İstanbul'da yaşayan Ermenilerin yeme içme alışkanlıkları
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Türkiye'de Ermeniler ve azınlık olan İstanbul Ermenileri ile ilgili farklı alanlarda birçok akademik çalışma yapılmıştır. Yapılan bu tez çalışmasında İstanbul'daki Ermenilerin daha önce ele alınmamış yeme içme alışkanlıkları araştırılmış ve konuya farklı bir açıdan bakılmıştır. Bu sayede eksik olan yeme içme alışkanlıkları akademik anlamda gün yüzüne çıkarılmıştır. Tez çalışmasında birçok kaynaktan referans alındığı gibi görüşmeler neticesinde kaynak kişilerden de değerlendirmeler alınmıştır. Ermeni ve Türk vatandaşlarının tarihte birçok ortak noktası ve derin ilişkileri olması sebebiyle İstanbul'da yaşayan Ermeniler heyecan verici bir tez konusu olmuştur. Söz konusu araştırmada İstanbul'da yaşamış ve yaşayan Ermeni vatandaşlarının yeme içme ritüelleri (alışkanlıkları) ele alınmıştır. Yeme içme alışkanlıkları ile beraber, gastronomi ve kültür boyutlarının somut ve soyut olan evreleri incelenmiştir. Araştırma dâhilinde gastronomi tarihi, Türk ve Ermeni gastronomi tarihi, kültür, Ermeni kültürü ve gastronomi ilişkisi ve söz konusu alışkanlıklar incelenmiştir. Gerekli literatür araştırmaları yapılarak, kaynak kişiler ile derinlemesine görüşülerek elde edilen bilgiler ve reçeteler gün yüzüne çıkarılmıştır. Yarı yapılandırılmış ve yapılandırılmamış görüşmeler sonucunda Ermenilerin kültürel anlamda benimsedikleri ve unutulmaya yüz tutmuş gastronomi, örf ve adetleri kayıt altına alınırken, İstanbul Ermenilerine ait menü kalemleri tek tek kaynak kişi dâhilinde yazılmıştır. Ermeniler; yüzyıllardır aynı topraklarda beraber yaşadığımız, birçok ortak kültüre sahip olduğumuz bir millettir. Tarih boyunca Ermeniler ve Türkler arasında uzun yıllar süren ilişkiler olmuştur. Osmanlı döneminde Ermeniler etkin ve söz sahibi bir millet olmuştur. Bu dönemde ve sonrasında Ermenilerin en yoğun şekilde yaşadığı yer İstanbul olmuştur.
Many academic studies conducted in Turkey from different areas of interest related to Armenians and minority group called Istanbul Armenians. This thesis discusses the eating and drinking habits of Istanbul Armenians that have never been discussed before and the subject has been viewed from a different perspective. By means of this, the missing eating and drinking habits have been brought to light on an academic means. In this thesis work, as well as many references from academic sources, evaluations from the people who were taken by various interviews used. Armenians living in Istanbul have been an exciting research topic since Armenians and Turks have many commonalities and deep relationships throughout history. The study focused on the the eating and drinking rituals (habits) of the Armenian citizens who are currently living or had been living in Istanbul. Apart from their eating and drinking habits, the concrete and abstract dimensions of gastronomy and culture concepts have been examined. In line with the scope of the research, the history of gastronomy, the history of Turkish and Armenian gastronomy, culture concept, Armenian culture and gastronomy relationship and related habits were examined. The information and prescriptions were uncovered through the nevessary literature studies and in-depth interviews with the Armenians. As a result of semi-structured and unstructured interviews, the culturally adopted and forgotten gastronomy customs and traditions of the Armenians were recorded, while the menus that belong to the Istanbul Armenians were written one by one throughout the interviews. Armenians are the people we have lived together on the same land for centuries and thus have common cultures. Throughout history, there have been many years of interactions between Armenians and Turks. During the Ottoman period, Armenians became an active and influencial nation and Istanbul was the place where most of the Armenian lived during this period and afterwards.
Many academic studies conducted in Turkey from different areas of interest related to Armenians and minority group called Istanbul Armenians. This thesis discusses the eating and drinking habits of Istanbul Armenians that have never been discussed before and the subject has been viewed from a different perspective. By means of this, the missing eating and drinking habits have been brought to light on an academic means. In this thesis work, as well as many references from academic sources, evaluations from the people who were taken by various interviews used. Armenians living in Istanbul have been an exciting research topic since Armenians and Turks have many commonalities and deep relationships throughout history. The study focused on the the eating and drinking rituals (habits) of the Armenian citizens who are currently living or had been living in Istanbul. Apart from their eating and drinking habits, the concrete and abstract dimensions of gastronomy and culture concepts have been examined. In line with the scope of the research, the history of gastronomy, the history of Turkish and Armenian gastronomy, culture concept, Armenian culture and gastronomy relationship and related habits were examined. The information and prescriptions were uncovered through the nevessary literature studies and in-depth interviews with the Armenians. As a result of semi-structured and unstructured interviews, the culturally adopted and forgotten gastronomy customs and traditions of the Armenians were recorded, while the menus that belong to the Istanbul Armenians were written one by one throughout the interviews. Armenians are the people we have lived together on the same land for centuries and thus have common cultures. Throughout history, there have been many years of interactions between Armenians and Turks. During the Ottoman period, Armenians became an active and influencial nation and Istanbul was the place where most of the Armenian lived during this period and afterwards.
Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları, Beslenme alışkanlıkları, Ermeniler, Gastronomi, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Kültür, Nutritional habits, Armenians, Yemek kültürü, Gastronomy, Culture, Yemekler, Food culture, İstanbul, Dishes, Istanbul, İçecekler, Beverages
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