Erken cumhuriyet dönemi musiki yaşamının Kemal Emin Bara yazılarındaki yansımaları
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Bu çalışmada, Kemal Emin Bara'nın Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nde gazete ve mecmualardaki yazılarında, musikiye dair görüşleri ve eleştirileri yer almaktadır. Bestekâr, Türk musikisine yönelik farklı düşünsel ortamlarda bulunmuş, zamanın musiki düşüncelerine tercüman olmuştur. Birçok farklı özelliği bünyesinde barındıran Kemal Emin Bara, bu çalışmada sanatçı ve eleştirmen kimliği ile ön plandadır. Gençlik yıllarında, yazılarında Türk musikisine karşı olumsuz tavırlar beslediği görülmektedir, fakat bu durumu bir Türk musikisi karşıtlığı olarak ele almak yerine, Türk musikisinin asıl bulunması gereken yerde olmamasından dolayı bestekârın tepkisel bir yaklaşımı olarak değerlendirmek gerekir. Ömrünün ileriki yıllarında Hüseyin Sadettin Arel (1880-1955) ile tanışarak Türk musikisinin inceliklerine vakıf olduktan sonra, bu müziğin millî özelliklerimizi bünyesinde barındıran; ıslah edilebilir ve sahip çıkılması gereken bir müzik olduğu üzerinde şiddetle durur. Yazılarında özellikle alaturka ve alafranga karşıtlığı, müzik eğitimi, sahne üslubu, Türk müziğinin kökeni, Türk musikisi düşmanlığı, gibi konularda eleştirel yazılar kaleme almıştır. Çalışma sürecinde Kemal Emin Bara, -musikişinaslığı başta olmak üzere- tüm yönleriyle tanıtılmaya çalışılmış, kaleme aldığı yazılar irdelenmiş, konuyla ilgili incelemelerde bulunan diğer araştırmacıların, bu bestekârı daha yakından tanımaları için bir zemin ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır.
In this study, Kemal Emin Bara's views and criticisms on music in his articles in newspapers and magazines during the Early Republican Period are included. The composer has been in different intellectual environments for Turkish music and has been an interpreter of the musical ideas of the time. Kemal Emin Bara, who embodies many different features, is at the forefront with his artist and critic identity in this work. In his youth, it is seen that he had negative attitudes towards Turkish music in his writings, but instead of considering this situation as an enmity towards Turkish music, it should be evaluated as a reactionary approach of the composer since Turkish music is not where it should be. In the later years of his life, he met Hüseyin Sadettin Arel and became acquainted with the intricacies of Turkish music. He strongly emphasizes that it is a music that can be improved and should be embraced. In his writings, he wrote critical articles on issues such as opposition to Turkish and European style, music education, stage style, origin of Turkish music, hostility to Turkish music. During the study process, Kemal Emin Bara was tried to be introduced with all his aspects, especially his music, his writings were examined, and a basis was tried to be put forward so that other researchers who made researches on the subject could get to know this composer more closely.
In this study, Kemal Emin Bara's views and criticisms on music in his articles in newspapers and magazines during the Early Republican Period are included. The composer has been in different intellectual environments for Turkish music and has been an interpreter of the musical ideas of the time. Kemal Emin Bara, who embodies many different features, is at the forefront with his artist and critic identity in this work. In his youth, it is seen that he had negative attitudes towards Turkish music in his writings, but instead of considering this situation as an enmity towards Turkish music, it should be evaluated as a reactionary approach of the composer since Turkish music is not where it should be. In the later years of his life, he met Hüseyin Sadettin Arel and became acquainted with the intricacies of Turkish music. He strongly emphasizes that it is a music that can be improved and should be embraced. In his writings, he wrote critical articles on issues such as opposition to Turkish and European style, music education, stage style, origin of Turkish music, hostility to Turkish music. During the study process, Kemal Emin Bara was tried to be introduced with all his aspects, especially his music, his writings were examined, and a basis was tried to be put forward so that other researchers who made researches on the subject could get to know this composer more closely.
Müzik, Music
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