Katılım bankacılığında kartlı ödeme sistemleri
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Tezimizde, faizsiz bankacılığın temel ilkeleriyle ülkemizde faaliyet gösteren katılım bankalarının kartlı ödeme sistemindeki rolü, çalışma prensibi gereğince faizsizlik esasına dayalı bankacılık ile kartlı ödeme sistemi kuralları ve uygulamalarının uyumluluğu, faizsizlik prensibi kurallarına göre değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Bu değerlendirme yapılırken esas kaynağımız İslam hukuku ve faizsizlik prensibi olup, konuyla ilgili görüş beyan eden İslam fıkhı uzmanlarının içtihatlarına yer verilmiş ve fetvalar sunulmuştur. Kartlı ödeme sisteminin tarihsel süreci, bu sürece gelene kadar geçirdiği aşamalar, kullanılan ödeme yöntemleri gibi ayrıntılara yer verilerek sistemin çalışma prensibi ortaya konulmuştur. Bu prensipler tüm ülkelerde geçerli olan ve tüm kartlı ödeme kuruluşlarını ilgilendiren kurallar bütünüdür. Değişik ülkelerde faaliyet gösteren ödeme sistemi kuruluşları, bankalar, kart hamilleri ve üye işyerleri bulunduğu ülkenin kanunlarını uluslararası ödeme sistemi kurallarına uyarlayarak ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde kartlı ödeme sistemine dâhil olmuşlardır. Tezimizin başlığı olan, katılım bankalarında kartlı ödeme sistemleri ve Türkiye uygulamasının tüm boyutlarıyla anlatılabilmesi için yedi bölümlük bir tez metni hazırlanmış, her bölüm bir sonraki bölümün anlaşılması kavramsal olarak sıralanmıştır. İlk bölümde bankacılığın tanımı, tarihi, faaliyet konuları ve Türkiye'deki banka türlerinden kısaca bahsedilmiş, üçüncü bölümde tezimizin esas konusunu kavramak açısından ülkemizde katılım bankacılığı olarak tanımlanan ancak uluslararası literatürde İslami bankacılık ya da faizsiz bankacılık olarak bilinen bankacılık türünün prensipleri açıklanmıştır. Faizsiz bankacılığı açıklarken öncelikle faizin ne olduğu ve tarihsel geçmişinden bahsedilerek, faizsizliğin ne anlama geldiği açıklanmış ve faizsiz bankacılığı günümüze gelen tarihsel sürecinden bahsedilmiştir. Daha sonra faizsiz bankacılığın diğer bankacılık faaliyetinden anlayış olarak farklılığı ve faizsiz bankacılığın ortaya çıkma nedenlerinden bahsedilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde katılım bankacılığı faaliyet alanları fon toplama kullandırma yöntemleri, diğer bankalardan ayıran başlıkları maddeler halinde sıralanmış, faizsiz bankacılığın son durumu ile ilgili bilgi verilmiş ve Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren katılım bankaları kısaca tanıtılmıştır. Beşinci bölümde kartlı ödeme sisteminin anlaşılabilmesi için ülkemizde uygulanan ödeme sistemi yöntemlerinden bahsedilmiştir. Altıncı bölümde ödeme sistemleri içerisinde yer alan kartlı ödeme sisteminin tarihi, kart türleri, kartlı ödeme sistemi yöntemleri, bu sistemin tarafları, taraflar arasındaki hukuki ilişkiler ve kartlı ödeme sistemindeki takaslaşma gibi kartlı ödeme sisteminin tüm başlıkları geniş bir biçimde anlatılmış ve bir sonraki bölüme hazırlık yapılmıştır. Yedinci bölümde kartlı ödeme sisteminin İslam hukukuna göre yeri, kart türlerinin, taraflar arasındaki sözleşmeler ve kartla yapılan ve yapılacak işlemlerin İslam hukukuna ve fıkhına uyumluluğu, İslam hukuku uzmanlarının ve oluşturulmuş fıkıh komitelerinin görüşlerine yer verilerek görüşlerden ortak bir sonuç çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Sekizinci ve sonuç bölümünde ise kartlı ödeme sisteminin İslam hukukuna göre yapılan analizi ele alınarak, Türkiye'deki katılım bankalarında bu içtihatların uygulanıp uygulanmadığı hususu kart bazında ve yapılan işlem bazında incelenmiştir. Bu inceleme ilgili bankaların resmi internet sitesinde kart uygulamaları ve tanıtımları ile verdiği bilgiler derlenerek yapılmış olup, değerlendirmeler İslam hukuku uzmanlarının ortak görüşleri göz önüne alınarak yapılmıştır. Vakıf Katılım ve Ziraat Katılım Bankası kartlı ödeme uygulamalarına yeni geçtiği için uygulamaları ile ilgili ayrıntılı bilgiye ulaşılamamış ve çalışmada ilgili bankalara çok fazla bilgi verilememiştir. Dolayısıyla değerlendirme genel olarak kartlı ödeme uygulamalarına yer verilmiştir. Türkiye dışında faaliyet gösteren diğer faizsiz bankaların kredi kartı uygulamalarının da bu tabloda olması çok istenmesine rağmen ne kütüphanelerde ne güncel kartlı ödeme sistemi dergilerinde ne de internet sitelerinde bilgi edinilemediği için tezimizde sadece Türkiye deki katılım bankaları incelenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kartlı Ödeme, Katılım Bankası, İslam Hukuku Tarih: Ocak 2017
In my thesis, the rule of general principles of the active no interest payment systems operations banks, in accordance with Works principles and no interest payment systems operations and compatibility of applications, in accordance with no interest principles all have been evaluated. The main resource of the evaluating is Islamic laws and no interest principle, in acccordance with the subject the oponions of the Islamic fiqh experts has been token and all the fetwas has been presented. the hestorical process of payment systems with cards, untill today the all levels which have been passed, work systems principle has revealed that used payment methods shoıuld be by giving care for the all details. This principles is valid in all countries and all payment systems operations institutions all over the World, in different countries the active payment systems institutions, banks, cards holders, and work places according to the countries laws they are working in and adapting the international payment systems rules at national and international levels. As in my thesis title, for explaining payment systems in the participation banks with all dimensions of the applications in Turkey i have written seven sections in my thesis, it has been arranged by way that every section conceptually explaining the following section, in the first section banking definition, history, active subjects and different types of banks in turkey in short way has been explained, in third section my thesis main subject conceptually in our country known as participation banking and in the World known as islamic or no interest banking principles has been explained. Firstly while explaining the no interest banking what is the interest and its history and what is meaning of no interest all have been explained, then the different between the no interest banking and other active banking sectors and the reason beyond the raising of the no interest banking all have been explained, in forth section funds collecting and funds using methods in the paticipation banking, and the different from other banks main regulations have been sorted. The last situation and informations of the no interest banking have been clarified and the active participation banks in Turkey has been defined in short way. İn the fifth section the way to precieve the payment systems operations and the applied payment systems operation in our country have been explained. İn the sixth section of my thesis, payment systems with cards history, cards types, payment systems with cards methods, this systems sides, the laws between these sides and the swaps operations in the payment systems with cards has been explained widely and preparation was made for the next section. İn the seventh section payment systems with cards in accordance with islamic laws, cards types, and the contracts between sides and the transactions which made with cards and their compatibility with islamic laws, result has been reached in the thesis by taking the islamic experts and committees opinions. In the eighth and last section by taking the islamic laws analyzes about the payment systems, these minds have been applied or not in cards in the paticipation banks in Turkey has been checked. By compling the details and definitions and cards applications in offical websites of the banks. These evaluations has been token by take minds and opinions from the islamic laws experts. The payment systems applications in Vakıf participation bank and Ziraat participation banks has been not reached because of being new passed to participation banking field and have not shared a lot about their activities. Consequently the main evaluations has been done from Albaraka Türk, Kuveyt Türk and Türkiye Finans participation banks detials and applications. About the active foreign participation banks and despite the big desire to add informations about it but the informations couldnt be reached from internet or from the libraries, consequently local participation banks in Turkey has been checked in the thesis. Keywords: Card Payment, Participation Banks, Islamic laws Date: January 2017
In my thesis, the rule of general principles of the active no interest payment systems operations banks, in accordance with Works principles and no interest payment systems operations and compatibility of applications, in accordance with no interest principles all have been evaluated. The main resource of the evaluating is Islamic laws and no interest principle, in acccordance with the subject the oponions of the Islamic fiqh experts has been token and all the fetwas has been presented. the hestorical process of payment systems with cards, untill today the all levels which have been passed, work systems principle has revealed that used payment methods shoıuld be by giving care for the all details. This principles is valid in all countries and all payment systems operations institutions all over the World, in different countries the active payment systems institutions, banks, cards holders, and work places according to the countries laws they are working in and adapting the international payment systems rules at national and international levels. As in my thesis title, for explaining payment systems in the participation banks with all dimensions of the applications in Turkey i have written seven sections in my thesis, it has been arranged by way that every section conceptually explaining the following section, in the first section banking definition, history, active subjects and different types of banks in turkey in short way has been explained, in third section my thesis main subject conceptually in our country known as participation banking and in the World known as islamic or no interest banking principles has been explained. Firstly while explaining the no interest banking what is the interest and its history and what is meaning of no interest all have been explained, then the different between the no interest banking and other active banking sectors and the reason beyond the raising of the no interest banking all have been explained, in forth section funds collecting and funds using methods in the paticipation banking, and the different from other banks main regulations have been sorted. The last situation and informations of the no interest banking have been clarified and the active participation banks in Turkey has been defined in short way. İn the fifth section the way to precieve the payment systems operations and the applied payment systems operation in our country have been explained. İn the sixth section of my thesis, payment systems with cards history, cards types, payment systems with cards methods, this systems sides, the laws between these sides and the swaps operations in the payment systems with cards has been explained widely and preparation was made for the next section. İn the seventh section payment systems with cards in accordance with islamic laws, cards types, and the contracts between sides and the transactions which made with cards and their compatibility with islamic laws, result has been reached in the thesis by taking the islamic experts and committees opinions. In the eighth and last section by taking the islamic laws analyzes about the payment systems, these minds have been applied or not in cards in the paticipation banks in Turkey has been checked. By compling the details and definitions and cards applications in offical websites of the banks. These evaluations has been token by take minds and opinions from the islamic laws experts. The payment systems applications in Vakıf participation bank and Ziraat participation banks has been not reached because of being new passed to participation banking field and have not shared a lot about their activities. Consequently the main evaluations has been done from Albaraka Türk, Kuveyt Türk and Türkiye Finans participation banks detials and applications. About the active foreign participation banks and despite the big desire to add informations about it but the informations couldnt be reached from internet or from the libraries, consequently local participation banks in Turkey has been checked in the thesis. Keywords: Card Payment, Participation Banks, Islamic laws Date: January 2017
Bankacılık, İşletme, Bankacılık sektörü, Bankacılık sistemi, Bankalar, Banking, Business Administration, Faizsiz bankacılık, Banking sector, Faizsiz finans kurumları, Banking system, Banks, Katılım bankacılığı, Interest-free banking, Interest-free finance institution, Kredi kartları, Participation banking, Ödeme sistemleri, Credit cards, Payment systems, İslam Hukuku, Islamic Law
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