Beşiktaş Spor Kulübü Futbol alt yapısında oynayan u19 yaş grubu oyuncuların yaz ve kış mevsiminde hidrasyon durumlarının karşılaştırılması
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Bu çalışma; yaşları ≥17 yıl olan, Beşiktaş U19 futbol takımında profesyonel olarak futbol oynayan 21 erkek sporcunun, yaz ve kış mevsimlerinde yaptığı dayanıklılık antrenmanı ile kuvvet antrenmanlarında mevsimsel olarak hidrasyon düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve karşılaştırılması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan futbolcularda hidrasyon düzeyi; antrenman öncesi ve sonrası vücut ağırlığı değişimi, vücut yüzey alanı ve idrar yoğunluğunun refraktometre ile ölçümü sonucu belirlenmiştir. Katılımcı sporcuların yaş ortalaması 17,24±0,54 yıl, spor yaptıkları ortalama yıl 9,48±2,06'dır. VKİ ortalama değeri 21,89±2,16 kg/m2, VYA ortalama değeri 1,78±0.09 m2 bulunmuştur. Yaz ve kış mevsiminde yapılan dayanıklılık ve kuvvet antrenmanı sonrası futbolcuların vücut ağırlıklarında görülen azalma sırasıyla -0,58±0,30 kg, -0,17±0,21 kg, -0,97±0,81 kg ve -0,36±0,75 kg'dir. Bulunan bu farklar istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır (p<0,001). Katılımcı sporcuların hidrasyon düzeyleri hakkındaki farkındalıkları yetersizdir. Futbolcuların yaz mevsiminde dayanıklılık antrenmanından önce ve sonra yapılan refraktometre ölçümlerinde idrar dansitesi sırasıyla 1029,35±5,61 g/cm³ ve 1030,30±7,09 g/cm³ iken, kış mevsiminde yapılan dayanıklılık antrenmanından önce ve sonra ölçülen idrar dansitesi değerleri sırasıyla 1028,61±6,47 g/cm³ ve 1031,47±4,71 g/cm³'tür. Yaz mevsiminde kuvvet antrenmanından önce ve sonra yapılan refraktometre ölçümlerinde idrar dansitesi sırasıyla 1031,52±3,72 g/cm³ ve 1034, 64±3,01 g/cm³ iken, kış mevsiminde yapılan kuvvet antrenmanından önce ve sonra ölçülen idrar dansitesi değerleri sırasıyla 1026,30±5,25 g/cm³ ve 1030,92±4,35 g/cm³'tür. Hem yaz hem kış mevsiminde yapılan dayanıklılık antrenmanı öncesi ve sonrasında bulunan idrar dansitesindeki artış istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır (p=0,029 p<0,001). Yaz ve kış mevsiminde yapılan kuvvet antrenmanlarında idrar dansitesitesindeki artış ise istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildir (p=0,243 ve p>0,05). Bu çalışmada, genç futbol oyuncularının yaz ve kış mevsimlerinde yaptıkları farklı antrenmanlarda, hidrasyon durumlarınının farklılık gösterdiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Yaz mevsiminde yapılan dayanıklılık antrenmanlarında ki bu farklar daha yüksek bulunmuştur. İdrar dansitesi ölçümünde kullanılan refraktometre, takımlarda dehidrasyonun izlenmesi için kullanılabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dehidrasyon, hidrasyon, hidrasyon düzeyi belirleme, mevsimsel farklar
This study was carried out to determine and compare the seasonal hydration levels of 21 male athletes aged ≥17 years, who play football professionally in Beşiktaş U19 football team, with endurance training in summer and winter seasons and strength training. The hydration level of the football players participating in the study was determined as a result of the measurement of body weight change, body surface area and urine density with a refractometer before and after training. The mean age of the participating athletes was 17.24±0.54 years, and the average year they played sports was 9.48±2.06. The mean value of BMI was 21.89±2.16 kg/m2, and the mean value of BSA was 1.78±0.09 m2. The decrease in body weights of football players after endurance and strength training in summer and winter seasons was -0.58±0.30 kg, -0.17±0.21 kg, -0.97±0.81 kg and -0.36±0.75 kg, respectively. These differences found are statistically significant (p<0.001). In the refractometer measurements made before and after the endurance training of the football players in the summer season, the urine density values were 1029.35±5.61 g/cm³ and 1030.30±7.09 g/cm³, respectively, while the urine density values measured before and after the endurance training in the winter season were 1028,61±6.47 g/cm³ and 1031.47±4.71 g/cm³ respectively. While urine density was 1031.52±3.72 g/cm³ and 1034, 64±3.01 g/cm³ in refractometer measurements made before and after strength training in summer season, urine density values measured before and after strength training in winter season were 1026,30±5.25 g/cm³ and 1030.92±4.35 g/cm³ respectively. The increase in urine density before and after endurance training in both summer and winter seasons is statistically significant (p=0.029 p<0.001). The increase in urine density in strength training performed in summer and winter seasons was not statistically significant (p=0.243 and p>0.05). In this study, it was concluded that the hydration status of young football players differed in different trainings in summer and winter seasons. These differences were found to be higher in endurance training performed in the summer season. The refractometer used in urine density measurement can be used to monitor dehydration in teams. Keywords: Dehydration, hydration, hydration level determination, seasonal differences
This study was carried out to determine and compare the seasonal hydration levels of 21 male athletes aged ≥17 years, who play football professionally in Beşiktaş U19 football team, with endurance training in summer and winter seasons and strength training. The hydration level of the football players participating in the study was determined as a result of the measurement of body weight change, body surface area and urine density with a refractometer before and after training. The mean age of the participating athletes was 17.24±0.54 years, and the average year they played sports was 9.48±2.06. The mean value of BMI was 21.89±2.16 kg/m2, and the mean value of BSA was 1.78±0.09 m2. The decrease in body weights of football players after endurance and strength training in summer and winter seasons was -0.58±0.30 kg, -0.17±0.21 kg, -0.97±0.81 kg and -0.36±0.75 kg, respectively. These differences found are statistically significant (p<0.001). In the refractometer measurements made before and after the endurance training of the football players in the summer season, the urine density values were 1029.35±5.61 g/cm³ and 1030.30±7.09 g/cm³, respectively, while the urine density values measured before and after the endurance training in the winter season were 1028,61±6.47 g/cm³ and 1031.47±4.71 g/cm³ respectively. While urine density was 1031.52±3.72 g/cm³ and 1034, 64±3.01 g/cm³ in refractometer measurements made before and after strength training in summer season, urine density values measured before and after strength training in winter season were 1026,30±5.25 g/cm³ and 1030.92±4.35 g/cm³ respectively. The increase in urine density before and after endurance training in both summer and winter seasons is statistically significant (p=0.029 p<0.001). The increase in urine density in strength training performed in summer and winter seasons was not statistically significant (p=0.243 and p>0.05). In this study, it was concluded that the hydration status of young football players differed in different trainings in summer and winter seasons. These differences were found to be higher in endurance training performed in the summer season. The refractometer used in urine density measurement can be used to monitor dehydration in teams. Keywords: Dehydration, hydration, hydration level determination, seasonal differences
Beslenme ve Diyetetik, Dehidratasyon, Futbol, Futbolcular, Nutrition and Dietetics, Hidrasyon, Dehydration, Mevsimler, Football, Football players, Mevsimsel etki, Hydration, Seasons, Spor, Seasonal effect, Spor kulüpleri, Sports, Sports clubs, Sporcular, Sportsmen
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