Diyabetli bireylerde uyku kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi
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Güzel, Dilek
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Uyku, insanın yaşamını sürdürebilmesi için temel ihtiyaçlardan biridir ve uyku kalitesinin kötü olması insan yaşamını olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Kötü uyku kalitesiyle birlikte diyabetin görülme oranında artmakta olduğu ve diyabetin uyku kalitesinde bozulmaya neden olduğu gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; diyabetli bireylerde uyku kalitelerini değerlendirmektir. Çalışma, Balıkesir ilinde bulunan iki devlet hastanesinin dahiliye polikliniklerinde takip ve tedavileri yapılan 200 diyabetli birey ile gerçekleştirildi. Çalışma kapsamına alınan bireylerin %92 (n=184)'si Tip 2 diyabet tanısı almış olup, yaş ortalaması 56.25±13.15 (20-75) yıl, %63 (n=126)'ü erkek, %37 (n=74)'si kadındır. Araştırma verilerinin elde edilmesinde Hasta Tanıtım Formu, Pittsburgh Uyku Kalitesi İndeksi (PUKİ) ve Uyku Sonrası Değerlendirme Formu (USD) kullanıldı. Araştırma verileri yüzdelik ve aritmetik ortalama ± standart sapma ile gösterildi. Verilerin istatistiksel analizinde; Pearson korelasyon testi ve student t-testi kullanıldı. Diyabetli bireylerin uyku süresi ortalamasının7,22 ± 1,43 saat olduğu, PUKİ'ne göre % 74.5'inde uyku kalitesinin kötü olduğu, USD'e göre % 9.0'unda (n=18) çok fazla, % 25.5'inde (n=51) fazla, % 34.5'inde (n=69) orta derecede ve % 30'unda (n=60) az uyku sorunu olduğu belirlendi. Kadınlara göre erkeklerin uyku kalitesinin daha kötü olduğu, yaş arttıkça uyku kalitesinin bozulduğu saptandı. Diyabet dışında başka hastalık varlığında ve noktüri nedeni ile uyku sorunlarının arttığı bulundu. Diyabetli bireylerde gece uykusu, yatma zamanı ve uyanma zamanı ile ilgili sorunlar arttıkça uyku kalitesinde de bozulma artmaktadır. Buna göre; diyabetli bireylerde uyku durumunun değerlendirilmesi için uyku süresi ile birlikte uygun ölçekler kullanılması ve özellikle yaşlılarda yeterli gece uykusunun sağlanması için önlemlerin alınması önerilmektedir.
Sleep is one of the basic needs for people' survive, and bad sleep quality affects human life negatively. It has been shown that the rate of diabetes mellitus increases because of poor sleep quality and diabetes causes deterioration in quality of sleep. The purpose of this study is to evaluate equality of sleep in diabetic individuals. The study was carried out with 200 diabetic individuals whose follow-up and treatment were carried out in the outpatient clinics of the two state hospitals in the province of Balıkesir. The mean age of the subjects was 56.25 ± 13.15 (20-75) years, and 92 % (n = 184) of diabetic individuals had diagnoses Type 2 diabetes mellitus, 63% (n=126) were male and 37% (n=74) were females. Patient Presentation Form, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PUKI) and Post-Sleep Assessment Form (PSA) were used to obtain the research data. Data were presented as percentage and arithmetic mean ± standard deviation. Pearson's correlation test and student t-test were used for statistical analysis of the data. The mean duration of sleep was 7.22 ± 1.43 hours. It was determined that 74.5% of diabetic individuals had poor sleep quality according to PUKI, and 9.0 % (n = 18) of diabetic individuals had too much sleep problems, 25.5 % (n= 51)of them had excessive, 34.5 % (n = 69) of them had moderate and 30% (n = 60) of them had low sleep problems according to PSA. It was determined that men 'quality of sleep was worse than women, and sleep quality deteriorated as age increased. It was found that sleep problems increased cause of presence of other illnesses other than diabetes and the nokturia. Poorer quality of sleep was associate with higher problem related to night sleep, sleeping time and time to wake in diabetic individuals. According to this; it is suggested to use appropriate scales with sleep duration to evaluate sleep hygiene in diabetic individuals, and to take precautions to ensure adequate night time sleepiness, especially in the elderly.
Sleep is one of the basic needs for people' survive, and bad sleep quality affects human life negatively. It has been shown that the rate of diabetes mellitus increases because of poor sleep quality and diabetes causes deterioration in quality of sleep. The purpose of this study is to evaluate equality of sleep in diabetic individuals. The study was carried out with 200 diabetic individuals whose follow-up and treatment were carried out in the outpatient clinics of the two state hospitals in the province of Balıkesir. The mean age of the subjects was 56.25 ± 13.15 (20-75) years, and 92 % (n = 184) of diabetic individuals had diagnoses Type 2 diabetes mellitus, 63% (n=126) were male and 37% (n=74) were females. Patient Presentation Form, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PUKI) and Post-Sleep Assessment Form (PSA) were used to obtain the research data. Data were presented as percentage and arithmetic mean ± standard deviation. Pearson's correlation test and student t-test were used for statistical analysis of the data. The mean duration of sleep was 7.22 ± 1.43 hours. It was determined that 74.5% of diabetic individuals had poor sleep quality according to PUKI, and 9.0 % (n = 18) of diabetic individuals had too much sleep problems, 25.5 % (n= 51)of them had excessive, 34.5 % (n = 69) of them had moderate and 30% (n = 60) of them had low sleep problems according to PSA. It was determined that men 'quality of sleep was worse than women, and sleep quality deteriorated as age increased. It was found that sleep problems increased cause of presence of other illnesses other than diabetes and the nokturia. Poorer quality of sleep was associate with higher problem related to night sleep, sleeping time and time to wake in diabetic individuals. According to this; it is suggested to use appropriate scales with sleep duration to evaluate sleep hygiene in diabetic individuals, and to take precautions to ensure adequate night time sleepiness, especially in the elderly.
Hemşirelik, Diabetes mellitus, Nursing, Uyku, Diabetes mellitus, Sleep, Uyku bozuklukları, Sleep disorders
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