Yeşil Anlaşma çerçevesinde MENA ülkelerinin karbonsuzlaşma sürecine yönelik performansı
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MENA (Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika) ülkelerinin Yeşil Anlaşma girişimi çerçevesinde karbondan arındırma çabalarındaki performansını analiz etmeyi ve karşılaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma Cezayir, Bahreyn, Mısır, İran, Irak, Ürdün, Kuveyt, Lübnan, Libya, Fas, Umman, Katar, Suudi Arabistan, Suriye, Tunus, Yemen ve Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (BAE) ülkelerine adaklanmıştır. İlave olarak, bu çalışma kapsamında küresel eğilimler ve ABD, Avrupa Birliği, Rusya gibi sanayileşmiş ülkeleri ve diğer önemli küresel oyuncularla bir karşılaştırma gerçekleştirilmektedir. Karşılaştırma için kullanılan temel göstergeler GSYİH, CO₂ ve sera gazı emisyon eğilimleri ile birlikte ülkelerin nüfus artışıdır. Çalışma, niteliksel ve niceliksel verilerin birleştirilmiş olması yoluyla MENA ülkelerinin karbondan arındırma açısından ne kadar iyi performans gösterdiğini değerlendirmek için karma yöntem yaklaşımını kullanmaktadır. Niteliksel araştırma, karbondan arındırma sürecini desteklemek için MENA ülkeleri tarafından uygulamaya konulan kurumsal çerçevelerin, yasal çerçevelerin ve politika çerçevelerinin kapsamlı bir incelemesini içermektedir. Yenilenebilir enerji, enerji tasarrufu teknikleri, karbon yoğunluğu ve emisyon azaltma hedefleri gibi düşük karbonlu enerji sistemlerinin gelişimini değerlendiren niceliksel çalışma bu kapsamda araştırmada yer bulmuştur. (MENA) bölgesi, Yeşil Anlaşma'nın karbondan arındırma sürecinde farklı bir performans sergilemektedir; bazı ülkeler yenilenebilir enerjinin dağıtımında önemli ilerlemeler kaydederken, diğerleri ise yakın zamanda yatırım yapmaya başlamışlardır. Bölgenin yenilenebilir enerji açısından büyük bir potansiyeli mevcuttur, ancak destekleyici politikaların eksikliği, yetersiz altyapı ve sınırlı finansman seçenekleri gibi zorlukların varlığı ortadadır. MENA bölgesi, Yeşil Anlaşma Çerçevesi'nin Karbondan Arındırma Sürecini uygulamaya yönelik kayda değer bir ilerleme kaydetmiş olsa da, hala antlaşmanın daha ileriye geliştirilmesine yönelik atılacak bir çok adım vardır. Bununla birlikte, özellikle yenilenebilir enerjinin, ekonomik büyümenin ve süreç yönetim verimliliği dikkate alındığında, karbondan arındırma MENA bölgesinde az gelişmiş durumdadır. Anahtar kelimeler: Dekarbonizasyon; yenilenebilir enerji kaynağı; ekonomik büyüme; Performans etkinliği; Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika (MENA) bölgesi.
This thesis aims to analyse and compare the performance of the North African countries and Middle East (referred to in this thesis by MENA) in their decarbonization efforts inside the parameters of the Green Deal program. The study focuses on the countries of Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Algeria, and Yemen. A comparison is made with global trends and major industrial countries such as the European Union, Russia, the United States, and other significant global players. The primary indicators used for comparison are GDP, CO₂ and GHG emission trends, and population growth. The qualitative research includes a comprehensive examination of the institutional frameworks, legal frameworks, and policy frameworks put in place by MENA nations will aid in the process of decarbonization and develop low-carbon energy systems like renewable energy, energy-saving techniques, carbon intensity, and emission reduction goals. While the quantitative study assessing some of the main key indicator such as Annual total production (CO₂) million tonnes, Annual total production (CO₂) tonnes per person, Annual total production (CO₂) kilograms per dollar of GDP as a measure of how is the carbon intensive of country's economy, lower value means that a country produces more economic output with less carbon emissions, also the annual total production of CO₂ intensity of electricity generation per kilowatt-hour produced which represents the quantity of CO₂ released for every unit of energy produced, and finally the annual total production of CO₂ from flaring , lower annual total production of CO₂₂ from flaring in MENA countries, which heavily rely on oil and gas, indicates that the industry is effectively managing associated gases by either capturing or using them for productive purposes or by putting technologies in place to minimize flaring. A study shows that MENA countries have performed differently in terms of the Green Deal's decarbonization process, with some nations making considerable steps in the deployment of renewable energy and others only recently starting to invest in it. The region has a great deal of potential for renewable energy, but there are challenges like a limited financial options, inadequate infrastructure, and lack of supportive policies. Even though the MENA region has made some noteworthy progress toward implementing the Green Deal Framework's decarbonization process, there is still room for improvement. Decarbonization, however, remains underdeveloped in the MENA region, especially when thinking about the importance of economic growth, renewable energy, and the efficiency of governance. The MENA region's economic dependence on oil and gas has a significant impact on the present situation of decarbonization. Keywords: Decarbonization; renewable source of energy; economic growth; Performance effectiveness; North Africa and Middle East (MENA) region.
This thesis aims to analyse and compare the performance of the North African countries and Middle East (referred to in this thesis by MENA) in their decarbonization efforts inside the parameters of the Green Deal program. The study focuses on the countries of Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Algeria, and Yemen. A comparison is made with global trends and major industrial countries such as the European Union, Russia, the United States, and other significant global players. The primary indicators used for comparison are GDP, CO₂ and GHG emission trends, and population growth. The qualitative research includes a comprehensive examination of the institutional frameworks, legal frameworks, and policy frameworks put in place by MENA nations will aid in the process of decarbonization and develop low-carbon energy systems like renewable energy, energy-saving techniques, carbon intensity, and emission reduction goals. While the quantitative study assessing some of the main key indicator such as Annual total production (CO₂) million tonnes, Annual total production (CO₂) tonnes per person, Annual total production (CO₂) kilograms per dollar of GDP as a measure of how is the carbon intensive of country's economy, lower value means that a country produces more economic output with less carbon emissions, also the annual total production of CO₂ intensity of electricity generation per kilowatt-hour produced which represents the quantity of CO₂ released for every unit of energy produced, and finally the annual total production of CO₂ from flaring , lower annual total production of CO₂₂ from flaring in MENA countries, which heavily rely on oil and gas, indicates that the industry is effectively managing associated gases by either capturing or using them for productive purposes or by putting technologies in place to minimize flaring. A study shows that MENA countries have performed differently in terms of the Green Deal's decarbonization process, with some nations making considerable steps in the deployment of renewable energy and others only recently starting to invest in it. The region has a great deal of potential for renewable energy, but there are challenges like a limited financial options, inadequate infrastructure, and lack of supportive policies. Even though the MENA region has made some noteworthy progress toward implementing the Green Deal Framework's decarbonization process, there is still room for improvement. Decarbonization, however, remains underdeveloped in the MENA region, especially when thinking about the importance of economic growth, renewable energy, and the efficiency of governance. The MENA region's economic dependence on oil and gas has a significant impact on the present situation of decarbonization. Keywords: Decarbonization; renewable source of energy; economic growth; Performance effectiveness; North Africa and Middle East (MENA) region.
İşletme, Business Administration
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