Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering System Modelling for Parameter Fault Detection Based on Model Reference Adaptive Frame

dc.authoridOzturk, Salih Baris/0000-0001-8322-4066
dc.authorwosidTUNCAY, Ramazan/AAI-6551-2020
dc.authorwosidOzturk, Salih Baris/D-4216-2019
dc.contributor.authorKivanc, O. C.
dc.contributor.authorOzturk, S. B.
dc.contributor.authorTuncay, R. N.
dc.contributor.authorKesici, E.
dc.contributor.authorYazi, C.
dc.departmentOkan Universityen_US
dc.department-temp[Kivanc, O. C.; Ozturk, S. B.; Tuncay, R. N.] Okan Univ, Dept Elect & Elect Engn, Istanbul, Turkey; [Kesici, E.; Yazi, C.] Hema Endustri AS, R&D Ctr, Istanbul, Turkeyen_US
dc.descriptionOzturk, Salih Baris/0000-0001-8322-4066en_US
dc.description.abstractA simple and efficient fault detection and parameter monitoring algorithm for electro-hydraulic power steering (EHPS) system is proposed using model reference adaptive system (MRAS) without any additional sensor. In a faulty situation where the hydraulic system is disabled, assisted power is provided by an electric motor. Therefore, in low speed maneuvers, during sudden direction changes and parking, some parameters of an electric motor in EHPS are affected. These changes threaten the vehicle's driving reliability and performance of EHPS. In this study, an EHPS system with rotor flux estimation based adaptive driver torque control principle has been presented. The motor winding temperature is obtained for monitoring purpose with the help of MRAS stator resistance estimation. The proposed parameter estimation method for EHPS has been simulated by using AMESim and MATLAB/Simulink co-simulation model. Simulation results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipScientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [1120308]en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) funded project (1120308). The authors would like to thank Asst. General Manager Aziz Asrak and R&D Design Manager Gokay Uymaz from HEMA Endustri A.S. and Research & Project Devevopment Director Prof. Orhan Alankus from Okan University for their support and encouragement. The authors would also thank Dr. Basar Ozkan for his help in reviewing the paper.en_US
dc.description.woscitationindexConference Proceedings Citation Index - Science
dc.institutionauthorKıvanç, Ömer Cihan
dc.relation.ispartof42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE-Industrial-Electronics-Society (IECON) -- OCT 24-27, 2016 -- Florence, ITALYen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesIEEE Industrial Electronics Society
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectModel reference adaptive system (MRAS)en_US
dc.subjectelectro-hydraulic power steering sytem (EHPS)en_US
dc.subjectcondition monitoringen_US
dc.subjectfault diagnosisen_US
dc.subjectfault toleranten_US
dc.subjectparameter estimationen_US
dc.subjectrotor flux estimationen_US
dc.subjectstator resistance estimationen_US
dc.subjecttemperature estimationen_US
dc.titleElectro-Hydraulic Power Steering System Modelling for Parameter Fault Detection Based on Model Reference Adaptive Frameen_US
dc.typeConference Objecten_US
