Küreselleşme ve dijital dönüşüm çağında müzik eseri sahibinin mali haklarının korunması
Dünyada son dönemde dijital teknolojilerde yaşanan gelişmeler pek çok alanda olduğu gibi müzik alanında da önemli değişimlere neden olmuş, müzik endüstrisinde yeni bir dönemi başlatmıştır. Verilerin dijital ortama aktarılması, insan uygarlığının daha önce deneyimlemediği, yeni bir durumdur. Dijital dönüşüm, müzik alanına ilişkin veriler dâhil, dijital (sayısal) ortama aktarılan tüm verilerin işlenmesi, güvenlik ve özgünlüğünün korunması ve paylaşımının sağlanması alanlarında kendine özgü bir gündeme ve yeteneğe sahiptir. Mevcut teknolojik gelişmeler gözetildiğinde, şimdilerde veri yönetimi ve sesli ve görüntülü haberleşme gibi alanlarda yaşanmakta olan dijital dönüşümün, yakın zamanda müzik alanında yaşanacağı, müzik üretiminin, saklanmasının, kontrol ve iletiminin küresel ölçekte otomatikleştirilmiş bir dijital ortamda gerçekleşeceği anlaşılmaktadır. Bu yaşam ortamında, bireyin hususiyetlerini taşıyan müzik eserlerinin özgünlüğünün ve eser sahibinin haklarının korunması meselesinin günün değişen teknolojik koşullarına uygun olarak yeniden ele alınması gerekeceği açıktır. Araştırma, müzik endüstrisinin yakın geleceğine ilişkin anılan beklentiler ışığında şimdiden yapılacak hazırlıklara, oluşturulabilecek yaklaşımlara ilişkin farkındalık ve öneriler getirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Araştırmada iki aşama halinde, müzik eseri sahiplerinin ve yeri geldikçe bağlantılı hak sahiplerinin mali haklarına ilişkin mevcut (ve geleneksel) Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku düzenlemeleri ve yakın gelecekte yaşanması beklenen gelişmelerin yaratabileceği olası etkiler alınmıştır. Müzik eseri sahibinin mali hakları dâhil, Türkiye'deki tüm eser sahiplerinin tüm haklarını en etkin şekilde korumak için çağa ayak uydurulmalı, fikir ve sanat ürünleri artırılmalı ve en gelişmiş dijital teknolojilerden yararlanılmalıdır. Bu nedenle dijital dönüşüm çağı yakalanabilirse Türk Toplumunun Fikri Mülkiyet konularında yakınan ve direnen bir toplumdan fikir ve sanat alanlarında yenilik ve gelişimlere dost bir topluma dönüşebileceği ifade edilmiştir.
Recent developments in digital technologies in the world have caused significant changes in the field of music, as in many other fields, and have started a new era in the music industry. The transfer of data to digital media is a new situation that human civilization has not experienced before. Digital transformation has a unique agenda and ability in the fields of processing all data transferred to the digital environment, protecting its security and authenticity and ensuring it's sharing, including data related to the field of music. Considering the current technological developments, it is understood that the digital transformation currently being experienced in areas such as data management and audio and video communication will soon take place in the field of music, and the production, storage, control and transmission of music will take place in an automated digital environment on a global scale. In this living environment, it is clear that the issue of protecting the originality of musical works that have the characteristics of the individual and the rights of the author will need to be reconsidered in accordance with the changing technological conditions of the day. The research aims to raise awareness and suggestions regarding the preparations to be made now and the approaches that can be created in the light of the aforementioned expectations regarding the near future of the music industry. In the research, the current (and traditional) Intellectual Law regulations regarding the financial rights of musical owners and, where appropriate, related rights holders and the possible effects of the developments expected to be experienced in the near future were taken in two stages. In order to protect all the rights of all intellectual and artistic product owners in Turkey, including the financial rights of the musical work owners, it is necessary to keep up with the times, to increase the intellectual and artistic products and to benefit from the most advanced digital technologies. For this reason, it has been stated that if the era of digital transformation can be achieved, the Turkish society can transform from a society that complains and resists on Intellectual Property issues to a society that is friendly to innovations and developments in the fields of thought and art.
Recent developments in digital technologies in the world have caused significant changes in the field of music, as in many other fields, and have started a new era in the music industry. The transfer of data to digital media is a new situation that human civilization has not experienced before. Digital transformation has a unique agenda and ability in the fields of processing all data transferred to the digital environment, protecting its security and authenticity and ensuring it's sharing, including data related to the field of music. Considering the current technological developments, it is understood that the digital transformation currently being experienced in areas such as data management and audio and video communication will soon take place in the field of music, and the production, storage, control and transmission of music will take place in an automated digital environment on a global scale. In this living environment, it is clear that the issue of protecting the originality of musical works that have the characteristics of the individual and the rights of the author will need to be reconsidered in accordance with the changing technological conditions of the day. The research aims to raise awareness and suggestions regarding the preparations to be made now and the approaches that can be created in the light of the aforementioned expectations regarding the near future of the music industry. In the research, the current (and traditional) Intellectual Law regulations regarding the financial rights of musical owners and, where appropriate, related rights holders and the possible effects of the developments expected to be experienced in the near future were taken in two stages. In order to protect all the rights of all intellectual and artistic product owners in Turkey, including the financial rights of the musical work owners, it is necessary to keep up with the times, to increase the intellectual and artistic products and to benefit from the most advanced digital technologies. For this reason, it has been stated that if the era of digital transformation can be achieved, the Turkish society can transform from a society that complains and resists on Intellectual Property issues to a society that is friendly to innovations and developments in the fields of thought and art.
Müzik, Music