Bankacılık sektöründeki risklerin değerlendirilmesi ve operasyonel risklerin teknoloji ile ilişkilendirilmesi
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Birey ve toplum yaşamlarının her noktasında riskin varlığından söz etmek mümkündür. Gündelik yaşantıdan, ticarete, kamu hizmetlerinden uluslararası ilişkilere dek bu alan genişletilebilir. Finansal hizmetler sektörü, kıymetli varlığa aracılık ettiği için özellikle riske maruz kalan bir sektördür. Dünyada yaşanan değişim rüzgarları ve küreselleşme, tüm alanlarda oluğu gibi finans alanında da gelişim ve değişimin öncüsü olmuştur. Ayrıca teknolojik gelişmeler ve bilgi toplumuna geçiş süreci de finansal hizmetleri derinden etkilemiştir. Teknoloji günümüzde her anlamda insanoğlunun yaşamını kolaylaştıran çok önemli bir araç haline gelmiştir. Teknolojinin dahil olmadığı bir yaşam artık düşünülemez. Finansal hizmetlerde teknolojinin nimetlerinden sonuna kadar yararlanarak bu alanda yeni bir ufkun öncüsü olmuştur. Bu durum risk kavramının da gelişmesi ve genişlemesine neden olmuştur. Artık finansal kurumlar yalnızca iş ve operasyonel risklerle değil aynı zamanda teknoloji riskleri ile de mücadele etmek zorundadırlar. Dolayısıyla günümüz bankacılığında risk, kesintisiz var olan ve sürekli artan bir gerçekliktir. Bankalar ticari hedeflerine ulaşmaya çalışırken hem finansal risklerini hem de operasyonel ve teknolojik risklerini kontrol altında tutmak ve minimize etmek zorundadırlar. Bu nedenle bankalar kendilerini tehdit edebilecek riskleri iyi tanımalı, ölçmeli, izlemeli ve etkin şekilde yönetmelidir. Risk genel olarak, gelecekte olması beklenen olaylara ilişkin beklenti dışında gerçekleşen ve çoğunlukla olumsuz nitelikli sonuçlar doğuran olaylar olarak tanımlanabilir. Buradan hareketle bankacılık riskleri de öngörülemeyen nedenlerden kaynaklanan zarar etme olasılığı olarak özetlenebilir. Çalışmamız, ana tema olarak bankacılık iş riskleri ile operasyonel riskleri ele almakta, operasyonel riskleri de genişleterek teknoloji risklerine odaklanmaktadır. Öncelikle bilgi ve riske yönelik kavramsal boyutun ortaya konduğu çalışma, bankacılık iş riskleri, operasyonel riskler ve operasyonel riske yönelik risk yönetim çalışmalarını ele almaktadır. Devamında bankacılık sektörünün karşı karşıya bulunduğu teknoloji riskleri geniş bir kapsamda incelenmektedir. Son bölümde teknoloji risklerinin yönetilmesi konusunda kullanılmakta olan risk yönetim çerçeveleri geniş bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirilmektedir. Teknoloji risklerinden bahsetmeden önce finans sektörünün teknolojiden ne şekilde ve hangi amaçlarla yararlandığı, ne tür teknoloji odaklı hizmetler verildiği ve teknolojinin ne seviyede kullanıldığını anlamak önemlidir. Çalışmanın üçüncü bölümünde bu konular geniş şekilde ele alınmıştır. Teknoloji risklerinin yönetilmesi tek başına finansal kurumların Bilgi Teknolojileri birimlerinin sorumluluğunda olmamalıdır. Teknolojiyi, tüm süreçlerinde ve hizmetlerinde bir omurga olarak kullanan günümüz bankaları, riskle mücadelede personelin farkındalığından yönetim sistemlerine dek bu mücadeleyi kurumsal kültürlerinin bir parçası olarak içselleştirmek zorundadırlar. Teknoloji riskleri ile etkin mücadele ancak bu şekilde mümkün olmaktadır. Son bölüm teknoloji risk yönetimi ile bir alt seviyede bilgi güvenliğinin temininde yoğun olarak kullanılan risk yönetim sistemlerine ayrılmıştır. Birçok farklı özellik ve uzmanlık alanı olan risk yönetim sistem ve çerçeveleri bu alanda dünya çapında geniş kullanım alanı bulmaktadır. Ülkemizde de bu çerçevelerin kullanımının özellikle yasal otorite yönlendirmesi ve yasal denetim fonksiyonunun ağırlık kazanmasıyla genişlediği ve arttığı görülmektedir. Bu çerçevelerin güçlü ve zayıf yönleri en iyi uygulamalarla aktarılmaktadır. Son bölümde iş sürekliliğinin risk yönetim çerçevelerinde ele alınış şekilleri ile teknoloji risklerinin yasal boyutu da incelenerek bu konudaki mevcut durum ve yapılan çalışmalar ortaya konmuştur. Çalışma özetinde bankacılığın en eski risk türlerinden olan operasyonel riskin en yeni parçası olan teknoloji riskleri ve bu risklerle nasıl mücadele edildiği geniş bir perspektifle verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla incelenen teknoloji risk yönetim çerçevelerinin kurumsal bazda mevcut çalışmalara ışık tutması ve referans olması ümit edilmektedir.
In every point of individual and social life, it is possible to talk about existence of a risk. This domain may be expanded from daily life to trade, from public services to international relations. Sector of financial services is exposing to especially risk as it is mediating to a precious asset. Winds of change being experienced in the world as well as globalisation have been the pioneer of development and alterations in financial domain as in all other domains. In addition, technological progressions and transition to information society had deep impact over financial services, too. Today the technology has become a significant instrument making social life easier in every aspect. No more life is considered to live without technology. And financial services have benefited from technologic advantages with great extend and it leaded to open a new horizon for this domain. Furthermore this situation has caused the risk concept to be developed and expanded. Financial institutions are obliged to challenge not only with business and operational risks but also technologic risks. As a consequence, risk in current banking business is an uninterruptedly existing and permanently increasing reality. Banks have to keep under control and minimize both their financial risks and operational and technologic risks while they are trying to achieve their commercial goals. Therefore, banks should well-recognize, test, monitor and effectively conduct potential risks presenting a thread against them. Risk may be defined in general as incidents which realised out of our expectations regarding any events expected to happen in the future and with majority caused negative results. From this point of view, banking risks may be summarized as possibility of exposing to damage arising out of such unexpected reasons. Our study as a main theme is handling business risks and operational risks in banking business, expanding concept of operational risks and thereby focusing on technologic risks. The study, at which conceptual dimension towards information and risk were set out, is on the first hand examining business risks, operational risks in the banking process and risk management activities with regards to operational risk. Later to a great extend it handles technologic risks with which the banking sector has encountered. In the final division, risk managing frames being used in the management of technologic risks are assessed from a wide perspective. Before talking about technologic risks, it is important to understand how and for what purpose financial sector benefited from technology, what kind of technology-focused services were rendered and in what extend technology was used. In division three, such issues have been handled in great extension. It is our opinion that financial institutions, Information Technology units should not be held solely responsible for the management of technologic risks. Banks today are utilising technology in their overall processes and services as a backbone and therefore they have to internalize this challenge from conscious level of personnel to management systems as an integral part of their organisational challenge. Effective challenge with technologic risks may be only made through this manner. Final division has been appointed to management of technology risk as well as risk management systems which are intensively used to ensure information safety in one lower level. Risk management system and frames which are subject matter of many different specialty domains are finding a wide area of utilisation across the world. It is witnessed in our territory that such frames have expanded and increased on basis of duly orientation by legal authorities and importance paid to function of legal inspection. Strengths and poor aspects of such frames are transited through good practices. In the final division, handling formats of business continuity under frames of risk management as well as legal dimension of technologic risk are examined and current situation and any studies held up to now have been set out. In the summary paragraphs, it is tried to reflect in a wide perspective technologic risk that is the newest part of operational risk which is one of the oldest risk types and how they challenged with such risk. With this intention, it is expected that management frames of technologic risk we are currently examining to light the way to current studies in organisation aspect and be a reference for them.
In every point of individual and social life, it is possible to talk about existence of a risk. This domain may be expanded from daily life to trade, from public services to international relations. Sector of financial services is exposing to especially risk as it is mediating to a precious asset. Winds of change being experienced in the world as well as globalisation have been the pioneer of development and alterations in financial domain as in all other domains. In addition, technological progressions and transition to information society had deep impact over financial services, too. Today the technology has become a significant instrument making social life easier in every aspect. No more life is considered to live without technology. And financial services have benefited from technologic advantages with great extend and it leaded to open a new horizon for this domain. Furthermore this situation has caused the risk concept to be developed and expanded. Financial institutions are obliged to challenge not only with business and operational risks but also technologic risks. As a consequence, risk in current banking business is an uninterruptedly existing and permanently increasing reality. Banks have to keep under control and minimize both their financial risks and operational and technologic risks while they are trying to achieve their commercial goals. Therefore, banks should well-recognize, test, monitor and effectively conduct potential risks presenting a thread against them. Risk may be defined in general as incidents which realised out of our expectations regarding any events expected to happen in the future and with majority caused negative results. From this point of view, banking risks may be summarized as possibility of exposing to damage arising out of such unexpected reasons. Our study as a main theme is handling business risks and operational risks in banking business, expanding concept of operational risks and thereby focusing on technologic risks. The study, at which conceptual dimension towards information and risk were set out, is on the first hand examining business risks, operational risks in the banking process and risk management activities with regards to operational risk. Later to a great extend it handles technologic risks with which the banking sector has encountered. In the final division, risk managing frames being used in the management of technologic risks are assessed from a wide perspective. Before talking about technologic risks, it is important to understand how and for what purpose financial sector benefited from technology, what kind of technology-focused services were rendered and in what extend technology was used. In division three, such issues have been handled in great extension. It is our opinion that financial institutions, Information Technology units should not be held solely responsible for the management of technologic risks. Banks today are utilising technology in their overall processes and services as a backbone and therefore they have to internalize this challenge from conscious level of personnel to management systems as an integral part of their organisational challenge. Effective challenge with technologic risks may be only made through this manner. Final division has been appointed to management of technology risk as well as risk management systems which are intensively used to ensure information safety in one lower level. Risk management system and frames which are subject matter of many different specialty domains are finding a wide area of utilisation across the world. It is witnessed in our territory that such frames have expanded and increased on basis of duly orientation by legal authorities and importance paid to function of legal inspection. Strengths and poor aspects of such frames are transited through good practices. In the final division, handling formats of business continuity under frames of risk management as well as legal dimension of technologic risk are examined and current situation and any studies held up to now have been set out. In the summary paragraphs, it is tried to reflect in a wide perspective technologic risk that is the newest part of operational risk which is one of the oldest risk types and how they challenged with such risk. With this intention, it is expected that management frames of technologic risk we are currently examining to light the way to current studies in organisation aspect and be a reference for them.
Bankacılık, Bankalar, Bilgi teknolojisi, Bilgi ve ilgili teknolojiler için kontrol hedefleri, Elektronik bankacılık, Banking, Banks, Finansal risk, Information technology, Kurumsal risk yönetimi, Control objectives for information and related technology, Electronic banking, Mobil bankacılık, Financial risk, Enterprise risk management, Operasyonel risk, Mobile banking, Risk, Operational risk, Risk, Teknoloji, Technology
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