Sosyal medyada yayınlanan gıda içeriklerinin gastronomi bakış açısı ile analizi: Youtube örneği
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Dijital dünya ve sosyal medyalar insan hayatının ayrılmaz bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Elde edilen verilere göre günümüzde dünya nüfusunun yarısından fazlası sosyal medya ağlarını aktif halde kullanmaktadır. Bu ağların kullanım yaşı da giderek düşmekte ve insanlar dijital hayata daha da kolay uyum sağlamaktadır. Sosyal medya ağlarının insan hayatına girişi 2000'li yıllarda gerçekleşmiştir. Bu tarihten itibaren insanları sosyal hayatlarında büyük değişimler yaşanmıştır. İnsanlar benliklerini sosyal medya yoluyla ifade etmektedir. Bu yolla sosyal medya aracılığıyla yeni kimlik ifadeleri ile karşılaşılmakta ve bazı kavramlar anlam değiştirmektedir. Gastronomi dünyası da bu değişimden nasibini almıştır. Yiyecek ve içecekler geçmişte olduğu gibi yine sosyal benlik ifadelerinde kullanılmaktadır. Sosyal mecralara aktarılan bu benlik sunumları gıdanın da insan için anlamını değiştirmiştir. Gastronomi dünyasında ulusal akademik çalışmalarda sosyal medyanın gastronomi ile ilişkisiyle alakalı çalışmalar yok denecek kadar azdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı bu değişimin getirdiği olumlu ve olumsuz sonuçları günümüzde en çok kullanılan sosyal ağlardan biri olan Youtube ile belirli başlıklarda genel olarak ifade etmektir. İçerik analizi yöntemi ile incelenen örnek videolarla gıda içeriklerinin izleyiciler üzerindeki etkisi irdelenmiş ve nitel yöntemlerle desteklenen başlıklar altında elde edilen bulgular sıralanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda gıda videolarının yemek kültürünü aktarmada önemli olan dijital arşivler haline geldiği, sürdürülebilirlik çalışmalarında insanları bilgilendirici etkisi olduğu, profesyonellerin Youtube aracılığıyla insanlarla iletişim kurup kendi markalarını yarattıkları bununla birlikte yeni gıda otoritelerinin ortaya çıkmasında Youtube'un önem kazandığı, gıda reklamlarının satın alma tercihlerinde insanlar üzerinde etkin olduğu, sağlık açısında yetişkin ve çocuk sağlığına olumlu ve olumsuz etkilerinin söz konusu olduğu, gıda videolarının mutfakta cinsiyet eşitliği sağladığı, gastronomi eğitiminde etkin bir araç haline geldiği ve gastrodiplomasi çalışmalarında en etkili faaliyetlerden biri haline geldiği görülmektedir Gıda ve sosyal medya ilişkisinin günden güne gelişeceği öngörüldüğünden bu başlıklara yenilerinin de ekleneceği ifade edilebilmektedir. Bu bağlamda bu ilişkinin sonuçları daha derin bir şekilde incelenebilir ve özellikle sağlık alanında yaratabileceği tahribatın önüne geçilebilir. Bununla birlikte olumlu etkileri üzerine odaklanılarak Türk mutfak kültürü globale daha net şekilde tanıtılabilir. Anahtar Kelime: Gastronomi, sosyal medya, Youtube, gıda videoları, içerik üreticileri
The digital world and social media have become an integral part of human life. According to the data obtained, more than half of the world's population actively uses social media networks today. The age of use of these networks is also decreasing and people adapt to digital life more easily. The introduction of social media networks into human life took place in the 2000s. Since this date, people have experienced great changes in their social lives. People express their selves through social media. In this way, new identity expressions are encountered through social media and some concepts change their meaning. In the world of gastronomy, there are almost no studies on the relationship between social media and gastronomy in academic studies in Turkey. The aim of this study is to express the positive and negative results of this change in general with Youtube, one of the most widely used social networks today. The function of food videos in transferring culture, raising awareness, the relationship of chefs with Youtube, the formation of new digital professions in the field of gastronomy, the examination of content through the concepts of marketing, health, education, gender equality, gastrodiplomacy are examined. In the world of gastronomy, there are almost no studies on the relationship between social media and gastronomy in academic studies in Turkey. The aim of this study is to express the positive and negative consequences of this change in general under certain headings with Youtube, one of the most widely used social networks today. The impact of food content on the audience was examined with sample videos analyzed by content analysis method and the findings obtained under the headings supported by qualitative methods were listed. As a result of this study, it is seen that food videos have become digital archives that are important in transferring food culture, have an informative effect on people in sustainability studies, professionals communicate with people and create their own brands through Youtube, and Youtube has gained importance in the emergence of new food authorities, food advertisements are effective on people in purchasing preferences, there are positive and negative effects on adult and child health in terms of health, food videos provide gender equality in the kitchen, have become an effective tool in gastronomy education and have become one of the most effective activities in gastrodiplomacy studies. Since it is foreseen that the relationship between food and social media will develop day by day, it can be stated that new topics will be added to these titles. In this context, the consequences of this relationship can be examined more deeply and the damage it may cause, especially in the field of health, can be prevented. In addition, by focusing on its positive effects, Turkish culinary culture can be introduced more clearly to the global community. Keywords: Gastronomy, social media, Youtube, food videos, content producer
The digital world and social media have become an integral part of human life. According to the data obtained, more than half of the world's population actively uses social media networks today. The age of use of these networks is also decreasing and people adapt to digital life more easily. The introduction of social media networks into human life took place in the 2000s. Since this date, people have experienced great changes in their social lives. People express their selves through social media. In this way, new identity expressions are encountered through social media and some concepts change their meaning. In the world of gastronomy, there are almost no studies on the relationship between social media and gastronomy in academic studies in Turkey. The aim of this study is to express the positive and negative results of this change in general with Youtube, one of the most widely used social networks today. The function of food videos in transferring culture, raising awareness, the relationship of chefs with Youtube, the formation of new digital professions in the field of gastronomy, the examination of content through the concepts of marketing, health, education, gender equality, gastrodiplomacy are examined. In the world of gastronomy, there are almost no studies on the relationship between social media and gastronomy in academic studies in Turkey. The aim of this study is to express the positive and negative consequences of this change in general under certain headings with Youtube, one of the most widely used social networks today. The impact of food content on the audience was examined with sample videos analyzed by content analysis method and the findings obtained under the headings supported by qualitative methods were listed. As a result of this study, it is seen that food videos have become digital archives that are important in transferring food culture, have an informative effect on people in sustainability studies, professionals communicate with people and create their own brands through Youtube, and Youtube has gained importance in the emergence of new food authorities, food advertisements are effective on people in purchasing preferences, there are positive and negative effects on adult and child health in terms of health, food videos provide gender equality in the kitchen, have become an effective tool in gastronomy education and have become one of the most effective activities in gastrodiplomacy studies. Since it is foreseen that the relationship between food and social media will develop day by day, it can be stated that new topics will be added to these titles. In this context, the consequences of this relationship can be examined more deeply and the damage it may cause, especially in the field of health, can be prevented. In addition, by focusing on its positive effects, Turkish culinary culture can be introduced more clearly to the global community. Keywords: Gastronomy, social media, Youtube, food videos, content producer
Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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