İlaç sektöründe kullanılan kişisel koruyucu donanımların uygunluğu ve denetimi
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Günümüzde bilim ve teknolojinin hızla gelişmesi ile ilerleyen sanayinin her alanında radyoaktif maddeler ve kimyasal ham maddelerin kullanımında bir artış yaşanmakta ve bu durum tehlikeli maddeler ve kullanım ve çalışması sonucunda da tehlikeli atık oluşturarak çalışma hayatında yeni risklerin yeni meslek hastalıklarının doğmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu sebeple çalışma alanlarında sürekli olarak iş sağlığı ve güvenliği konusunda yeni önlemler alınması zorunlu bir hal almıştır. Çalışanları, iş kazaları ve meslek hastalıklarından üst seviyede koruyabilmek için Kişisel Koruyucu Donanımların (KKD), kullanma usullerine uygun şekilde ve devamlı olarak kullanmaları sağlanmalı ve çalışanın maruz kalabileceği tüm olumsuzluklara karşı uygun koruyucu özelliklere sahip olmaları gerekmekte ve gerekli eğitimini de verilmelidir. Ülkemizde, KKD'lerin imalatı, ithalatı, satışı ve kullanımı ile ilgili usul ve esasları düzenleyen 'Kişisel Koruyucu Donanım Yönetmeliği' 09.02.2004 tarihinde yürürlüğe girmiş olup TS EN standardına sahip olmayan ve CE uygunluk işareti taşımayan kişisel koruyucu donanımların üretimi, ithalatı, satışı ve kullanımı yasaklanmış bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada tehlikeli maddelerin olumsuz etkileri ve korunma önlemleri, KKD'lerin iş sağlığı açısından uygunluğunun denetimi üzerine bilgileri ve çalınanların kullandıkları ekipmanları hakkında ne kadar bilgi sahibi olduğu araştırmaya çalışılmıştır.
There is a rapid increase in the number of the radioactive materials, equipments and chemical raw materials that are used in every field of industry due to increasing technology. Chemical raw materials are widely used in industry and according to their chemical features they are known as 'Hazardous Substance'. Consequently the exposed hazardous component in working area is likely increase everyday and causes new risks. Because of the increasing risks new precautions are put into practice continuously about work health and safety by the employers. To protect the workers from work accidents and occupational disease personal protective equipments must be used continuously. Personal protective equipments must have the appropriate features that avoid workers from industrial accidents and occupational disease in working area. To avoid workers from work accidents and occupational diseases in order to ensure the effective protection of Turkish standards developed and manufacture of personal protective equipment, import, sale and regulate the procedures and principles regarding the use of 'Personal Protective Equipment Regulations' published in the 09.02.2004 dated Official Gazette and entered into force. According to this regulation, the Turkish Standards Institute standard do not carry the CE conformity mark and did not have personal protective equipment production, sale and use are prohibited. In this study, the use of hazardous chemiccal substancesl in the workplace and its effects on the health of dangerous chemicals and protective measures were examined. Information on the suitability of personal protective equipment used is compiled.
There is a rapid increase in the number of the radioactive materials, equipments and chemical raw materials that are used in every field of industry due to increasing technology. Chemical raw materials are widely used in industry and according to their chemical features they are known as 'Hazardous Substance'. Consequently the exposed hazardous component in working area is likely increase everyday and causes new risks. Because of the increasing risks new precautions are put into practice continuously about work health and safety by the employers. To protect the workers from work accidents and occupational disease personal protective equipments must be used continuously. Personal protective equipments must have the appropriate features that avoid workers from industrial accidents and occupational disease in working area. To avoid workers from work accidents and occupational diseases in order to ensure the effective protection of Turkish standards developed and manufacture of personal protective equipment, import, sale and regulate the procedures and principles regarding the use of 'Personal Protective Equipment Regulations' published in the 09.02.2004 dated Official Gazette and entered into force. According to this regulation, the Turkish Standards Institute standard do not carry the CE conformity mark and did not have personal protective equipment production, sale and use are prohibited. In this study, the use of hazardous chemiccal substancesl in the workplace and its effects on the health of dangerous chemicals and protective measures were examined. Information on the suitability of personal protective equipment used is compiled.
Kimya, Kimya Mühendisliği, Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi, Chemistry, Kişisel koruyucu donanım, Chemical Engineering, Health Care Management, Meslek hastalıkları, Personal protective equipment, İş güvenliği, Occupational diseases, Work safety, İş kazaları, Occupational accidents
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