Serebral palsi'li çocuklarda tibialis anterior kasına uygulanan kinezyo bantlamanın denge üzerine etkisi
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Serebral Palsi, gelişimini tamamlayamamış beyinde meydana gelen ilerleyici olmayan rahatsızlıkların neden olduğu bir motor bozukluktur. Bu çalışmanın amacı hemiparetik serebral palsili çocuklarda tibialis anterior kasına uygulanan kinezyolojik bantlamanın denge üzerine etkisini araştırmaktadır. Araştırmaya Özel Gülşeker Eğitim ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi'nde rehabilitasyon programına alınan, 7-14 yaş arası hemiparetik serebral palsi tanısı konulmuş 30 hasta dahil edildi. Hemiparetik serebral palsi tanılı çocuklar rastgele olarak grup I (n=15) ve grup II (n=15) olarak ikiye ayrılmıştır. Grup I'e; geleneksel fizik tedavi eğitimi uygulanırken, grup II'ye geleneksel fizik tedaviye ek olarak hemiparetik taraf tibialis anterior kasına Kineziyolojik bantlama uygulanmıştır. Her iki gruba haftada 2 seans, her seans 45 dakika ve toplamda 24 seans tedavi uygulanmıştır. Motor fonksiyonu; Kaba Motor Ölçütü ile spastisite; Modifiye Ashworth Ölçeği ile, denge; Zamanlı Kalk ve Yürü testi, Tek Ayak Üzerinde Durma testi, Pediatrik Berg Denge Ölçeği ile ve ağrı, yetersizlik ve aktivite kısıtlığını Ayak Fonksiyon İndeksi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Analizlerin hepsinde skor olarak anlamlılık p<0,05 seviyesinde değerlendirilmiştir. Değerlendirmeler başlangıç ve altı hafta süren tedavi sonrasında uygulandı. Çalışmanın sonucunda kontrol grubunda Kaba Motor Fonksiyon Ölçütü, Modifiye Ashworth Ölçeği, Zamanlı Kalk ve Yürü Testi, Tek Ayak Üzerinde Durma Testi, Pediatrik Berg Denge Ölçeği ve Ayak Fonksiyon İndeksi'nde iyileşme olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır(p<0,05). Grup II'nin skorları grup I'e göre iyileşmenin daha yüksek oranda olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır(p<0,05). Çalışmanın sonunda hemiparetik SP'li çocuklarda denge, ağrı, yetersizlik, aktivite kısıtlılığı, spastisite ve motor fonksiyonun daha fazla gelişmesi için geleneksel fizik tedaviye ek olarak uygulunan KB'nın etkili olduğu sonucu çıkmaktadır. Anahtar Kelime: Serebral Palsi, Ağrı, Spastisite, Denge, Motor Fonksiyon
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a motor disorder caused by non-progressive disorders in the brain that have not completed its development. The study included 30 patients who were included in the rehabilitation program at the Gülşeker Education and Rehabilitation Center, diagnosed with hemiparetic cerebral palsy aged 7-14 years. Children diagnosed with hemiparetic cerebral palsy were randomly divided into two groups as group I (n = 15) and group II (n = 15). To Group I; While performing traditional physical therapy training, Kinesiological taping was applied to the hemiparetic side tibialis anterior muscle in addition to traditional physical therapy to group II. Both groups received 2 sessions per week, 45 minutes each session, and 24 sessions in total. Those with Gross Motor Function Classification System level 1-2 were included in the study. Motor function; With Gross Motor Function Measure -88, spasticity; With the Modified Ashworth Scale, the balance; Timed Up and Go test, Single Leg Stance test, Pediatric Berg Balance Scale and pain, disability and activity limitation were evaluated with Foot Function Index. In all of the analyzes, significance was evaluated at the level of p <0.05. Evaluations were performed after the initial and six-week treatment. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that there was an improvement in the Gross Motor Function Measure-88, Modified Ashworth Scale, Timed Up and Go test, Single Led Stance Test, Pediatric Berg Balance Scale and Foot Function Index in the control group (p <0.05). It was concluded that group II scores had a higher rate of improvement than group I (p <0.05). At the end of the study, it is concluded that KT, which is applied in addition to traditional physical therapy, is effective for the development of balance, pain, disability, activity limitation, spasticity and motor function in children with hemiparetic CP. Key Words: Cerebral Palsy, Pain, Spasticity, Balance, Motor Function
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a motor disorder caused by non-progressive disorders in the brain that have not completed its development. The study included 30 patients who were included in the rehabilitation program at the Gülşeker Education and Rehabilitation Center, diagnosed with hemiparetic cerebral palsy aged 7-14 years. Children diagnosed with hemiparetic cerebral palsy were randomly divided into two groups as group I (n = 15) and group II (n = 15). To Group I; While performing traditional physical therapy training, Kinesiological taping was applied to the hemiparetic side tibialis anterior muscle in addition to traditional physical therapy to group II. Both groups received 2 sessions per week, 45 minutes each session, and 24 sessions in total. Those with Gross Motor Function Classification System level 1-2 were included in the study. Motor function; With Gross Motor Function Measure -88, spasticity; With the Modified Ashworth Scale, the balance; Timed Up and Go test, Single Leg Stance test, Pediatric Berg Balance Scale and pain, disability and activity limitation were evaluated with Foot Function Index. In all of the analyzes, significance was evaluated at the level of p <0.05. Evaluations were performed after the initial and six-week treatment. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that there was an improvement in the Gross Motor Function Measure-88, Modified Ashworth Scale, Timed Up and Go test, Single Led Stance Test, Pediatric Berg Balance Scale and Foot Function Index in the control group (p <0.05). It was concluded that group II scores had a higher rate of improvement than group I (p <0.05). At the end of the study, it is concluded that KT, which is applied in addition to traditional physical therapy, is effective for the development of balance, pain, disability, activity limitation, spasticity and motor function in children with hemiparetic CP. Key Words: Cerebral Palsy, Pain, Spasticity, Balance, Motor Function
Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon, Denge, Kaslar, Kinezyo bantlama, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Equilibrium, Motor beceriler, Muscles, Kinesio taping, Serebral palsi, Motor skills, Tibia, Cerebral palsy, Tibia, Çocuklar, Children
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