Yabancı ve Türk sermayeli lojistik firmalarının Türkiye'deki büyüme stratejileri
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Dünyada lojistik sektörü büyüyen genç bir sektördür. Ülkemiz ise bu sektör içinde bölgesel olarak Orta doğu, Türki Cumhuriyetleri ve Avrupa arasında bir aktarma merkezi olarak görülmektedir. Bu nedenle Türkiye lojistik bir üs olma özelliği kazanmıştır. Yaşanan ekonomik koşullardaki değişkenlik ve belirsizlik, karakterize edilen dönemler ve krizler, sektörde faaliyet gösteren firmaları farklı yönlerden etkilemektedir. Bu yüzden lojistik sektöründe büyüme stratejileri büyük önem taşımaktadır. Büyüme lojistik işletmelerinin temel amaçlarından birisi olarak görülmektedir. Sistem yaklaşımı ile incelendiğinde lojistik işletmeleri çevresi ile sürekli etkileşimde olan, çevresinden etkilenen ve onu etkileyen bir yapıya sahip olan açık sistemler olarak bilinmektedir. Bu bakımdan lojistik işletmeleri birer canlı organizma gibi davranmaktadırlar. Ekonomik, sosyal, politik ve teknolojik değişimlerin sürekli olarak tesiri altında bulunan lojistik işletmeleri bir taraftan da rekabet içerisinde kaynaklarını en iyi şekilde kullanarak yaşamlarını sürdürmek mecburiyetindedirler. Lojistik işletmeleri de canlı bir organizma gibi doğar, büyür, gelişir, yaşlanır ve ölür. Lojistik işletmelerinin en önemli mücadelesi ömürlerini uzatma olarak görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada lojistik sektöründe faaliyet gösteren yabancı ve Türk sermayeli firmaların büyüme stratejilerini nasıl uyguladıkları, ne katkılar sağladığının belirlenmesini amaçlanmış ve bu amaca ulaşmak için piyasanın dinamikleri, kısa ve orta vadeli hedefler, 2023 hedeflerine ne şekilde ulaşacakları gibi faktörler düşünülerek bir görüşme formu oluşturulmuş ve bu form gerek cirosal anlamda gerekse pazar lideri olması açısından farklı sektörlerden seçilen beş firmanın firma sahipleri veya CEO 'ları ile yüz yüze görüşülerek veriler elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler sonucunda firmaların orta ve uzun vadede stratejilerini belirlemiş oldukları ve bu doğrultuda alt yapılarını hazırladıkları görülmüştür. Ayrıca altyapı çalışmaları sadece sermaye veya ekipman değil vi aynı zamanda IT, insan kaynakları, ar-ge, know-how gibi değişkenlerle tamamlamış oldukları ve geliştirmelere devam ettikleri görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Lojistik, İşletme, Büyüme, Büyüme Stratejileri
The logistics sector in the world is a growing young industry. Our country is seen as a transfer center between Middle East, Turkic Republics and Europe, belonging to this sector. For this reason, Turkey has acquired a logistical base capability. Variability and uncertainty in the economic conditions, charter periods and crises, companies operating in the sector are influencing in different ways. For this reason, growth strategies in the logistics sector are of great importance. Growth is seen as one of the main objectives of logistics enterprises. System approach and, when examined, logistics enterprises are known as open systems with a structure that is constantly interacting with the environment, affected by its environment and affecting it. In this respect, logistics enterprises act like living organisms. Continuous availability of economic, social, political and technological changes, logistics enterprises are competing from one side and they have to maintain their age to use it in the best possible way. Logistics enterprises are born like a living organism, grow, grow, age and die. The most important struggle of logistics enterprises is seen to extend their life. In this study, it was aimed to determine how the foreign-funded companies operating in the logistics sector apply the growth strategies and to what extent they have contributed. An interview form was formed by considering the factors such as market dynamics, short and medium term targets and how to reach 2023 targets. in the sense that it is the market leader, five companies selected from different sectors were interviewed face-to-face with company owners or CEOs. As a result of the obtained data, it is seen that the firms have determined their strategies in the middle and long walks and have prepared their sub-structures in this direction. In addition, it has been seen that infrastructure studies have been completed not viii only by capital or equipment but also by such variables as IT, human resources, research and know-how. Keywords: Logistics, Business, Growth, Growth Strategies
The logistics sector in the world is a growing young industry. Our country is seen as a transfer center between Middle East, Turkic Republics and Europe, belonging to this sector. For this reason, Turkey has acquired a logistical base capability. Variability and uncertainty in the economic conditions, charter periods and crises, companies operating in the sector are influencing in different ways. For this reason, growth strategies in the logistics sector are of great importance. Growth is seen as one of the main objectives of logistics enterprises. System approach and, when examined, logistics enterprises are known as open systems with a structure that is constantly interacting with the environment, affected by its environment and affecting it. In this respect, logistics enterprises act like living organisms. Continuous availability of economic, social, political and technological changes, logistics enterprises are competing from one side and they have to maintain their age to use it in the best possible way. Logistics enterprises are born like a living organism, grow, grow, age and die. The most important struggle of logistics enterprises is seen to extend their life. In this study, it was aimed to determine how the foreign-funded companies operating in the logistics sector apply the growth strategies and to what extent they have contributed. An interview form was formed by considering the factors such as market dynamics, short and medium term targets and how to reach 2023 targets. in the sense that it is the market leader, five companies selected from different sectors were interviewed face-to-face with company owners or CEOs. As a result of the obtained data, it is seen that the firms have determined their strategies in the middle and long walks and have prepared their sub-structures in this direction. In addition, it has been seen that infrastructure studies have been completed not viii only by capital or equipment but also by such variables as IT, human resources, research and know-how. Keywords: Logistics, Business, Growth, Growth Strategies
Ulaşım, İşletme, Büyüme, Büyüme stratejileri, Transportation, Lojistik, Business Administration, Lojistik hizmetler, Growth, Growth strategies, Lojistik sektörü, Logistics, Logistic services, Lojistik yönetim, Logistic sector, Yabancı sermaye işletmeleri, Logistic management, Foreign capital enterprises, İşletmeler, Businesses
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