Tıp fakültesi son sınıf öğrencilerinin beslenme alışkanlıkları, beslenme bilgi düzeyleri ve diyetisyenlik mesleğini tanımaları üzerine bir araştırma
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Doktorluk mesleğini icra edecek son sınıf tıp öğrencilerinin iyi bir beslenme bilgisine sahip olması hem kendi beslenme alışkanlıklarını düzenlemeleri açısından hem de topluma iyi bir örnek olmaları açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada tıp fakültesi son sınıf öğrencilerinin beslenme bilgi düzeylerini, beslenme alışkanlıklarını ve diyetisyenlik mesleği hakkındaki bilgilerini araştırmak amaçlanmıştır. 2016-2017 eğitim öğretim yılında Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi son sınıfa devam eden 276 öğrenciden, araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 206 öğrenci ile yürütülmüştür. Veriler, kişisel bilgiler, beslenme alışkanlıkları, diyetisyenlik mesleğini tanıma ve beslenme bilgi düzeyi olmak üzere 4 bölümden, 51 sorudan oluşan anket formu ile sorgulanmıştır. Öğrencilerin %55,8'i erkek, %44,2'si kadın, yaş ortalaması 24,95±1,21'dir. BKİ'lerine göre değerlendirildiğinde %4,9'u zayıf, %68,4'ü normal ağırlıkta, %22,3'ü hafif şişman ve %4,4'ü obezdir. Öğrencilerin %48,5'i yeterli ve dengeli beslenmediğini düşündüğünü belirtmiştir. Öğrencilerin %65,5'inin 3 öğün tükettiği, öğrencilerin %38,3'ünün öğün atladığı, en çok atlanan öğünün %62,6 ile sabah kahvaltısı olduğu ve öğün atlayanların %49'unda en sık atlama nedeninin 'zaman bulamama' olduğu bulunmuştur. Öğrencilerin %41,7'sinin sabah kahvaltısını okul kantininde, %90,3'ünün öğle yemeğini yemekhanede, %48,1'inin akşam yemeğini evde tükettiği belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin %69,9'unun sigara ve %62,1'inin alkol kullanmadığı belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin sebze, meyve ve süt-yoğurdu yetersiz tükettiği bulunmuştur. Diyetisyenlik mesleğini tanımalarına yönelik sorulara öğrencilerin ortalama doğru cevabı %63,62 olarak bulunmuştur. Öğrencilerin beslenme ve diyet tedavisi sorularına verdiği ortalama doğru cevap %66,08 olarak bulunmuştur. Öğrencilerin %60,7'si beslenme bilgisinin yetersiz olduğunu bildirmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda, öğrencilerin diyetisyenlik mesleği ve beslenme ile ilgili bilgi eksikliğinin olduğu, kahvaltı öğününü sık atladıkları, bazı besinleri yetersiz aldıkları bulunmuştur. Beslenme dersi saatlerinin arttırılması, eğitimin diyetisyenler tarafından verilmesi, beslenmenin öneminin vurgulanması yararlı olabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Beslenme, Üniversite öğrencisi, Beslenme bilgi, Diyetisyenlik
It is significant for the senior medical students who will become medical doctors to have knowledge on nutrition both for themselves to regulate their dietary habits and to be a role model for the society. The aim of this study is to examine knowledge level on nutrition, dietary habits and knowledge on the dietician profession of the final year students of the medical faculty. The study was conducted with 206 students who accepted to participate in the research among 276 senior students of Uludag University, Medical Faculty in 2016- 2017 academic year. The data of the study was obtained by a survey composed of 4 sections as personal information, dietary habits, acquaintance with dietician profession, knowledge level on nutrition and including 51 questions. 55.8% of the students were male, 44.2% were female and the mean age was 24.95±1.21. According to their BMIs, 4.9% of the students are underweight, 68.4% are in normal weight, 22.3% are overweight and 4.4% are obese. 48.5% of the students have stated that they are undernourished and eat unhealthy. It has been found that 65.5% of the students eats 3 meals a day, 38.3% of them skips meals. Moreover, it has been stated that the breakfast is the most skipped meal by 62.6% and the most frequent reason have expressed as 'not being able to find enough time'. It has been noted that 41.7% of the students have their breakfast in school canteens, 90.3% of them have lunch in dining halls of the school and 48.1% have dinner at home. It has been stated that while 69.9% of the students do not smoke, 62.1 of the students do not use alcohol. It was also found that students do not consume enough fruits, vegetables and dairy products. The average correct answer of students regarding the question of the acquaintance with the dietician profession was found to be 63.62%. The average correct answer of students regarding the question about nutrition and dietary treatment was found to be 66.08%. It has been reported that 60.7% of the students have insufficient knowledge of nutrition. The result of the study has revealed that students do not have enough knowledge on dietician profession and nutrition, they skip breakfast frequently and they are undernourished in terms of some products. Increasing the hours of nutrition courses, providing these courses by dieticians and emphasizing the importance of the nutrition could be beneficial. Keywords: Nutrition, University student, Nutrition knowledge, Dietician profession
It is significant for the senior medical students who will become medical doctors to have knowledge on nutrition both for themselves to regulate their dietary habits and to be a role model for the society. The aim of this study is to examine knowledge level on nutrition, dietary habits and knowledge on the dietician profession of the final year students of the medical faculty. The study was conducted with 206 students who accepted to participate in the research among 276 senior students of Uludag University, Medical Faculty in 2016- 2017 academic year. The data of the study was obtained by a survey composed of 4 sections as personal information, dietary habits, acquaintance with dietician profession, knowledge level on nutrition and including 51 questions. 55.8% of the students were male, 44.2% were female and the mean age was 24.95±1.21. According to their BMIs, 4.9% of the students are underweight, 68.4% are in normal weight, 22.3% are overweight and 4.4% are obese. 48.5% of the students have stated that they are undernourished and eat unhealthy. It has been found that 65.5% of the students eats 3 meals a day, 38.3% of them skips meals. Moreover, it has been stated that the breakfast is the most skipped meal by 62.6% and the most frequent reason have expressed as 'not being able to find enough time'. It has been noted that 41.7% of the students have their breakfast in school canteens, 90.3% of them have lunch in dining halls of the school and 48.1% have dinner at home. It has been stated that while 69.9% of the students do not smoke, 62.1 of the students do not use alcohol. It was also found that students do not consume enough fruits, vegetables and dairy products. The average correct answer of students regarding the question of the acquaintance with the dietician profession was found to be 63.62%. The average correct answer of students regarding the question about nutrition and dietary treatment was found to be 66.08%. It has been reported that 60.7% of the students have insufficient knowledge of nutrition. The result of the study has revealed that students do not have enough knowledge on dietician profession and nutrition, they skip breakfast frequently and they are undernourished in terms of some products. Increasing the hours of nutrition courses, providing these courses by dieticians and emphasizing the importance of the nutrition could be beneficial. Keywords: Nutrition, University student, Nutrition knowledge, Dietician profession
Beslenme ve Diyetetik, Beslenme, Beslenme alışkanlıkları, Beslenme incelemeleri, Nutrition and Dietetics, Bilgi, Nutrition, Nutritional habits, Diyet, Nutrition surveys, Knowledge, Diyetisyenler, Diet, Öğrenciler-tıp, Nutritionists, Students-medical, Üniversite öğrencileri, University students
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