Özel bir hastanedeki sağlık çalışanlarının fonksiyonel besinlerle ilgili bilgi düzeyi ve tüketim durumunun saptanması
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Fonksiyonel besinler kesin bir tanımı olmamakla birlikte; nutrasötikler, tıbbi, farmakolojik ve özel beslenme amaçlı besinler gibi çeşitli isimlerle adlandırılmaktadır. Kronik hastalık riskini azaltabilen, beslenmeye ek olarak sağlık açısından fayda sağlayan besinlerdir. Bu çalışma, Gaziantep'te özel bir hastanede görev alan sağlık çalışanlarının, fonksiyonel besinler ile ilgili bilgi düzeyi ve tüketim durumunun saptanması amacıyla planlanıp yürütülmüştür. Araştırma kesitsel tipte olup araştırmanın evrenini, Gaziantep ilinde özel bir hastanede görev yapan sağlık çalışanları oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada kullanılan ankette; katılımcıların kişisel bilgileri, sağlık durumları, bazı antropometrik özellikleri, fonksiyonel besin kavramına yönelik bilgi ve tüketim düzeylerine yönelik sorular yer almıştır. Elde edilen veriler, IBM SPSS 20 programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmaya 133 (%47,5) erkek, 147 (%52,5) kadın olmak üzere toplam 280 kişi katılmıştır. Katılımcıların yaş ortalaması 33,72±10,40 yıldır. Erkek ve kadın bireylerin ortalama BKİ değerleri sırasıyla 27,38±3,28 kg/m2, 22,96±3,50 kg/m2 bulunmuştur. Katılımcıların %45,4'ü sigara içerken, %35,7'si alkol tüketmektedir Fonksiyonel besin bilinirliği ile yaş, aylık gelir, öğrenim ve hastalık durumu arasındaki ilişki önemliyken (p<0.05) cinsiyet ile arasındaki ilişki önemsizdir (p>0.05). Fonksiyonel besin tüketimi ile aylık gelir, öğrenim durumu önemliyken (p<0.05) cinsiyet, yaş, hastalık durumu arasındaki ilişki önemsiz bulunmuştur (p>0.05). Sağlık çalışanları içerisinde doktorların fonksiyonel besin kavramını diğer sağlık çalışanlarına göre daha fazla bildiği ve fonksiyonel besinleri daha fazla tükettiği görülmüştür. Yapılan bu çalışma sonucunda fonksiyonel besin bilinirliği ile fonskiyonel besin tüketimi arasında önemli bir ilişki bulunmuş (X2= 40,374, p<0.05) ve sağlık çalışanlarının farkındalıklarının artırılması için daha fazla çalışma ve bilgilendirme yapılması sonucuna varılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Fonksiyonel besinler, Özel amaçlı besinler, Sağlık çalışanları.
Although there is not a definite definition, Functional foods can be named by various names such as nutraceuticals, medicinal, pharmacological and special nutrition foods. As well as having basic nutritional function or providing physiological benefits, they are foods that can reduce the risk of chronic disease and provide health benefits in addition to nutrition. This study was planned and conducted in order to determine the knowledge level and consumption status of healthcare professionals working in a private hospital in Gaziantep. The research was cross-sectional and the population of the study consisted of health workers working in a private hospital in Gaziantep. In the survey used in the research; the participants' personal information, health status, some anthropometric properties, information about the concept of functional nutrients and questions about their level of consumption were included. The data were analyzed with IBM SPSS 20 program. A total of 280 people (133 (47.5%) males and 147 (52.5%) females) participated in the study. The mean age of the participants was 33.72 ± 10.40 years. The mean BMI values of male and female individuals were 27.38 ± 3.28 kg / m2 and 22.96 ± 3.50 kg / m2, respectively. While 45.4% of the participants smoked and 35.7% consumed alcohol, the relationship between functional nutritional awareness and age, monthly income, education and disease status was significant (p <0.05). Functional food consumption and monthly income, educational status were significant (p <0.05), but the relationship between gender, age and disease status was not significant (p> 0.05). Among health workers, it is seen that doctors know the concept of functional food more than other health workers and consume more functional foods. As a result of this study, a significant relationship was found between functional food awareness and functional food consumption (X2 = 40,374, p <0.05) and it was concluded that more studies and information were made to increase the awareness of health workers. Keywords: Functional foods, Special nutrition foods, Health professionals.
Although there is not a definite definition, Functional foods can be named by various names such as nutraceuticals, medicinal, pharmacological and special nutrition foods. As well as having basic nutritional function or providing physiological benefits, they are foods that can reduce the risk of chronic disease and provide health benefits in addition to nutrition. This study was planned and conducted in order to determine the knowledge level and consumption status of healthcare professionals working in a private hospital in Gaziantep. The research was cross-sectional and the population of the study consisted of health workers working in a private hospital in Gaziantep. In the survey used in the research; the participants' personal information, health status, some anthropometric properties, information about the concept of functional nutrients and questions about their level of consumption were included. The data were analyzed with IBM SPSS 20 program. A total of 280 people (133 (47.5%) males and 147 (52.5%) females) participated in the study. The mean age of the participants was 33.72 ± 10.40 years. The mean BMI values of male and female individuals were 27.38 ± 3.28 kg / m2 and 22.96 ± 3.50 kg / m2, respectively. While 45.4% of the participants smoked and 35.7% consumed alcohol, the relationship between functional nutritional awareness and age, monthly income, education and disease status was significant (p <0.05). Functional food consumption and monthly income, educational status were significant (p <0.05), but the relationship between gender, age and disease status was not significant (p> 0.05). Among health workers, it is seen that doctors know the concept of functional food more than other health workers and consume more functional foods. As a result of this study, a significant relationship was found between functional food awareness and functional food consumption (X2 = 40,374, p <0.05) and it was concluded that more studies and information were made to increase the awareness of health workers. Keywords: Functional foods, Special nutrition foods, Health professionals.
Beslenme ve Diyetetik, Beslenme, Beslenme bilgisi, Beslenme incelemeleri, Nutrition and Dietetics, Bilgi düzeyi, Nutrition, Fonksiyonel gıdalar, Nutrition knowledge, Nutrition surveys, Gıda tüketimi, Level of knowledge, Functional foods, Hastaneler, Food consumption, Hastaneler-özel, Hospitals, Hospitals-private, Sağlık personeli, Health personnel
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