Kitlesel fonlama ve fon sağlayanların katılım niyetine etki eden faktörler : Türkiye örneği
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Bilgi ve telekomünikasyon devriminin tüm dünyaya yayılması; fon sağlayan, fon talep eden, finansal aracılar, finansal araçlar ve yasal düzenlemeler gibi unsurlardan oluşan finansal sistemi çok karmaşık bir yapıya dönüştürmüştür. Finansal sistemin geleneksel yapısından kaynaklanan zorluklar, 'Kitle Fonlaması' olarak adlandırılan yeni bir alternatif finansman modelinin ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. İnternet ve sosyal ağların yaygın kullanımıyla birlikte girişimciler, bu modeli kullanarak, kitlesel fonlama platformları aracılığıyla projelerini geniş kitlelere sunarak, yaratıcı iş fikirleri için finansal kaynaklara doğrudan ulaşma fırsatı elde etmektedirler. 'Kitlesel Fonlama' yenilikçi bir iş fikrine sahip olan ve bu fikri hayata geçirmek üzere maddi desteğe ihtiyaç duyan girişimciler için; çok sayıda insandan, küçük miktarlarda toplanan paralarla, gerekli fonu yaratmanın bir yolu olarak ifade edilebilir. Kitle fonlaması sadece girişimcilerin ihtiyaç duyduğu fonları temin etmekle kalmamakta, aynı zamanda insanların yeni ürünlerin sunulduğu bu projelere olan ilgisini araştırma olanağı da sağlamaktadır. Girişimcilerin projelerini gerçekleştirmek adına ihtiyaç duydukları sermeyeyi başarıyla temin edebilmeleri için, yatırımcıların nasıl finansal destekte bulunmaya karar verdiklerini ve motive olduklarını anlamak çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'deki kitlesel fonlama yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilen faaliyetlerde, destekçilerin kararlarında etkili olan faktörlerin ve motivasyonlarının anlaşılmasına katkı sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Tümdengelim araştırma yaklaşımının benimsendiği bu çalışmada, projelere destek veren kişilerin karar verme kriterlerine açıklık getirmeye çalışan kavramsal model, ilgili literatür incelenerek geliştirilmiştir. Araştırma Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren kitlesel fonlama platformlarına üye olan örneklem üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu modelde geliştirilen faktörler, online anket kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda ölçeğe ilk olarak açıklayıcı faktör analizi uygulanarak faktörler belirlenmiş, sonra yapısal eşitlik modeli çerçevesinde doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile modelin uygunluğu test edilerek yol analizi uygulanmıştır. Bu çalışmada bir çok faktörün, katılımcıların kitlesel fonlamaya katılma niyeti ile ilgili olacağını varsaymakla beraber, bu faktörlerin kişilerin katılım için güçlü motivasyonlara sahip olduğu durumlarda daha belirgin olacağı öne sürülmüştür. Öz belirleme Kuramına göre içsel motivasyon ile kişiler ilginç buldukları görevleri, dışsal motivasyon ile ise bireyin somut ya da sözlü ödüllere ulaşmak için görevleri yerine getirme eğilimine işaret eder. Girişimciler, kitle fonlama platformlarının yöneticileri ve politika yapıcılar, yatırımcıların yatırım kararlarını etkileyen motivasyonları doğru anladıklarında, bu faktörleri kitle fonlaması kampanyalarında başarıyla kaynak yaratmak için kullanabilirler. Böylece yaratıcı ve yenilikçi projeler için gerekli finansmanın başarılı bir şekilde elde etmelerini sağlayabilir.
The worldwide spreading information and telecommunications revolution have transformed the financial system, which consists of funders, fund demanders, financial intermediaries, financial instruments and legal regulations into a very complex structure. The difficulties arising from the traditional structure of the Financial System have led to a new alternative financing model, in which individuals are defined as 'crowdfunding'. With the widespread use of the Internet and social networks, entrepreneurs have gained the opportunity to provide financial resources directly to their projects by presenting their creative business ideas to large populations through crowdfunding platforms using this method. 'Crowdfunding' can be expressed as a way of generating resources from a small amount of money collected from many people for the entrepreneurs who have an innovative business idea and who need financial support to pass that idea to life. The crowdfunding does not only provide the funds needed by entrepreneurs but also allows the public to investigate the relevance of the projects during the introduction of new products. It is very important for entrepreneurs to understand how investors are motivated and how they decide to invest so that they can succeed in finding the necessary financing they need for their projects or initiatives. In this study, it is aimed to contribute to understanding the factors and motivations that effective in the promoters' decisions in the activities carried out under the crowdfunding in Turkey. In this study, a deductive investigation approach is applied; the related literature is looked over in order to improve a conceptual model which targets to clarify the criterions of the deciding of the crowd investors. This study is conducted with a sample of crowdfunding platforms' members that operates in Turkey. The factors which improved in that model are researched by using online questionnaire. For this purpose, factors were determined first by explanatory factor analysis. Later, the validity of the model was verified by confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis was applied in the framework of the structural equation model. Although we hypothesized that the various factors would be related to intention to support crowdfunding campaigns, we also hypothesized that these factors link would be more pronounced when people have strong motivation to participation. According to self determination theory with intrinsic motivation, individuals engage in tasks because they find them interesting and extrinsic motivation indicates to the individual's tendency to perform tasks in order to obtain tangible or verbal rewards. In the present research study, while the moderator effect of motivational factors influences on crowdfunding are investigated, the study is structured on 'self-determination theory'. In this respect, this study is one of the first study in crowdfunding field and also promising future topic. The findings obtained from the study shows that when the participants get the expected satisfaction from motivations (e.g.helping others, enjoyment, peer pressure and reward), it might extend strengthen their perceptions of strenghten their perceptions of neutral information, self-presentation, and network. When the entrepreneurs, managers of crowdfunding platforms and policy makers understand the motivations affecting the decisions for the investment of the investors, they can use these factors for encouraging in crowdfunding campaigns. This may provide them to get the necessary funding for their projects.
The worldwide spreading information and telecommunications revolution have transformed the financial system, which consists of funders, fund demanders, financial intermediaries, financial instruments and legal regulations into a very complex structure. The difficulties arising from the traditional structure of the Financial System have led to a new alternative financing model, in which individuals are defined as 'crowdfunding'. With the widespread use of the Internet and social networks, entrepreneurs have gained the opportunity to provide financial resources directly to their projects by presenting their creative business ideas to large populations through crowdfunding platforms using this method. 'Crowdfunding' can be expressed as a way of generating resources from a small amount of money collected from many people for the entrepreneurs who have an innovative business idea and who need financial support to pass that idea to life. The crowdfunding does not only provide the funds needed by entrepreneurs but also allows the public to investigate the relevance of the projects during the introduction of new products. It is very important for entrepreneurs to understand how investors are motivated and how they decide to invest so that they can succeed in finding the necessary financing they need for their projects or initiatives. In this study, it is aimed to contribute to understanding the factors and motivations that effective in the promoters' decisions in the activities carried out under the crowdfunding in Turkey. In this study, a deductive investigation approach is applied; the related literature is looked over in order to improve a conceptual model which targets to clarify the criterions of the deciding of the crowd investors. This study is conducted with a sample of crowdfunding platforms' members that operates in Turkey. The factors which improved in that model are researched by using online questionnaire. For this purpose, factors were determined first by explanatory factor analysis. Later, the validity of the model was verified by confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis was applied in the framework of the structural equation model. Although we hypothesized that the various factors would be related to intention to support crowdfunding campaigns, we also hypothesized that these factors link would be more pronounced when people have strong motivation to participation. According to self determination theory with intrinsic motivation, individuals engage in tasks because they find them interesting and extrinsic motivation indicates to the individual's tendency to perform tasks in order to obtain tangible or verbal rewards. In the present research study, while the moderator effect of motivational factors influences on crowdfunding are investigated, the study is structured on 'self-determination theory'. In this respect, this study is one of the first study in crowdfunding field and also promising future topic. The findings obtained from the study shows that when the participants get the expected satisfaction from motivations (e.g.helping others, enjoyment, peer pressure and reward), it might extend strengthen their perceptions of strenghten their perceptions of neutral information, self-presentation, and network. When the entrepreneurs, managers of crowdfunding platforms and policy makers understand the motivations affecting the decisions for the investment of the investors, they can use these factors for encouraging in crowdfunding campaigns. This may provide them to get the necessary funding for their projects.
İşletme, Finansal destek, Finansman, Business Administration, Girişimciler, Financial support, Financing, Girişimcilik, Entrepreneurs, Kitlesel fonlama, Entrepreneurship, Crowdfunding, Motivasyon, Motivation
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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