Pazarlama stratejisinin rekabet avantajı sağlamaya etkisi: Telekomünikasyon durumunda pazarlama inovasyonunun rolüne aracılık eder Irak'taki şirketler
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Bu çalışma, pazarlama yeniliğinin aracılık rolü önererek pazarlama stratejisinin rekabet avantajı üzerindeki etkisini araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır, bu çalışmayı yürütmek için Irak'taki telekomünikasyon sektörü hedeflenmiş, çalışmayı yürütmek için nicel tanımlayıcı yaklaşımlar uygulanmış, veri toplamak için anket kullanılmıştır. Zain Irak ve Asya hücresi olan araştırmacı ile işbirliği yapan telekomünikasyon şirketlerinde çalışan çalışanlardan çevrimiçi anket verileri kullanılarak toplanmış, anket katılımcılarına basit rastgele örnekleme uygulanmış, 2023 yılının Temmuz ve Ağustos aylarında toplam 334 geçerli yanıt alınmıştır. 362 toplanan yanıt arasından.
This study aims at investigating the influence of marketing strategy on competitive advantage by suggesting a mediation role by marketing innovation, telecommunication sector in Iraq was targeted to conduct this study, quantitative descriptive approaches were applied to conduct the study, the survey was used to collect data from employees working in telecommunication companies that collaborated with the researcher that are Zain Iraq and Asia cell, using online survey data was collected, simple random sampling was applied to survey respondents, during July and August of 2023, a total of 334 valid responses were obtained out from 362 gathered responses.
This study aims at investigating the influence of marketing strategy on competitive advantage by suggesting a mediation role by marketing innovation, telecommunication sector in Iraq was targeted to conduct this study, quantitative descriptive approaches were applied to conduct the study, the survey was used to collect data from employees working in telecommunication companies that collaborated with the researcher that are Zain Iraq and Asia cell, using online survey data was collected, simple random sampling was applied to survey respondents, during July and August of 2023, a total of 334 valid responses were obtained out from 362 gathered responses.
İşletme, Business Administration
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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