Ürdün'de ekonomik durgunluğun tüketicinin satın alma kararında üzerindeki etkisi
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Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, Ürdün'ün 2020 ve 2021'deki ekonomik durgunluğunun koronavirüs pandemisinin (COVID-19) tüketici satın alma kararı üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu çalışma, durgunluğun etkilerine ek olarak dört ayrı faktör (harcanabilir gelir, marka sadakati, fiyat bilinci ve alışveriş alışkanlıkları) tanımladı, ilişkili koronavirüs pandemisi (COVID-19) tüketici satın alma kararının değişmesine önemli ölçüde katkıda bulundu. Bu çalışma, satın alma modellerinin değişip değişmediğini ve çevrimiçi alışveriş ve tasarruf gibi yeni alışkanlıkların kazanılıp kazanılmadığını incelemeyi amaçlamıştır. Bu çalışma, Ürdün'de yapılan analitik araştırmadır, dört alt hipotez ve hipotez. Yapılandırılmış bir anket 450 katılımcıya (akademisyenler, personel, üniversite öğrencileri, zanaatkârlar ...) dağıtıldı. rastgele seçilmiş olanlar, 399 tanesi analitik olmak üzere 419 anket toplandı. Sonuçlar, ekonomik durgunluğun tüketici satın alma kararı üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğunu ve harcanabilir gelir, marka sadakati ve fiyatın tüketici satın alma kararını etkilemede önemli rol oynadığını göstermiştir. Tüm faktörler istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır. Bu bulgular diğer araştırmalarınkine karşılık gelmektedir. Çalışma, hem devlet hem de özel kuruluşlardan gelen geliri destekleme ve işsizliği azaltmak ve kaliteyi ve uygun fiyatı artırarak yerel markaya sadakati teşvik etmek için iş yaratma ihtiyacını önermektedir.
The main and primary objective of this research is to study the impact of the Jordanian economic recession during 2020 and 2021 caused by the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on the consumer's buying decision. This study identified four independent factors (Disposable Income, Brand loyalty, Price consciousness, Shopping habits) In addition to the effects resulting from the recession, the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) associated with it had a significant contribution to changing the consumer's buying decision. This study aimed to study whether purchasing patterns changed and whether new habits were acquired, such as online shopping and saving. This study is considered analytical research that was conducted in Jordan. Four sub-hypotheses and a main hypothesis were formulated. A structured questionnaire was distributed to 450 participants (academics, employees, university students, artisans...) who were randomly selected. 419 questionnaires were retrieved, 399 of which were valid for analysis. The results proved that the economic recession has a significant impact on the consumer's buying decision and that disposable income, brand loyalty and price have important roles in influencing the consumer's buying decision. All factors are statistically significant. These findings are congruent with those of other investigations. The study recommended the need to support income, whether from government or private agencies, and work to create job opportunities to reduce unemployment and work to enhance loyalty to the local brand by improving quality and providing it at reasonable prices.
The main and primary objective of this research is to study the impact of the Jordanian economic recession during 2020 and 2021 caused by the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on the consumer's buying decision. This study identified four independent factors (Disposable Income, Brand loyalty, Price consciousness, Shopping habits) In addition to the effects resulting from the recession, the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) associated with it had a significant contribution to changing the consumer's buying decision. This study aimed to study whether purchasing patterns changed and whether new habits were acquired, such as online shopping and saving. This study is considered analytical research that was conducted in Jordan. Four sub-hypotheses and a main hypothesis were formulated. A structured questionnaire was distributed to 450 participants (academics, employees, university students, artisans...) who were randomly selected. 419 questionnaires were retrieved, 399 of which were valid for analysis. The results proved that the economic recession has a significant impact on the consumer's buying decision and that disposable income, brand loyalty and price have important roles in influencing the consumer's buying decision. All factors are statistically significant. These findings are congruent with those of other investigations. The study recommended the need to support income, whether from government or private agencies, and work to create job opportunities to reduce unemployment and work to enhance loyalty to the local brand by improving quality and providing it at reasonable prices.
İşletme, Business Administration