Sağlık kurumlarında uygulanan toplam kalite yönetiminin çalışan performansı üzerindeki etkisi
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Kalite kavramı yıllardır süre gelen ve hemen hemen her sektörde uygulamada yer alan bir kavram olarak hayatımızda bulunmaktadır. Sektörlere göre yapılan tanımlar farklılık gösterse dahi temel olarak kalite kavramı, bireylerin ihtiyaçlarının uygun koşullarda ve şartlarda en iyi olacak şekilde karşılanmasına denmektedir. Uygulama bakımından aslında zor olan bu kavram, bazı araştırmacılar tarafından lüks olarak ifade edilirken bazı araştırmacılar tarafından da müşterilerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan bir yöntem olarak kabul edilmektedir. Toplam kalite yönetimi, yeni ilkeler ve yönetim yapısı ile süreç içerisinde sektörde yer almaya başlamıştır. İşletmelerin ve kurumların kalite seviyelerini ve verimliliklerini belli temel ilkelere dayalı olarak artırmayı hedefleyen bu yönetim şekli rekabet piyasasına da etkilerde bulunmaktadır. Sağlık alanı içerisinde de uygulamaya dâhil edilen toplam kalite yönetimi, sağlık personeli, süreçler, hastalar, hastaneler ve maliyetler gibi birçok unsur ile beraberinde temelden değişmiş ve gelişmiştir. Sağlık hizmetlerinin insanlara yönelik bir uygulama olmasından dolayı sağlık sektöründe hataya asla yer yoktur. Toplam kalite yönetim ilkesinde yer alan sıfır hata, müşteri memnuniyeti, liderlik, sürekli gelişme, çalışan motivasyonu ve sürekli eğitim ilkeleriyle sağlık alanında büyük yenilikler ve sağlıkta kalite anlayışları yer almaya başlamıştır. Toplam kalite yönetim anlayışına, hastanelerin ve sağlık personelinin sürece dâhil olmasıyla birlikte, hedefleri doğrultusunda hasta ve hasta yakınlarını memnun etmeye ve onlara en iyi hizmetleri sunmaya çalışmışlardır. Bu bakımdan hastanelerde uygulanmakta olan toplam kalite yönetim anlayışlarının hem personele hem de hastalara fayda sağlamış olduğu aşikârdır. Anahtar sözcükler: Sağlık Kurumları, Sağlık Personeli, Performans, Toplam Kalite Yönetimi, Toplam Kalite Yönetiminin İlkeleri
The concept of quality is in our lives as a concept that has been going on for years and is in practice in almost every sector. Even though the definitions made according to the sectors differ, the concept of quality basically refers to meeting the needs of individuals in the best possible conditions and conditions. While this concept, which is actually difficult in terms of implementation, is expressed as a luxury by some researchers, it is accepted as a method that meets the needs of customers by some researchers. Total quality management has started to take place in the sector in the process with new principles and management structure. This management style, which aims to increase the quality levels and efficiency of enterprises and institutions based on certain basic principles, also has effects on the competitive market. Total quality management, which is included in the practice in the field of health, has fundamentally changed and developed with many elements such as health personnel, processes, patients, hospitals and costs. Since health services are an application for people, there is no room for error in the health sector. With the principles of zero error, customer satisfaction, leadership, continuous improvement, employee motivation and continuous education, which are included in the total quality management principle, great innovations in the field of health and quality understandings in health have started to take place. With the involvement of hospitals and health personnel in the total quality management approach, they tried to satisfy patients and their relatives and to provide them with the best services in line with their goals. In this respect, it is obvious that the total quality management approaches applied in hospitals have benefited both the staff and the patients. Key words: Health Institutions, Total Quality Management, Health Personnel, Performance, Principles of Total Quality Management
The concept of quality is in our lives as a concept that has been going on for years and is in practice in almost every sector. Even though the definitions made according to the sectors differ, the concept of quality basically refers to meeting the needs of individuals in the best possible conditions and conditions. While this concept, which is actually difficult in terms of implementation, is expressed as a luxury by some researchers, it is accepted as a method that meets the needs of customers by some researchers. Total quality management has started to take place in the sector in the process with new principles and management structure. This management style, which aims to increase the quality levels and efficiency of enterprises and institutions based on certain basic principles, also has effects on the competitive market. Total quality management, which is included in the practice in the field of health, has fundamentally changed and developed with many elements such as health personnel, processes, patients, hospitals and costs. Since health services are an application for people, there is no room for error in the health sector. With the principles of zero error, customer satisfaction, leadership, continuous improvement, employee motivation and continuous education, which are included in the total quality management principle, great innovations in the field of health and quality understandings in health have started to take place. With the involvement of hospitals and health personnel in the total quality management approach, they tried to satisfy patients and their relatives and to provide them with the best services in line with their goals. In this respect, it is obvious that the total quality management approaches applied in hospitals have benefited both the staff and the patients. Key words: Health Institutions, Total Quality Management, Health Personnel, Performance, Principles of Total Quality Management
Sağlık Yönetimi, Healthcare Management