Obezitenin dolaylı maliyetleri ile obezite tedavisine yönelik sağlık harcamalarının karşılaştırmalı finansal analizi
Bu araştırmanın temel amacı; Obezite problem olan bireylerin katlanmak zorunda oldukları dolaylı harcama maliyetlerini tespit etmek ve İstanbul'da obez olan bireylerin bu sağlık sorununun tedavisi için katlanmak zorunda oldukları harcamalarla karşılaştırmalı bir şekilde analiz etmektir. Araştırma kapsamında İstanbul ilinde yaşayan 362 obezin katılımıyla bir anket çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ankete ek olarak 10 sağlık uzmanı ve 10 obez bireyle yarı yapılandırılmış mülakatlar yoluyla da araştırma verileri toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda obezitenin; kadınlarda erkeklere göre; evlilerde bekarlara göre; 36 ve üstü yaşta olanlarda, daha gençlere göre; önlisans / lisans mezunlarında lise ve ilkokul düzeyinde eğitim alanlara göre; çalışanlarda çalışmayanlara göre; kendi iş yerinde çalışanların başkalarının yanında çalışanlara göre; ekonomik durumu iyi olanların ise ekonomik yönden kötü veya vasat durumda olanlara göre daha sık görüldüğü anlaşılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda bireylerde obezitenin 1.evreden morbid düzeye doğru geliştikçe obeziteden kaynaklı dolaylı harcamaların pozitif yönde etkilenerek aynı doğrultuda artış kaydettiği tespit edilmiştir. Yine araştırma sonucunda; İstanbul özelinde obezite kaynaklı dolaylı maliyetlerin aylık ve yıllık tutarları hesaplanmıştır. Son olarak ise araştırmanın ulaşılan sonuçlarına göre ülkemizde Obezitenin tedavisine yönelik bazı strateji ve politikalar önerilmiştir.
The main purpose of this research is to identify via comparative financial analysis the amounts of the indirect costs of obesity and health expenditures for the treatment of obesity, both of them are the obese people had to put up with in Istanbul. Within the scope of the research, a survey was conducted with the participation of 362 obese people living in Istanbul. In addition to the survey, research data were collected through semi-structured interviews with the participation of 10 healthcare professionals and 10 obese patients. As a result of the study is that are more obesity prevalent; among women than men; among 36 years or older than more young people; among undergraduate more than the high school or primary school educated; among obese people they are working at their own workplace more than by the others working; among good economic conditions having obese than poor conditions having obese. As a result of the research, it has been determined that as obesity develops from the 1st stage to the morbid level and it is caused positively effect on the indirect costs of obesity in the same direction. As other result of the research are calculated the monthly and annual amounts of the obesity-induced indirect costs in particular Istanbul. Finally, according to the results of the study have been proposed some strategies and policies for obesity treatment in our country.
The main purpose of this research is to identify via comparative financial analysis the amounts of the indirect costs of obesity and health expenditures for the treatment of obesity, both of them are the obese people had to put up with in Istanbul. Within the scope of the research, a survey was conducted with the participation of 362 obese people living in Istanbul. In addition to the survey, research data were collected through semi-structured interviews with the participation of 10 healthcare professionals and 10 obese patients. As a result of the study is that are more obesity prevalent; among women than men; among 36 years or older than more young people; among undergraduate more than the high school or primary school educated; among obese people they are working at their own workplace more than by the others working; among good economic conditions having obese than poor conditions having obese. As a result of the research, it has been determined that as obesity develops from the 1st stage to the morbid level and it is caused positively effect on the indirect costs of obesity in the same direction. As other result of the research are calculated the monthly and annual amounts of the obesity-induced indirect costs in particular Istanbul. Finally, according to the results of the study have been proposed some strategies and policies for obesity treatment in our country.
Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi, Health Care Management