Hemşirelerin iş yaşamı kalitesini etkileyen etmenler: Balıkesir örneği
Bu çalışma, hemşirelerin çalışma koşullarına bağlı olarak gelişen iş kalitesini etkileyen etmenleri belirlemek amacıyla yapılan tanımlayıcı-kesitsel bir araştırmadır. Araştırmanının evrenini, Balıkesir il merkezi Kamu Hastaneler Birliğine bağlı hastanelerde görev yapan 665 hemşire oluşturmuş, evrenin belli olduğu durumlarda örneklem hesaplama formülü ile örneklem grubu belirlenerek 338 hemşire (%50.8) çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Çalışma verileri, gerekli izinler alındıktan sonra Haziran-Ekim 2013 tarihleri arasında demografik ve mesleki özellikleri belirlemeye yönelik 16 soruluk anket formu ve Brooks (2007) tarafından geliştirilen, Şirin tarafından(2011) Türkçeye uyarlanan, geçerliliği ve güvenilirliği test edilmiş 'Hemşirelik İş Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği' ile elde edilmiştir. Verilerin değerlendirilemsinde sayı, yüzdelik hesaplamaları, Man Whitney U testi, Kruskal wallis testi, Pairled-Sample t testi ve Anova testi kullanılmıştır. Hemşirelerin %45.9'u lisans ve üzeri mezunu, %57.1'i 16 yıldan daha uzun süredir çalışmakta, %76.9'u servis hemşiresi ve %57.4'ü yataklı hasta ünitelerinde çalışmaktadır. Katılımcıların %74'ü gece/gündüz vardiyalı çalışmakta, %10.1'i nöbet tutmamakta, %90.2'si haftada 45 saat çalışmakta ve %97.9'u kadrolu statüde çalışmaktadır. Katılımcıların, %51.8'i kurumun desteği ile herhangi bir sertifika / eğitim programına katılmadığını, %58'i almış olduğu özel eğitim / sertifika / uzmanlık alanına uygun görevde çalışmadığını, %80.8'i bu hastanede çalışmaya başladığından beri bir üst göreve atanma/terfi teklifi almadığını ifade etmiştir. Katılımcıların %25.4'ü 1-5 yıl daha şu an çalıştığı kurumda çalışmaya devam etmeyi planladığını belirtmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında yer alan hemşirelerin 'Hemşirelik İş Yaşamı Kalitesi Ölçeği' (HİYKÖ) toplam puan ortalaması 101.95±22.15 olarak bulunmuştur. Hemşirelerin, yaş grupları, medeni durumları, çocuk sahibi olma durumları, eğitim durumları, meslekte çalışma süresi, haftalık çalışma saati, çalışma statüsü ve kurumda çalışmayı planladıkları süre ile HİYKO toplam puan ortalaması arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptanmamıştır (p>0.05). Hemşirelerin cinsiyetleri, çalıştıkları kurum, görevleri, görev yerleri, çalışma şekli, aylık nöbet sayısı, sertifika / eğitim programına katılma durumu, özel eğitim / sertifika / uzmanlık alanına uygun görevde çalışma durumu ve atanma/terfi teklifi alma durumu ile HİYKÖ toplam puan ortalaması arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptanmıştır (p<0.05).
This study is a sectional – descriptive study aiming to determine the factors affecting the work quality which improves depending on the working conditions of the nurses. The universe of the study consists of 665 nurses working at the hospitals affiliated to Balikesir City Public Hospitals Association; in the cases in which the universe is clear 338 nurses (50.8%) are included to the study as the sample group by using the sample calculation formula. After getting the required permissions, 16 questionnaires aiming to determine the demographic and professional characteristics are conducted between June-October 2013 and Work Life Quality Scale of Nursing, which is improved by Brooks (2007) and translated into Turkish by Şirin (2011) and whose validity and reliability is approved, has been achieved. In the evaluation of the data number and percentage calculations, Man-Whitney U test, Kruskal -Wallis test, Pairled -Sample t-test and ANOVA test was used. 45.9% of the nurses have undergraduate and graduate degrees. 57.1% are working longer than 16 years, 76.9% of them are ward nurses and 57.4% are working in inpatient units. 74 % of participants work day / night shifts, 10.1% are not working on call, 90.2 % work 45 hours per week, and 97.9% work in permanent status. 51.8% of the participants expressed that they haven't participated in any certification or education programs with the support of the institution, and 58 % of them expressed that they do not have a job related to their special training / certification / area of expertise, and 80.8% of them expressed that they haven't been offered a promotion since they started to work at the hospital. 25.4 % of the participants have indicated that they are planning to work at the same hospital 1-5 years more years. The total score average of 'Quality of Nursing Work Life Scale' (HİYKÖ) for nurses in the study is found to be 101.95 ± 22:15. Age group , marital status , having children, educational status, length of employment, weekly working hours, working status, the period they want to work at the institution of the nurses and the HİYKO total score are statistically and significantly different (p > 0.05). Between nurses' gender, the institutions they work , tasks, place of employment , type of work , number of shifts , the certification / training programs they participated in, working according to their special education/certification/field of expertise, being offered a promotion and the HİYKÖ total score, some statistically significant differences were observed (p < 0.05).
This study is a sectional – descriptive study aiming to determine the factors affecting the work quality which improves depending on the working conditions of the nurses. The universe of the study consists of 665 nurses working at the hospitals affiliated to Balikesir City Public Hospitals Association; in the cases in which the universe is clear 338 nurses (50.8%) are included to the study as the sample group by using the sample calculation formula. After getting the required permissions, 16 questionnaires aiming to determine the demographic and professional characteristics are conducted between June-October 2013 and Work Life Quality Scale of Nursing, which is improved by Brooks (2007) and translated into Turkish by Şirin (2011) and whose validity and reliability is approved, has been achieved. In the evaluation of the data number and percentage calculations, Man-Whitney U test, Kruskal -Wallis test, Pairled -Sample t-test and ANOVA test was used. 45.9% of the nurses have undergraduate and graduate degrees. 57.1% are working longer than 16 years, 76.9% of them are ward nurses and 57.4% are working in inpatient units. 74 % of participants work day / night shifts, 10.1% are not working on call, 90.2 % work 45 hours per week, and 97.9% work in permanent status. 51.8% of the participants expressed that they haven't participated in any certification or education programs with the support of the institution, and 58 % of them expressed that they do not have a job related to their special training / certification / area of expertise, and 80.8% of them expressed that they haven't been offered a promotion since they started to work at the hospital. 25.4 % of the participants have indicated that they are planning to work at the same hospital 1-5 years more years. The total score average of 'Quality of Nursing Work Life Scale' (HİYKÖ) for nurses in the study is found to be 101.95 ± 22:15. Age group , marital status , having children, educational status, length of employment, weekly working hours, working status, the period they want to work at the institution of the nurses and the HİYKO total score are statistically and significantly different (p > 0.05). Between nurses' gender, the institutions they work , tasks, place of employment , type of work , number of shifts , the certification / training programs they participated in, working according to their special education/certification/field of expertise, being offered a promotion and the HİYKÖ total score, some statistically significant differences were observed (p < 0.05).
Hemşirelik, Balıkesir, Hemşireler, Nursing, Balıkesir, Hemşirelik, Nurses, Hemşirelik araştırmaları, Nursing, Nursing research, Yaşam kalitesi, Quality of life