Bankacılıkta iç kontrol sistemleri ve sonuçları
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Küreselleşen sermaye piyasalarında ve bu piyasalara entegre olan ülkemizde, tüm kurumlar genelinde ve bankacılık özelinde kamuoyunu ve finansal paydaşları aydınlatma bağlamında iç kontrol süreçleri daha çok kullanılmakta ve kurumların kendi finansal sistemlerini daha etkin yönlendirmeleri için iç kontrol süreçleri bir araç olarak algılanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda iç kontrol sistemleri, genel olarak kurumlarda, özel olarak bankacılık sektöründe şeffaf yönetimin ve raporlamanın ön koşulu olurken aynı zamanda kurumun hedeflerine ulaşmasında da önemli bir araçtır. Bu anlamda bankalar için bağlayıcı öğe BDDK'nın iç kontrol ile ilgili getirdiği düzenlemelerdir. Özellikle ülkemizde 1990'ların sonunda yaşanan bankacılık sektöründeki kriz ortamı bu kurumların yerleşik kılınmasını gündeme getirmiştir. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada öncelikli olarak kavramsal çerçeve çizilmiş ve kontrol, iç kontrol, denetim, bankacılık, banka türleri gibi kavramlar üzerinde durulmuş ardından örnekler üzerinden bankacılık sektöründe iç kontrol sürecinin sonuçları gösterilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kurum içi kontrol, kontrol, bankacılık, denetim, Basel Komitesi, BDDK
In the global capital markets and in our country which were entegrated to these markets, the case of all institutions in the banking and financial stakeholders in the public and internal control processes in the context of lighting used in the processes and institutions more effective guidance of their financial systems more perceived as an instrument for the internal control process. In this context, internal control systems, in general, the institutions, in particular in the banking sector, while at the same time a prerequisite for transparent management and reporting is an important tool in achieving the organization's goals. In this sense, the connector framework to the banks brought by the BDDK regulations on internal control. At the end of 1990's, especially in the banking sector crisis in our country, the built environment, these institutions have provided to make. In this context, the study was drwan primarly conceptual framework and control, internal control, auditing, banking, focused on concepts such as types of banks in the banking sector after the examples shown in the results of the internal control process. Keywords: Internal control, control, banking, auditing, Basle Commitee, BDDK
In the global capital markets and in our country which were entegrated to these markets, the case of all institutions in the banking and financial stakeholders in the public and internal control processes in the context of lighting used in the processes and institutions more effective guidance of their financial systems more perceived as an instrument for the internal control process. In this context, internal control systems, in general, the institutions, in particular in the banking sector, while at the same time a prerequisite for transparent management and reporting is an important tool in achieving the organization's goals. In this sense, the connector framework to the banks brought by the BDDK regulations on internal control. At the end of 1990's, especially in the banking sector crisis in our country, the built environment, these institutions have provided to make. In this context, the study was drwan primarly conceptual framework and control, internal control, auditing, banking, focused on concepts such as types of banks in the banking sector after the examples shown in the results of the internal control process. Keywords: Internal control, control, banking, auditing, Basle Commitee, BDDK
Bankacılık, Banking
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