Meslek lisesi öğrencilerinin beceri eğitim sonrası mesleğe bakış açısının değerlendirilmesi
Bu araştırma; Meslekî ve Teknik Anadolu Liseleri'ni tercih eden öğrencilerin beceri eğitim almadan önceki mesleğe bakışı ile beceri eğitim aldıktan sonra mesleklerine olan bakış açılarında olumlu bir değişim olup olmadığını ortaya çıkarmak için yapılmıştır. Araştırma betimsel yönteme ve ilişkisel tarama modeline göre desenlenmiştir. Veriler 2016-2017 öğretim yılında Kocaeli ili genelinde Meslekî ve Teknik Anadolu Liselerinin Muhasebe-Finansman, Bilişim Teknolojileri, Büro Yönetimi, Ulaştırma Hizmetleri, Pazarlama Satış Teknikleri ile Halkla İlişkiler ve Organizasyon Hizmetleri alanlarında eğitim gören öğrencilerinden toplanmıştır. Veri toplama aracının birinci alanında, araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan 'Okuduğu alana işyerindeki beceri eğitim öncesi bakışı, işyeri çalışma şartları ve sağlanan haklar' formu kullanılmıştır. Veri toplama aracının ikinci alanında 'Kişisel ve Alanla İlgili Bilgiler' yer almaktadır. Veri toplama aracı olarak tez sahibi tarafından hazırlanan 2 bölüm ve 42 sorudan oluşan 'İşletmelerde Beceri Eğitimi Değerlendirme Anketi' kullanılmıştır. Ankete 699 kız, 366'ı erkek olmak üzere 1.065 öğrenci katılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan meslek lisesi öğrencilerinin; işyerlerinde beceri eğitim öncesi mesleğe bakışının, iş yerindeki sosyal ve ekonomik olanaklara ilişkin öğrenci görüşlerinin ve eğitim görülen iş yerinde okul müfredatından kaynaklanan sorunlara; öğrencilerin cinsiyetlerine, yaşlarına, öğrencilerin meslekî eğitimde cezbedici gördükleri durumlara ve okuduğu okula göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılık göstermediği tespit edilirken öğrencilerin okuduğu alana ve liseye kayıttaki puan türüne göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılık gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin işyerlerinde beceri eğitim sonrası mesleğe bakışının öğrencilerin cinsiyetlerine, yaşlarına göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılık göstermediği ancak, okuduğu alana ve okula, iş yerinde meslekî eğitim gören öğrenci sayısına, öğrencilerin meslekî eğitimde cezbedici gördükleri durumlara göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılık gösterdiği bulgusu elde edilmiştir. Bulgular literatür çerçevesinde yorumlanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular ışığında öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Meslekî Eğitim, İşletme, İşletmelerde beceri eğitimi, koordinatör Öğretmen
This research has been made to find out whether there is a positive change in the Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Students' way of looking at their professions before and after having received the skill training. The research has been designed according to descriptive method and relational scan model. The data were collected from 2016-2017 academic year students who were trained in the field of Accounting and Finance, Information Technologies, Office Management, Transportation Services, Marketing Sales Techniques and Public Relations and Organization Services of Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools throughout Kocaeli province. In the first section of the data collection tool, the form 'pre-skill view of workplace, workplace working conditions and rights provided' has been used by the researcher. In the second area of the data collection tool, 'Personal and Domain Information' has been included. As a data collection tool, 'Skill Education Evaluation Survey in Business' which consists of 2 sections and 42 questions prepared by the thesis owner has been used. 1,065 students, 699 female and 366 male have participated in the survey. The research shows that before the skill training the views about the profession of the vocational high school students participating in the survey didn't have significant differences acoording to the social and economic opportunities at work, the problems stemming from the school curriculum at workplace, the sexes and ages of the students, the situations in which the students were attracted to vocational training, and the schools they attended ; only the fields they were educated and the types of points recorded in order to enter the high school differed. It has been found that the students' perceptions of the profession after skill training did not differ significantly according to the gender and age of the students but differed significantly according to the fields and the schools they were educated, the number of the vocational educators at the workplace and the situations they attracted in the skill training. The findings have been interpreted in the literature. Suggestions have been developed in the light of findings. Keywords: Vocational Education, Business Administration, Skills Training in Business, Coordinator Teacher.
This research has been made to find out whether there is a positive change in the Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Students' way of looking at their professions before and after having received the skill training. The research has been designed according to descriptive method and relational scan model. The data were collected from 2016-2017 academic year students who were trained in the field of Accounting and Finance, Information Technologies, Office Management, Transportation Services, Marketing Sales Techniques and Public Relations and Organization Services of Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools throughout Kocaeli province. In the first section of the data collection tool, the form 'pre-skill view of workplace, workplace working conditions and rights provided' has been used by the researcher. In the second area of the data collection tool, 'Personal and Domain Information' has been included. As a data collection tool, 'Skill Education Evaluation Survey in Business' which consists of 2 sections and 42 questions prepared by the thesis owner has been used. 1,065 students, 699 female and 366 male have participated in the survey. The research shows that before the skill training the views about the profession of the vocational high school students participating in the survey didn't have significant differences acoording to the social and economic opportunities at work, the problems stemming from the school curriculum at workplace, the sexes and ages of the students, the situations in which the students were attracted to vocational training, and the schools they attended ; only the fields they were educated and the types of points recorded in order to enter the high school differed. It has been found that the students' perceptions of the profession after skill training did not differ significantly according to the gender and age of the students but differed significantly according to the fields and the schools they were educated, the number of the vocational educators at the workplace and the situations they attracted in the skill training. The findings have been interpreted in the literature. Suggestions have been developed in the light of findings. Keywords: Vocational Education, Business Administration, Skills Training in Business, Coordinator Teacher.
Eğitim ve Öğretim, İşletme, Beceri eğitimi, Education and Training, Meslek liseleri, Business Administration, Skill training, Meslek lisesi öğrencileri, Vocational high schools, Mesleki eğitim, Vocational high school students, Vocational education, İşyeri eğitimi, Workplace training