Yeşil balkonlar ve çevresel etkileri: Akdeniz iklim bölgesi Antalya örneği
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İnsanlık tarihinde 2007 yılında ilk kez, kent nüfusunun kırsal alan nüfusunu aştığı görülmüş, sonucunda beton ve asfalt oranının hızla artmasına tanıklık edilmiştir. Konut alanlarında çok yüksek katlı binalar, bitişik nizamlı yapılar, soğuk düz duvarlı betonlar ile nefes alamayan şehirler oluşmuştur. Yoğun yapılaşmanın sonucu, yağışları kontrol eden ve ışığı yansıtarak yeryüzünü soğutup küresel ısınmanın etkilerini azaltan, oksijen kaynağı ağaçlar ile diğer bitkilerin oranları gittikçe düşmekte, dört yanı betonlarla çevrili insanların psikolojik ve fiziksel sağlığı etkilenmektedir. Tez içeriğinde yaşanan kentleşmenin yarattığı betonlaşmanın olumsuz ekolojik, ekonomik ve sosyal etkileri incelenerek kentsel yeşil alan eksikliğine çözüm olarak yeşil balkonlar önerilmiştir. İlk bölümde incelenen tasarım yaklaşımları ve dünya üzerinden çeşitli örnekler, çevre sorunlarının çözümüne dair çalışmaların estetik kaygı ve doğru planlama ile birleştirilerek hayata geçirilme zorunluluğunu, aksi takdirde ortaya çıkan eksik veya optimum verime ulaşamayan üretimleri göz önüne sermektedir. Günümüzde temel barınma ihtiyacını konutlar vasıtasıyla karşılama gayretinde olan insan, kullanıcısı olduğu mekânda yeşile olan özlem, estetik kaygılar ve basit düzeyde çevre sorunları endişeleri gibi nedenlerle ilk adım aşamasında yeşil balkon tasarımlarına girişmektedir. Merkezinde insan olan, ölçek ve algıda yine insanı baz alan tez çalışmasının çıkış noktasını oluşturan bu girişime, tez kapsamında literatürdeki diğer tasarım yaklaşımlarının incelenmesi, örneklerin değerlendirilmesi ve yeşil balkon tasarımına dair birtakım kriterlerin belirlenmesiyle bir kimlik edindirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Kullanıcı üzerinde temel alanlarda kısa ve uzun vadede etkileri olan yeşil balkon tasarımı, halihazırda yapılı çevrede bulunan konut stoğu içerisinde bir yeşil dönüşüme olanak sağlamasının yanı sıra projelendirilecek alanlar için de çevre sorunlarının bilincinde bir hareket vadetmektedir. Yeşil balkon tasarım kriterlerinin coğrafya, alan seçimi, yönelim ve sosyal çevre gibi parametreler üzerinden doğru değerlendirilmesiyle hayata geçirilecek yapılarla birlikte çevre sorunlarının etkilerinin ciddi şekilde azaltılacağı ifade edilmiştir. Bu durum benzer alanlarda uygulanan dönüşüm, yeni projelendirilecek bir bina ve mahalle ölçeği üzerinden Akdeniz iklim bölgesinde yer alan ve endemik tür açısından avantajlı konuma sahip olan Antalya ili özelinde ele alınarak incelenmiştir.
In 2007, for the first time in human history, it was observed that the urban population exceeded the rural population, and as a result, the rate of concrete and asphalt increased rapidly. In residential areas, very high-rise buildings, adjoining structures, cold straight-walled concrete and cities that cannot breathe have been formed. As a result of intense construction, the proportions of trees and other plants that control precipitation and cool the earth by reflecting the light and reduce the effects of global warming, which are the source of oxygen, are gradually decreasing, and the psychological and physical health of people surrounded by concrete on all four sides is affected. In the thesis, the negative ecological, economic and social effects of concretization caused by urbanization were examined and green balconies were proposed as a solution to the lack of urban green space. The design approaches examined in the first part and various examples from around the world reveal the necessity of combining the works on the solution of environmental problems with aesthetic concern and correct planning, otherwise the productions that appear incomplete or cannot reach the optimum efficiency. Today, people, who are trying to meet their basic shelter needs through residences, undertake green balcony designs in the first step due to reasons such as longing for green in the space they use, aesthetic concerns and simple environmental concerns. This initiative, which is the starting point of the thesis, which is human in its center and which is also based on human in scale and perception, has been tried to gain an identity by examining other design approaches in the literature, evaluating examples and determining some criteria for green balcony design. The green balcony design, which has short and long-term effects on the basic areas on the user, not only allows a green transformation in the housing stock in the built environment, but also promises a movement with the awareness of environmental problems for the areas to be projected. It has been stated that the effects of environmental problems will be seriously reduced with the constructions to be implemented by correctly evaluating the green balcony design criteria on parameters such as geography, site selection, orientation and social environment. This situation has been examined by considering the transformation applied in similar areas, a new project to be designed, and the city of Antalya, which is located in the Mediterranean climate region and has an advantageous position in terms of endemic species.
In 2007, for the first time in human history, it was observed that the urban population exceeded the rural population, and as a result, the rate of concrete and asphalt increased rapidly. In residential areas, very high-rise buildings, adjoining structures, cold straight-walled concrete and cities that cannot breathe have been formed. As a result of intense construction, the proportions of trees and other plants that control precipitation and cool the earth by reflecting the light and reduce the effects of global warming, which are the source of oxygen, are gradually decreasing, and the psychological and physical health of people surrounded by concrete on all four sides is affected. In the thesis, the negative ecological, economic and social effects of concretization caused by urbanization were examined and green balconies were proposed as a solution to the lack of urban green space. The design approaches examined in the first part and various examples from around the world reveal the necessity of combining the works on the solution of environmental problems with aesthetic concern and correct planning, otherwise the productions that appear incomplete or cannot reach the optimum efficiency. Today, people, who are trying to meet their basic shelter needs through residences, undertake green balcony designs in the first step due to reasons such as longing for green in the space they use, aesthetic concerns and simple environmental concerns. This initiative, which is the starting point of the thesis, which is human in its center and which is also based on human in scale and perception, has been tried to gain an identity by examining other design approaches in the literature, evaluating examples and determining some criteria for green balcony design. The green balcony design, which has short and long-term effects on the basic areas on the user, not only allows a green transformation in the housing stock in the built environment, but also promises a movement with the awareness of environmental problems for the areas to be projected. It has been stated that the effects of environmental problems will be seriously reduced with the constructions to be implemented by correctly evaluating the green balcony design criteria on parameters such as geography, site selection, orientation and social environment. This situation has been examined by considering the transformation applied in similar areas, a new project to be designed, and the city of Antalya, which is located in the Mediterranean climate region and has an advantageous position in terms of endemic species.
Mimarlık, Architecture