İstanbul Ermeni cemaatinde kültürün korunması ve kuşaklararası aktarımı
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Bu tez yüzyıllardır bu topraklarda yaşayan Ermenilerin kültürlerinin nasıl eridiği ve yeni gelen kuşakların değişen yaşam koşulları içerisinde nasıl asimile olduklarını incelemektedir. Ermenilerin Anadolu'da varlık göstermeye başladıkları ilk dönemlerden günümüze kadar gelen tarihsel süreç ele alınmış, 1915 ve sonrasındaki tarihsel ve politik sürecin Ermeni cemaati üzerindeki etkileri, bu etkilerin, toplum içerisinde yaşadıkları baskıların kendi kültürlerini yaşamalarında nasıl bir etkisi olduğu araştırılmıştır. Cumhuriyet'in ilanıyla birlikte kültürel asimilasyon biraz daha hızlanmış, kamusal alanda Türkçe konuşma zorunluluğunun getirilmesi, gayrimüslim vatandaşlara karşı uygulanan ayrımcı devlet politikaları, toplum içerisinde oluşan huzurluk ve güvensizlik hali gayrimüslim vatandaşlar için kendi topraklarında yaşamayı daha da zor bir hale getirmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında tarihsel anlamda mümkün olduğunca geriye gidip üst kuşak vatandaşlardan bu ayrımcı devlet politikalarının hem günlük hayatlarındaki hem de sonraki süreçlerdeki etkileri ve kendi içlerinde cemaat içi ilişkilerini, kültürlerini nasıl korudukları ve nasıl aktardıkları incelenmiştir.
This thesis examines how the culture of the Armenians who have been living in these lands fo centuries have melted down and how the new generations have been assimilated in the changing living conditions. The historical process from the first periods when Armenians started to show up in Anatolia to the present day has been discussed, and the effects of the historical and political process on the Armenian community in 1915 and after, and how these effects, the pressures they experienced in the society, on living their own culture were investigated. With the proclamation of the Republic, cultural assimilation accelerated, the obligation to speak Turkish in public, discriminatory state policies against non-Muslim citizens, and the state of peace and insecurity in the society made it more difficult for non-Muslim citizens to live in their own lands. Within the scope of the research, the effects of these discriminatory state policies on the upper generation citizens, both in their daily lives and in the later process, were examined by going back as far as possible in the historical sense, and how they preserved and conveyed their intra-communal relations and culture were examined.
This thesis examines how the culture of the Armenians who have been living in these lands fo centuries have melted down and how the new generations have been assimilated in the changing living conditions. The historical process from the first periods when Armenians started to show up in Anatolia to the present day has been discussed, and the effects of the historical and political process on the Armenian community in 1915 and after, and how these effects, the pressures they experienced in the society, on living their own culture were investigated. With the proclamation of the Republic, cultural assimilation accelerated, the obligation to speak Turkish in public, discriminatory state policies against non-Muslim citizens, and the state of peace and insecurity in the society made it more difficult for non-Muslim citizens to live in their own lands. Within the scope of the research, the effects of these discriminatory state policies on the upper generation citizens, both in their daily lives and in the later process, were examined by going back as far as possible in the historical sense, and how they preserved and conveyed their intra-communal relations and culture were examined.
Antropoloji, Anthropology, Sosyoloji, Sociology
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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