2012-2021 dönemi Türkiye'deki havacılık sigortalarının üzerine bir araştırma
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Sigorta sektörünün büyüklüğünün anlaşılabilmesi için sektöre olan sadakatine, fiyatına ve regülasyonlarına devletlerin sektöre yaklaşımlarındaki tutumuna bakılmalıdır. Ayrıca sigorta sektörü diğer sektörlerde de olduğu gibi toplumdaki genel kültürden etkilenmektedir. Bu nedenle kültürleri araştırmak ve durumu anlamak da fayda sağlayacaktır. Türkiye'de gerek sosyal hayat gerek iş yaşantısında sigorta araçlarına tedbir almaktan ziyade işi yaratana havale ederek kaderciliğe inanılmaktadır. Günümüze bakıldığında bu düşünce kırılarak sigortacılık konusunda insanlar bilinçlenerek sigortacılığa ısınmaya başlamışlardır. Genel olarak bakıldığında ise sigortacılık Türkiye'de hala daha küçük olduğu görülmektedir. Havacılık sigortaları ise ülkemiz de oldukça düşük bir hızda gelişme göstermiştir. 2021 yılı toplam prim üretimi 13 Milyar USD iken; havacılık sigortaları prim üretimi 50 milyon USD olmuştur. Havacılık sigortalarını toplam üretimdeki payı binde 4 civarında kalmıştır. Havacılık sigortaları; havacılık sektöründe hizmet gösteren kurumların, uçuş sırasında çalışanlarının hatası sebebi ile ortaya çıkacak sorunları veya beklenmedik kaza sonucu zararların sorumluluğunu karşılamaktadır. Havacılık sigortası, poliçe içeriklerine paralel ortaya çıkabilecek zararın ekonomik kısmını için teminat vermektedir. Havacılık sigortası; gövde, mesuliyet ve ferdi kaza olmak üzere 3 gruba ayrılmaktadır. 2012-2021 yılları arasındaki havacılık sigorta verileri kullanılarak havacılık prim üretimlerinin TL ve USD bazlı olarak değişimleri, poliçe sayıları, poliçe başı ortalama prim değişimleri, şirket bazlı havacılık prim üretimleri analizleri ve değerlendirmeleri yapılmıştır. Literatür incelendiğinde havacılık sektöründe teknoloji, istihdam, yeni gelişmeler ve covid 19 etkisi üzerine güncel çalışmalar bulunmaktadır. Ulusal tez merkezi ve akademik çalışmalarda havacılık sektörü ve sigorta prim ilişkisini birlikte değerlendiren çalışmalara rastlanılmamıştır.
In order to understand the size of the insurance sector, its loyalty to the sector, its price and regulations, and the attitudes of the states towards the sector should be looked at. In addition, the insurance sector is affected by the general culture in the society, as in other sectors. Therefore, researching cultures and understanding the situation will also be beneficial. InTurkey, there is a belief in fatalism by transferring the work to the creator rather than taking precautions against insurance instruments in both social and business life. When we look at today, this idea has been broken and people have started to warm up to insurance by becoming conscious about insurance. In general, insurance is still smaller in Turkey. Aviation insurance, on the other hand, has developed at a very slow pace in our country. While the total premium production in 2021 is 13 Billion USD; aviation insurance premium production amounted to 50 million USD. The share of aviation insurance in total production remained around 4 per thousand. aviationin surance; It covers the responsibility of the institutions serving in the aviation sector, the problems that may arise due to the fault of their employees during the flight or the losses as a result of unexpected accidents. Aviation insurance provides coverage for the economic part of the loss that may arise in parallel with the policy content. Aviation insurance; It is divided into 3 groups as body, liability and personal accident. Using aviation insurance data from 2012-2021. Changes in aviation premium production in TL and USD, number of policies, average premium changes per policy, company-based aviation premium production analyzes and evaluations were made. When the literature is examined, there are current studies on technology, employment, new developments and the impact of covid 19 in the aviation industry. In the national thesis center and academic studies, there were no studies evaluating the aviation sector and insurance premium relationship together.
In order to understand the size of the insurance sector, its loyalty to the sector, its price and regulations, and the attitudes of the states towards the sector should be looked at. In addition, the insurance sector is affected by the general culture in the society, as in other sectors. Therefore, researching cultures and understanding the situation will also be beneficial. InTurkey, there is a belief in fatalism by transferring the work to the creator rather than taking precautions against insurance instruments in both social and business life. When we look at today, this idea has been broken and people have started to warm up to insurance by becoming conscious about insurance. In general, insurance is still smaller in Turkey. Aviation insurance, on the other hand, has developed at a very slow pace in our country. While the total premium production in 2021 is 13 Billion USD; aviation insurance premium production amounted to 50 million USD. The share of aviation insurance in total production remained around 4 per thousand. aviationin surance; It covers the responsibility of the institutions serving in the aviation sector, the problems that may arise due to the fault of their employees during the flight or the losses as a result of unexpected accidents. Aviation insurance provides coverage for the economic part of the loss that may arise in parallel with the policy content. Aviation insurance; It is divided into 3 groups as body, liability and personal accident. Using aviation insurance data from 2012-2021. Changes in aviation premium production in TL and USD, number of policies, average premium changes per policy, company-based aviation premium production analyzes and evaluations were made. When the literature is examined, there are current studies on technology, employment, new developments and the impact of covid 19 in the aviation industry. In the national thesis center and academic studies, there were no studies evaluating the aviation sector and insurance premium relationship together.
Sigortacılık, Insurance
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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