Sağlık hukukunda arabuluculuk
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Sağlık hukuku uyuşmazlıklarında yargılamanın uzun sürmesi, ihtisaslaşmış mahkemelerin bulunmaması, bilirkişi raporları arasındaki farklılıklar, içtihat birliğinin olmaması, uzmanlaşma eksikliği, tazminata geç ulaşılması sebebiyle tedaviye de geç kalınması, mahkemelerdeki alenilik ilkesi gereğince hekim ve hastanelerin itibar zedelenmesi yaşaması, hem hasta hem hekim açısından psikolojik yükün uzunca süre taşınması sebebiyle alternatif uyuşmazlık çözüm yöntemlerinden biri olan arabuluculuk müessesesi önem kazanmıştır. Yargılamaya göre arabuluculuğun çok daha hızlı ve ekonomik olmasının yanı sıra, tarafların iradeleri doğrultusunda ihtiyaçlarına yönelik farklı çözümler üretebilmeleri kurtarıcı nitelikte olmuştur. Tüketici Mahkemelerinde, hastanın hekime ve özel hastaneye karşı açtığı tıbbi uygulama hatalarına ilişkin malpraktis davalarında, dava şartı arabuluculuğun gelmesi ve bu alanda uzman arabulucuların da yetişmeye başlaması ile birlikte bilimsel çalışma ihtiyacı doğmuştur. Arabuluculuğun dava şartı olması dışında, Asliye Hukuk Mahkemelerinde de ihtiyari olarak arabulucuk yoluna gidilebilmesi, hasta, hastane, hekim ve sigorta şirketinin bir arada iletişim kurabilmesini, ilk kez aynı masa etrafında birbirleriyle müzakere edebilme ve kolayca sonuca ulaşabilme imkanını sağlamıştır. Sağlık hukuku uyuşmazlıklarındaki maddi-manevi tazminatlar özellikli nitelikte olup, hastanın uğradığı bedensel zarar veya ölüm sebebiyle doğmaktadır. Ancak istenilen maddi-manevi tazminata tam olarak ulaşılması halinde dahi tarafların süreç içerisinde gerek psikolojik gerek vicdani gerekse itibari kayıpları giderilememektedir. Tüm tarafların tam bir iyilik hali içerisinde olabilmeleri için maddi talepleri dışında kalan ihtiyaçlarının da giderilmesi kaçınılmazdır. Arabuluculuktaki kazan-kazan prensibi ve yargılamaya göre çok farklı çözüm seçeneklerinin üretilebilmesi taraflara bu imkanı sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada , sağlık hukuku ile arabuluculuğun dinamikleri, temel ilkeleri ve bağdaşan yönleri ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmıştır. Sağlık hukukunda uzman arabuluculuk eğitimi alarak bu alanda çalışmaya başlayacak olan arabuluculara ve sürece katılacak taraf vekillerine yol gösterici nitelikte bir kaynak olması amaçlanarak, arabuluculuğun, yargılamaya göre güçlü yönleri ve uygulanma şekli anlatılmıştır.
Prolonged trials in the field of health law, the absence of specialized courts, differences between expert reports, lack of jurisprudence, lack of specialization, delay in treatment due to late access to compensation, damage to the reputation of physicians and hospitals in accordance with the principle of publicity in the courts cause problems for both patients and physicians. Mediation, as an alternative dispute resolution method, has provided a significant remedy to those problems. Mediation is much faster and more economical than the judgment process and is capable of producing different solutions for the needs of the parties in line with their will. In the cases of malpractice filed by the patient against the physician and the private hospital in the Consumer Courts, the introduction of mediation as a condition of the lawsuit and the training of expert mediators to work in this field has created the need for cognitive studies on the subject. In addition to the fact that mediation is a condition of lawsuit, the option of voluntary mediation in the Civil Courts of First Instance has enabled the patient, hospital, physician and insurance company to communicate together, negotiate with each other around the same table for the first time and reach conclusions easily. Pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages in health law disputes are of a special nature and arise due to the bodily harm or death suffered by the patient. However, even if the desired material and moral compensation is fully achieved, the psychological, conscientious and nominal losses of the parties cannot be compensated during the process. In order for all parties to be in a state of complete well-being, it is inevitable to meet their needs other than their financial demands. The win-win principle in mediation and the ability to produce more different solution options than the judgment procedure provide great opportunities to the parties. In this study, the dynamics, basic principles and compatible aspects of health law and mediation are discussed in detail. In order to guide the mediators who will start working in the field of health law and the representatives of the parties to participate in the process, the study describes the strengths of mediation in relation to the trial procedure and aims to explain the way it is implemented.
Prolonged trials in the field of health law, the absence of specialized courts, differences between expert reports, lack of jurisprudence, lack of specialization, delay in treatment due to late access to compensation, damage to the reputation of physicians and hospitals in accordance with the principle of publicity in the courts cause problems for both patients and physicians. Mediation, as an alternative dispute resolution method, has provided a significant remedy to those problems. Mediation is much faster and more economical than the judgment process and is capable of producing different solutions for the needs of the parties in line with their will. In the cases of malpractice filed by the patient against the physician and the private hospital in the Consumer Courts, the introduction of mediation as a condition of the lawsuit and the training of expert mediators to work in this field has created the need for cognitive studies on the subject. In addition to the fact that mediation is a condition of lawsuit, the option of voluntary mediation in the Civil Courts of First Instance has enabled the patient, hospital, physician and insurance company to communicate together, negotiate with each other around the same table for the first time and reach conclusions easily. Pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages in health law disputes are of a special nature and arise due to the bodily harm or death suffered by the patient. However, even if the desired material and moral compensation is fully achieved, the psychological, conscientious and nominal losses of the parties cannot be compensated during the process. In order for all parties to be in a state of complete well-being, it is inevitable to meet their needs other than their financial demands. The win-win principle in mediation and the ability to produce more different solution options than the judgment procedure provide great opportunities to the parties. In this study, the dynamics, basic principles and compatible aspects of health law and mediation are discussed in detail. In order to guide the mediators who will start working in the field of health law and the representatives of the parties to participate in the process, the study describes the strengths of mediation in relation to the trial procedure and aims to explain the way it is implemented.
Hukuk, Alternatif uyuşmazlık, Analitik çözümler, Law, Alternate dispute, Arabuluculuk, Analytical solutions, Sağlık hukuku, Mediation, Health law, Yanlış teşhis ve tedavi, Malpractice
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