Vergi Usul Kanunu ve uluslararası finansal raporlama standartları (TMS) uyarınca amortisman uygulamalarının mukayesesi
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Duran varlıklar üzerinde yıpranma veya kıymetten düşme gibi değer kayıplarını, çeşitli kurallar ve kanuni düzenlemeler çerçevesinde tespit etmeyi amaçlayan amortisman işlemleri, esas itibari ile vergi matrahından avantaj sağlayan bir müessesedir. Amortisman, ticari faaliyetlerin devamlılığı açısından gerektiği ölçüde yeni varlık alımında kullanılabilecek dolaylı bir fon oluşturma işlemidir.Bu çalışmanın amacı, amortisman uygulamalarının vergi mevzuatımız ve Uluslararası Finansal Raporlama Standartları açısından karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesidir. Bu çerçevede önce 213 Sayılı Vergi Usul Kanunu hükümlerine göre amortisman ve itfa konusu irdelenmiş, ardından TMS 16 Maddi Duran Varlıklar ve TMS 38 Maddi Olmayan Duran Varlıklar standartlarında yer alan amortisman ve itfa kavramları değerlendirilmiştir.Uluslararası Muhasebe Standartları Kurulu (IASB) tarafından yayımlanan ve Türkiye Muhasebe Standartları Kurulu (TMSK) tarafından İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye birebir çevirisi yapılan standartlarda yer alan, maddi duran varlıklar ve amortisman, maddi olmayan duran varlıklar ve itfa konuları, Vergi Usul Kanunu ile karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmiş ve tespit edilen farklılıklar örnekler yardımı ile anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Amortisman, Maddi Duran Varlıklar, Maddi Olmayan Duran Varlıklar, Vergi Usul Kanunu, Türkiye Muhasebe Standartları
The amortization procedures aiming to determine the depreciation or value losses of the fixed assets within the frame of various rules and legal legislations, are basically the instruments providing advantages over the taxable income. Amortization is indirect fund forming operations which can be utilized in acquisition of new assets as required for continuity of commercial activities.The purpose of this study is to comparatively search the amortization procedures in light of the Turkish tax legislations and the international financial reporting standarts. Within this frame, the subject of amortization and redemption have first been studied in accordance with provisions of the Turkish Tax Procedural Law no 213 and later, the concepts of amortization and redemption which are being covered in TMS-16 (Turkish Accounting Standarts-16, explaining tangible fixed assets) and in TMS-38 (Turkish Accounting Standarts-38, explaining intangible fixed assets) have been evaluated.The subjects of tangible fixed assets and amortization, and intangible fixed assets and redemption which have been included within the standarts published by the International Accounting Standarts Board (IASB) and which have been translated from English to Turkish, on word by word basis, by the Turkish Accounting Standarts Board (TMSK), have been evaluated in comparison with the Turkish Tax Procedural Law and the differences noticed have been explained by use of samples.Keywords : Amortization, Tangible Fixed Assets, Intangible Fixed Assets, Tax Procedural Law, Turkish Accounting Standarts
The amortization procedures aiming to determine the depreciation or value losses of the fixed assets within the frame of various rules and legal legislations, are basically the instruments providing advantages over the taxable income. Amortization is indirect fund forming operations which can be utilized in acquisition of new assets as required for continuity of commercial activities.The purpose of this study is to comparatively search the amortization procedures in light of the Turkish tax legislations and the international financial reporting standarts. Within this frame, the subject of amortization and redemption have first been studied in accordance with provisions of the Turkish Tax Procedural Law no 213 and later, the concepts of amortization and redemption which are being covered in TMS-16 (Turkish Accounting Standarts-16, explaining tangible fixed assets) and in TMS-38 (Turkish Accounting Standarts-38, explaining intangible fixed assets) have been evaluated.The subjects of tangible fixed assets and amortization, and intangible fixed assets and redemption which have been included within the standarts published by the International Accounting Standarts Board (IASB) and which have been translated from English to Turkish, on word by word basis, by the Turkish Accounting Standarts Board (TMSK), have been evaluated in comparison with the Turkish Tax Procedural Law and the differences noticed have been explained by use of samples.Keywords : Amortization, Tangible Fixed Assets, Intangible Fixed Assets, Tax Procedural Law, Turkish Accounting Standarts
Maliye, Amortisman, Duran varlıklar, Finance, Finansal raporlama, Depreciation, Fixed assets, Finansal raporlama standartları, Financial reporting, Uluslararası Finansal Raporlama Standartları, Financial reporting standarts, International Financial Reporting Standarts, Vergi Usul Kanunu, Tax Procedural Code
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