Kent planlamanın suç oranlarını azaltmadaki rolü:Al-Khums kenti, Libya örneği
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Büyük kentlerde, nüfusun ve ekonomik faaliyetlerin artmasıyla birlikte konut alanlarının da yayılması, suç oranlarının artmasına neden olabilmektedir. Bu durum, planlamanın konut alanlarındaki sosyal bağları kuvvetlendirmede üstlendiği önemli ve aktif role ragmen, genellikle geleneksel sosyal ilişkilerin zayıflığı ile ilişkilidir. Bununla birlikte planlama, potansiyel suç faaliyetlerinin azaltılması ve güvenlik düzeyinin artırılması ile, kentte yaşayanlara bir güvenlik hissi vermektedir. Bu çalışma, kent planlamanın suç oranlarını azaltmaktaki rolünü, Libya'nın ALKhums kenti örneği üzerinden tartışmaktadır. Çalışma, AL-Khums kentinin sokak ağının mekansal örgütlenmesinin analizlerine dayanmaktadır. Mekansal örgütlenme, Prof. Bill Hillier tarafından geliştirilmiş olan Mekan Dizim teorisini esas almaktadır. Mekansal örgütlenme analizlerinde UCL DepthmapX yazılımı kullanılarak global bütünleşme, lokal bütünleşme ve bağlantılılık değerleri incelenmiştir. Çalışmada mekan dizim değerleri ile suç oranları karşılaştırılarak aralarındaki korelasyon, suçun türü ve konumu dikkate alınarak incelenmiştir. Tüm korelasyon analizleri SPSS yazılımı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Yapılan araştırma, suç oranları ile mekan dizim yöntemi ile ölçülen mekansal örgütlenme arasındaki güçlü bir bağıntı olduğunu göstermektedir. Çalışmanın sonuçları, suç oranlarını azaltmada kent planlamanın dikkate değer bir önemi olduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda, yapılacak planlama çalışmalarında sokak ağı örgütlenmesinin etkilerinin göz önünde bulundurulması gerekmektedir.
In big cities, the expansion of residential neighbourhoods alongside with the increase in the number of people and the rise in the economic activities can lead to the increase of crime. This is usually relevant to weakness in traditional social relationship conviction. In spite of the essential and active role that the planning method of residential areas plays in strengthening of social connections between residents. In addition, this planning method gives the residents a sense of security, involving them in lowering the potential for criminal activities, and increasing the level of security within their neighbourhoods. This study discusses the role of urban planning in reducing the crime levels in AL-Khums city, Libya. The study depends on the analysis of 'spatial configuration' in street networks. 'The spatial configuration' was implemented by space syntax theory, proposed by Bill Hillier. Whereas the spatial configuration analysis is studied the values of global integration, local integration and connectivity, the UCL DepthmapX software was implemented. The study them bolsters comparison between crime rates and space syntax, evaluating the correlations between each of the former values and crime rates, types and places of crimes occurrence. All of these correlations were analysed by SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Version 25). The research has shown that there is a strong relation between the crime rates and spatial configuration that has been measured through space syntax technique. The results of the study emphasize the significance of urban planning in reducing crime rates. In the light of these results, it could be stated that the effects of street network configuration should be taken into consideration in the future urban planning studies.
In big cities, the expansion of residential neighbourhoods alongside with the increase in the number of people and the rise in the economic activities can lead to the increase of crime. This is usually relevant to weakness in traditional social relationship conviction. In spite of the essential and active role that the planning method of residential areas plays in strengthening of social connections between residents. In addition, this planning method gives the residents a sense of security, involving them in lowering the potential for criminal activities, and increasing the level of security within their neighbourhoods. This study discusses the role of urban planning in reducing the crime levels in AL-Khums city, Libya. The study depends on the analysis of 'spatial configuration' in street networks. 'The spatial configuration' was implemented by space syntax theory, proposed by Bill Hillier. Whereas the spatial configuration analysis is studied the values of global integration, local integration and connectivity, the UCL DepthmapX software was implemented. The study them bolsters comparison between crime rates and space syntax, evaluating the correlations between each of the former values and crime rates, types and places of crimes occurrence. All of these correlations were analysed by SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Version 25). The research has shown that there is a strong relation between the crime rates and spatial configuration that has been measured through space syntax technique. The results of the study emphasize the significance of urban planning in reducing crime rates. In the light of these results, it could be stated that the effects of street network configuration should be taken into consideration in the future urban planning studies.
Mimarlık, Architecture
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