Json sözdizimli gerçek zamanlı iletişim protokolü
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Nesnelerin İnterneti (IoT), kritik görev yazılımları, kurumsal uygulamalar, mikroservisler vb. alanlarda gerçek zamanlı ve platformdan bağımsız iletişim altyapılarına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu konuda TCP protokolünün Unicast, Multicast ve Broadcast tipi iletişim tipleri yetersiz kalmaktadır. Aracı sunucu üzerinden yapılan veri aktarımlarında ağ trafiği azaldığından veri iletim performansı artmaktadır ve aktarılan veriler daha optimum seviyede kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada platformdan bağımsız ağ istemcileri arasında gerçek zamanlı iletişim kurmak için aracı sunucu üzerinden verilerin aktarıldığı metin tabanlı ve JSON sözdizimli JTP (JSON Transmission Protocol) adında yeni bir protokol önerilmektedir. Yapılan çalışmada STOMP, XMPP, RESP ve NATS protokolleri incelenerek protokol boyutları ve algoritma performansı, çerçeve boyutları ve algoritma performansı ve insanlar tarafından okunup kodlanabilme seviyeleri değerlendirilmiştir. İncelenen protokoller ile JTP protokolü, karşılaştırma kriterleri ve işlevsel özellikler bakımından testleri yapılarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Yapılan değerlendirme sonucunda JTP'nin diğer alternatiflerine göre daha fazla işlevsel özelliğe sahip olduğu gösterilmiştir.
Real-time and platform-independent communication infrastructures are needed in the Internet of Things (IoT), critical task software, enterprise applications, microservices etc areas. In this regard, Unicast, Multicast and Broadcast communication types of the TCP protocol are insufficient. Data transmission performance increases through data transfer from the broker server, as network traffic is reduced and the transferred data are used at the optimum level. In this study, we propose a new protocol based on text-based and JSON syntax JTP (JSON Transmission Protocol) in which data is transmitted via the broker server to communicate in real time between the platform-independent network clients. In this study, STOMP, XMPP, RESP and NATS protocols were examined and protocol dimensions and algorithm performance, frame sizes and algorithm performance and human readability and coding levels were evaluated. The examined protocols and JTP protocol were compared by doing tests in terms of comparison criteria and functional properties. It has been shown that JTP features a higher number of functional properties in comparison to alternatives.
Real-time and platform-independent communication infrastructures are needed in the Internet of Things (IoT), critical task software, enterprise applications, microservices etc areas. In this regard, Unicast, Multicast and Broadcast communication types of the TCP protocol are insufficient. Data transmission performance increases through data transfer from the broker server, as network traffic is reduced and the transferred data are used at the optimum level. In this study, we propose a new protocol based on text-based and JSON syntax JTP (JSON Transmission Protocol) in which data is transmitted via the broker server to communicate in real time between the platform-independent network clients. In this study, STOMP, XMPP, RESP and NATS protocols were examined and protocol dimensions and algorithm performance, frame sizes and algorithm performance and human readability and coding levels were evaluated. The examined protocols and JTP protocol were compared by doing tests in terms of comparison criteria and functional properties. It has been shown that JTP features a higher number of functional properties in comparison to alternatives.
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontrol, Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Control
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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