and evaluated in this study are ten (10) top Sustainable Universities according to UI GreenMetric sustainable ranking index. The analysis shows significant progress in Operation practices, but less significant progress in the Curriculum, Research and Engagement practices of the CORE system of sustainability-oriented practices which are being integrated in the studied universities. This research provides a state of the art result regarding sustainability in universities. It has the potential to help any university to better integrate sustainability in their management system. Notwithstanding, this research is limited by time and funding to be able to analyze a global phenomenon.
Sustainable development has become increasingly evident during the last decades. Universities being the integral part of the global economy and since they train most of the professionals, who manage and work in governmental and non-governmental institutions, they are systematically positioned to influence the achievement of a sustainable society. Therefore, as major contributors to the values, health and wellbeing of society, universities have a fundamental responsibility to teach, train and research for sustainability. This development is important, as future professionals will be working globally with companies that increasingly have sustainability on their agenda. This places high demands on universities to integrate sustainability into the management practices of their institutions. This research observed and evaluated the sustainability practices in universities. It is intended by this research using content analysis of UI GreenMetric, universities' websites and sustainability annual reports to observe universities' practices related to sustainability to answer the research question, which is: How are sustainability-oriented practices integrated in sustainability focused universities as far as CORE system (Curriculum, Operations, Research, and Engagement) is considered? The employed research methodology mainly relies on content analysis of the studied universities from the UI GreenMetric Sustainable University assessment and ranking index. The UI GreenMetric Sustainable University assessment and ranking index was selected since it considers the Operations, Curriculum, Research and Engagements (CORE system) of universities with indicators such as Setting and Infrastructure, Energy and Climate Change, Waste, Water, Transportation and Education. This covers the triple bottom line of sustainability (Environment, Economy and Society) which other indexes like GASU, AASHE: STARS and others, focused mostly on operational Eco-efficiency. UI GreenMetric index is the first and the only ranking that measure each participating university's commitment in developing an 'environmentally friendly' infrastructure. The data gathered in this research has been used for developing research variables and conceptual framework of the research. The total populations and sample of the study observed and evaluated in this study are ten (10) top Sustainable Universities according to UI GreenMetric sustainable ranking index. The analysis shows significant progress in Operation practices, but less significant progress in the Curriculum, Research and Engagement practices of the CORE system of sustainability-oriented practices which are being integrated in the studied universities. This research provides a state of the art result regarding sustainability in universities. It has the potential to help any university to better integrate sustainability in their management system. Notwithstanding, this research is limited by time and funding to be able to analyze a global phenomenon.
İşletme, Sürdürülebilirlik, Business Administration, UI GreenMetric, Sustainability, Web siteleri, UI GreenMetric, Web sites, Üniversiteler, Universities