Hasta Hizmetleri Müdürlüğüne bağlı çalışanların kariyer planlaması
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Bu çalışma, özel hastaneler ve vakıf üniversitesi hastanelerinin hasta hizmetleri müdürlüğüne bağlı çalışanlarının kariyer planlamalarına ilişkin görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini İstanbul Anadolu yakasında faaliyette bulunan özel hastanelerin ve vakıf üniversite hastanelerinin hasta hizmetleri müdürlüğüne bağlı çalışanları oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmaya toplam 176 kişi katılmıştır. Araştırma verileri 31.01.2021 ile 31.03.2021 tarihleri arasında Demografik Bilgi Formu ve Kariyer Planlama Ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan kadın çalışanların erkek çalışanlara göre kariyer planına yönelik doğal yeteneğe ve kişisel özelliklerinden ötürü başarılı olabileceklerine yönelik daha fazla inanca sahip oldukları görülmüştür. Medeni durumu bekâr olan çalışanların evli olan çalışanlara göre daha fazla kariyer hedeflerinin bulunduğu ve kariyer planı yaptıkları görülmüştür. Eğitim düzeyi lisans ve yüksek lisans olan çalışanların, eğitim düzeyi ön lisans ve lise olan çalışanlara göre daha fazla kariyer planı yaptıkları görülmüştür. Hasta hizmetleri müdürlüğüne bağlı çalışanların önemli bir kısmının sağlık yönetimi bölümünden mezun olmuş kişilerden oluştuğu saptanmıştır. Sağlık yönetimi bölümünden mezun olan çalışanların diğer bölümlerden mezun olan çalışanlara göre daha fazla kariyer planı yaptıkları görülmüştür. Hasta hizmetleri müdürlüğüne bağlı çalışanlar kurumlarında kariyer planlama çalışmalarının kısmen de olsa yapıldığını ifade etmişlerdir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda; kurumların çalışanlarının eğitim süreçleri ile kişisel kariyer planlamalarını desteklemeleri ve kurumsal kariyer planlama çalışmalarına önem vermeleri önerilebilir.
This study was conducted in order to evaluate the ideas of the employees from private hospitals and foundation university hospitals that are affiliated to the patient services directorate, considering their career planning. The participants of this research consist of the employees who are affiliated to the patient services directorate of the private hospitals and foundation hospitals that are located on the Anatolian side of İstanbul. A total of 176 people participated in the research. The data of the research were collected from 31.01.2021 to 31.03.2021 by applying Demographic Information Form and Career Planning Scale. It was observed that women who participated in the research have natural ability of career planning and more confidence for probability of being successful due to their personal attributes compared to male research participants. It was observed that single participants have more career goals and do more of career planning compared to married ones. It was observed that workers whose education level is bachelors or masters make a career planning compared to ones whose education level is two-year degree or high school. It was found that a large portion of people who work under patient services directorate are graduated from health management major. It was also observed that people who graduated from health management make a career planning than other people who had graduated from other majors. People working under the roof of patient services directorate stated that career planning activities were done partially in their instutions. According to the findings obtaioned from the research; it can be suggested for institutions to support the educational processes and personalized career planning, and give importance to corporate career planning activities of their employees.
This study was conducted in order to evaluate the ideas of the employees from private hospitals and foundation university hospitals that are affiliated to the patient services directorate, considering their career planning. The participants of this research consist of the employees who are affiliated to the patient services directorate of the private hospitals and foundation hospitals that are located on the Anatolian side of İstanbul. A total of 176 people participated in the research. The data of the research were collected from 31.01.2021 to 31.03.2021 by applying Demographic Information Form and Career Planning Scale. It was observed that women who participated in the research have natural ability of career planning and more confidence for probability of being successful due to their personal attributes compared to male research participants. It was observed that single participants have more career goals and do more of career planning compared to married ones. It was observed that workers whose education level is bachelors or masters make a career planning compared to ones whose education level is two-year degree or high school. It was found that a large portion of people who work under patient services directorate are graduated from health management major. It was also observed that people who graduated from health management make a career planning than other people who had graduated from other majors. People working under the roof of patient services directorate stated that career planning activities were done partially in their instutions. According to the findings obtaioned from the research; it can be suggested for institutions to support the educational processes and personalized career planning, and give importance to corporate career planning activities of their employees.
Kamu Yönetimi, Sağlık Yönetimi, İşletme, Hasta bakımı, Public Administration, Hastaneler, Healthcare Management, Business Administration, Kariyer, Patient care, Hospitals, Kariyer planlama, Career, Sağlık personeli, Career planning, Health personnel, Çalışanlar, Workers
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