Vergi uyuşmazlıklarında idari çözüm yolları
Vergi, kuşkusuz devletlerin varlığını sürdürebilmeleri için kişilerden aldığı en kolay finansman kaynağıdır. Bu kaynağın ne şekilde toplanacağı ile ilgili olarak çeşitli kanuni düzenlemeler çıkarılmaktadır. Bu yasal düzenlemelerin uygulamaları sırasında verginin toplayıcıları ile ödeyenleri arasında doğal olarak bir takım anlaşmazlıklar çıkmaktadır. Bu anlaşmazlıklar vergi hukukunda vergi uyuşmazlıkları olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Genel olarak uyuşmazlıklar yasal düzenlemelerin gerektiği kadar açık ve anlaşılabilir olmaması, vergi toplayıcı idarenin, yasaların özü ve amacıyla çelişen uygulama açıklamalarına göre işlem yapmak istemesi gibi sebeplerden çıkmaktadır. Vergi uyuşmazlıkları iki şekilde çözümlenebilmektedir. Bunlardan biri idari yollar diğeri de yargı yolu ile çözümdür. Çalışmamızda vergi uyuşmazlıklarının idari çözüm yollarına başvurularak ortadan kaldırılması, başvurulan bu yol ile çözüm süresi ve uyuşmazlığın verdiği huzursuzluk boyutları ile mükellef ve idare ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Vergi uyuşmazlıklarının çözüm yolları başlıca uzlaşma, vergi hataları ve düzeltme, pişmanlık ve ıslah, cezalarda indirim ve vergi hukukumuza 01.09.2017 tarihinden itibaren uygulamaya girmiş olan izaha davet müesseseleri olmak üzere beş bölümde ele alınmıştır. Bu çözüm yolları ve uygulamaları hakkında açıklayıcı bilgiler verilmiştir. İdarenin merkeziyetçi ve otoriter tutumunu aşamadığı bunun da mükelleflerin genelde yargı yolunu tercih edilmesinin önüne geçemediği, bu sürecin de idare mükellef ilişkilerini zedelediği bir gerçektir. İdare ile mükellef arasında ortaya çıkan ihtilaflarda vergi yargısının kararı mükellef açısından en kabul edilebilen sonuç görünümündedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Vergi, Vergi Uyuşmazlıkları, Vergi Yargısı, Uzlaşma, Düzeltme, Vergi Hataları, İzah, İzaha Davet, Pişmanlık, Vergi Cezası, Cezalarda İndirim
Tax is undoubtedly the easiest financial resource that is taken from people of the governments to maintain the existence. Several legal regulations are maken with respect to how this resource is collected. During the applications of this legal regulations, naturally some disagreement occur between pickers of the tax and the payers. These disagreements are called tax disputes in tax law. Generally, disputes arise from the fact that legal arrangements are not as clear and understandable as they are needed, and that the tax collector is wishing to act according to the conflicting application statements with essence of the laws. Tax disputes can be resolved in two ways. One of them is the administrative way and the other is the solution by judiciary. In this study, removing the tax disputes by applying to the administrative resolving remedies, with this apply solution time and magnitude of unrestness that is caused by disputes, and the relation between taxpayer and administration were investigated. The solution methods of the tax disputes are mainly discussed in five sections as Reconciliation, Tax Errors and Corrections, Repentance and Correction, Discount in Scott, and Invitation to Explanation Organizations that have been implemented in Taxation Law, since 01.09.2017. Explanatory information about these solutions and their applications were given. It is the truth that Administration cannot pass the centralized and authoritarian attitude, this also cannot pass in front of the taxpayers' general judicial preference, and this process give harm to relationship between administration and taxpayer. In the conflicts between the administration and the taxpayer, the decision of the tax judge is the most acceptable outcome in terms of the taxpayer. Keywords: Tax, Tax Disputes, Tax Judge, Compromise, Corrections, Tax Errors, Explanation, Invitation to Explanation, Repentance, Scott, Discount in Scott
Tax is undoubtedly the easiest financial resource that is taken from people of the governments to maintain the existence. Several legal regulations are maken with respect to how this resource is collected. During the applications of this legal regulations, naturally some disagreement occur between pickers of the tax and the payers. These disagreements are called tax disputes in tax law. Generally, disputes arise from the fact that legal arrangements are not as clear and understandable as they are needed, and that the tax collector is wishing to act according to the conflicting application statements with essence of the laws. Tax disputes can be resolved in two ways. One of them is the administrative way and the other is the solution by judiciary. In this study, removing the tax disputes by applying to the administrative resolving remedies, with this apply solution time and magnitude of unrestness that is caused by disputes, and the relation between taxpayer and administration were investigated. The solution methods of the tax disputes are mainly discussed in five sections as Reconciliation, Tax Errors and Corrections, Repentance and Correction, Discount in Scott, and Invitation to Explanation Organizations that have been implemented in Taxation Law, since 01.09.2017. Explanatory information about these solutions and their applications were given. It is the truth that Administration cannot pass the centralized and authoritarian attitude, this also cannot pass in front of the taxpayers' general judicial preference, and this process give harm to relationship between administration and taxpayer. In the conflicts between the administration and the taxpayer, the decision of the tax judge is the most acceptable outcome in terms of the taxpayer. Keywords: Tax, Tax Disputes, Tax Judge, Compromise, Corrections, Tax Errors, Explanation, Invitation to Explanation, Repentance, Scott, Discount in Scott
Hukuk, Maliye, İşletme, Uzlaşma, Law, Vergi cezaları, Finance, Business Administration, Vergi uyuşmazlıkları, Reconciliation, Tax penalty, Vergi yargısı, Tax conflicts, Vergiler, Tax justice, Taxes, İdari çözüm yolları, Administrative remedies