İç denetim standartları çerçevesinde kalite güvence uygulamaları ve bir uygulama
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Denetim faaliyeti, kalite sağlamayı amaçlayan bir faaliyet olarak ifade edilebilir. İç denetim faaliyetinin kalitesi, günümüzde İç Denetçiler Enstitüsü (IIA) tarafından belirlenen uluslararası alanda genel kabul gören Uluslararası İç Denetim Mesleki Uygulama Standartlarına (Standartlara) uygunlukla ölçülmektedir. IIA, bu standartlar kapsamında 1300 – Kalite Güvence Geliştirme Programı (KGGP) standardı ile iç denetimde kalite ölçütü ortaya koymuştur. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak 1 Ocak 2002 tarihinde düzenlenen, 2007 ve 2009 yıllarında ise gözden geçirilerek önemli değişiklikler yapılan KGGP standardına ilişkin temel standartlar ve uygulama tavsiyeleri ele alınmış, geçmişten günümüze denetimde kalite anlayışının değişimi konusunda bilgi verilmiştir. Daha sonra ise Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren bağımsız denetim firmalarından biri tarafından Türkiye'nin sayılı büyük firmalarından birine yönelik gerçekleştirilen KKGP'nin mülakat yolu ile elde edilen raporunun detayları incelenmiştir. Raporda değerlendirmeci şirketin, değerlendirilen şirketin iç denetim faaliyetinin IIA'in İç Denetim Standartlarına 'kısmi uygun' olduğuna dair görüş bildirildiği bilgisine ulaşılmış, bu ifadenin kullanılma gerekçesi olarak da risk esaslı denetim planının yapılmamasının gösterildiği tespit edilmiştir.
Audit activity could be expressed as an activity aimed at achieving quality. The quality of the internal audit activity is measured by compliance with International Internal Audit Professional Practices Standards (Standards) which are determined by Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and internationally accepted. By the scope of these standards, the IIA revealed a measurement of the quality by the standard of 1300 – Quality Assurance and Improvement Programme (QAIP). In this study we discussed the basic standards and recommendations of QAIP which became valid in January 1, 2002 and then significant changes are made by revising in 2007 and 2009. We also tried to give information about the changes in the understanding of quality in auditing. Then we investigated the details of the report of QAIP. The report was prepared for one of the largest companies in Turkey by one of the largest independent auditing firms which is operating in Turkey. As far as we obtained from the report, the evaluator company reported that the internal audit activity of the firm is partially conforms to the IIA's Internal Auditing Standards. The reason of to use this expression is failure to risk based audit plan.
Audit activity could be expressed as an activity aimed at achieving quality. The quality of the internal audit activity is measured by compliance with International Internal Audit Professional Practices Standards (Standards) which are determined by Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and internationally accepted. By the scope of these standards, the IIA revealed a measurement of the quality by the standard of 1300 – Quality Assurance and Improvement Programme (QAIP). In this study we discussed the basic standards and recommendations of QAIP which became valid in January 1, 2002 and then significant changes are made by revising in 2007 and 2009. We also tried to give information about the changes in the understanding of quality in auditing. Then we investigated the details of the report of QAIP. The report was prepared for one of the largest companies in Turkey by one of the largest independent auditing firms which is operating in Turkey. As far as we obtained from the report, the evaluator company reported that the internal audit activity of the firm is partially conforms to the IIA's Internal Auditing Standards. The reason of to use this expression is failure to risk based audit plan.
İşletme, Business Administration
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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