Vergi Hukukunda uzlaşma sisteminin incelenmesi
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Vergi, geçmişten günümüze kadar kullanılan devlete katkı sağlamak amacıyla kamudan elde edilen en sağlam ve güvenilir kaynaktır. Vergi, devletin gücünü kullanarak ve yasalara uygun olarak, vergi verme yükümlülüğü olan birimlerden karşılıksız olarak aldığı parasal bir değerdir. Ancak bu vergilerin alınabilmesinde öncelikle tarafların kendi çıkarlarını göz etmesi nedeniyle vergi sorumlusu ve vergi yükümlüsü arasında bazı uyuşmazlıklar meydana gelebilmektedir. Bu uyuşmazlıklar vergilendirme aşamasının herhangi bir sürecinde ortaya çıkabilir. Ülkemizde ve çoğu yabancı ülkelerde bu uyuşmazlığı ortadan kaldırabilmek için çeşitli yollar bulunmaktadır. Bunlar idari ve yargısal çözüm yolları olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Vergi uyuşmazlıklarını ortadan kaldırabilmek için başvurulan bu yolların içerisinde uzlaşma sistemi en önemli bir anlaşma yoludur. Çalışmanın asıl konusunu oluşturan uzlaşma sistemi uyuşmazlıkların giderilmesinde kullanılan en eski yöntemlerden birini oluşturmaktadır. Anlaşmazlıkların uzlaşma yolu ile giderilmesi iki taraf içinde olumlu sonuçlar doğurmakta ve konunun yargıya taşınmasını engellemektedir. Bu çalışmada, vergi uyuşmazlığı kavramı, vergi uyuşmazlığının ortaya çıkışı, çözüm yolları araştırılmış ve uzlaşmanın sisteminin tarihsel gelişimi, amacı, günümüze kadar olan geçirdiği değişikler açıklanarak etkinlik açısından uzlaşma sistemi, değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın bir diğer bölümünde ise, tarhiyat öncesi ve sonrası uzlaşma sistemleri incelenerek, uzlaşma sisteminin uygulanmasının çeşitli ülkelerde karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Vergi Uyuşmazlığı, İdari Çözüm Yolları, Tarhiyat Öncesi Uzlaşma, Tarhiyat Sonrası Uzlaşma
Tax, which has been used from past to date, is the most trustable and secure source hand in hand the public to contribute to goverment. It is the monetary value that the goverment take from gratuitous people who have to obligation to pay by using its power and lawfully. However, patries previously look out for oneself for these taxes are taken some conflicts, which is between the parties who is responsible and those who are tax officer, may occur. These conflicts can occur at any stage of the process of taxation. There are various ways to eliminate this conflict in our country and many countries. These are termed as administrative and judicial solution ways. Reconciliation system is the most important reconsilation method among which are used to eliminate the tax disputes. Reconciliation system, which is main subject of the study, was one of the oldest methods for the settlement of disputes. The elimination of disputes with compromise result in possitive results and the subject is inhibited to resort to the jurisdiction. In this study, notion of tax dispute, the emergence of the tax dispute and solution ways are investigated. The historical development of reconciliation system, its aim, it has undergone until today are explained and reconciliation system has been evaluated in terms of efficacy. In another section of the study, reconciliation systems which were before and after assessement were examined and the implementation of reconciliation system was compared in various countries. Key Words: Tax Dispute, Administrative Solution Ways, Compromise Before Assessment, Compromise After Assessment.
Tax, which has been used from past to date, is the most trustable and secure source hand in hand the public to contribute to goverment. It is the monetary value that the goverment take from gratuitous people who have to obligation to pay by using its power and lawfully. However, patries previously look out for oneself for these taxes are taken some conflicts, which is between the parties who is responsible and those who are tax officer, may occur. These conflicts can occur at any stage of the process of taxation. There are various ways to eliminate this conflict in our country and many countries. These are termed as administrative and judicial solution ways. Reconciliation system is the most important reconsilation method among which are used to eliminate the tax disputes. Reconciliation system, which is main subject of the study, was one of the oldest methods for the settlement of disputes. The elimination of disputes with compromise result in possitive results and the subject is inhibited to resort to the jurisdiction. In this study, notion of tax dispute, the emergence of the tax dispute and solution ways are investigated. The historical development of reconciliation system, its aim, it has undergone until today are explained and reconciliation system has been evaluated in terms of efficacy. In another section of the study, reconciliation systems which were before and after assessement were examined and the implementation of reconciliation system was compared in various countries. Key Words: Tax Dispute, Administrative Solution Ways, Compromise Before Assessment, Compromise After Assessment.
Hukuk, Tarhiyat, Türk vergi hukuku, Law, Assessment, Uzlaşma, Turkish tax law, Vergi Hukuku, Reconciliation, Tax Law, Vergi uyuşmazlıkları, Tax conflicts