2001 krizi sonrası Türkiye bankacılık sektöründeki yapılandırma çalışmaları ve BDDK'nın rölü
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Ülkelerin yaşadığı ekonomik krizlerin en orta yerinde genellikle bankalar bulunmaktadır. Tarihte birçok ülkede bankacılık sisteminin kırılgan yapısı büyük krizlerin tetikçisi olmuştur. Bu gelişmelere sebep olan en önemli etkenler enflasyon, dış açıklar, kamu kesiminin sermaye ihtiyacı ve yapılandırma gereksinimleri ile birlikte finansal piyasalardaki sektör oyuncularının karşılıklı olarak birbirleriyle etkileşimi olmuştur. Bu durum bankacılık sistemindeki yapının ne derece sağlam olduğuyla doğrudan ilgilidir. 2001 krizi ve önceki dönemde sistemdeki kırılgan yapı Türkiye'nin en büyük ekonomik krizini yaşamasına sebep olmuş ancak daha sonra krizden çıkış için yapılanlar Türk Bankacılık Sistemini oldukça güçlük ve sağlam bir yapıya kavuşturmuştur. Bu çalışmada 2001 Krizini doğuran nedenler, krizin bankacılık sistemine etkileri, güçlü Ekonomiye Geçiş Programı ile alınan tedbirlerin ve düzenlemelerin bankacılık sistemine kazandırdığı güçlü yapı anlatılmaktadır.
When countries are experiencing economical crises it is seen that banks are in the middle of the turbulance. Usually, the fragile nature of the banking system has been the trigger of major crises in many countries. The most important factors that led to these developments were mutual interactions between sector players in the financial markets as well as inflation, external deficits, public sector capital requirements and their re-structuring requirements. This is directly related to how robust the structure in the banking system . The 2001 crisis and previous period developments led Turkey to experience the worst economic crisis in their finance history. The fragile structure of Turkish Banking system created this hassle but then the actions taken to recover from the crisis has brought banking system to a very strong structure for future. This study covers, the causes of the 2001 crisis, the effects of the crisis, the measures taken during the Program for Transition to Stronger Economy and further the strong structure that has been created by arrangements and regulations in the banking system.
When countries are experiencing economical crises it is seen that banks are in the middle of the turbulance. Usually, the fragile nature of the banking system has been the trigger of major crises in many countries. The most important factors that led to these developments were mutual interactions between sector players in the financial markets as well as inflation, external deficits, public sector capital requirements and their re-structuring requirements. This is directly related to how robust the structure in the banking system . The 2001 crisis and previous period developments led Turkey to experience the worst economic crisis in their finance history. The fragile structure of Turkish Banking system created this hassle but then the actions taken to recover from the crisis has brought banking system to a very strong structure for future. This study covers, the causes of the 2001 crisis, the effects of the crisis, the measures taken during the Program for Transition to Stronger Economy and further the strong structure that has been created by arrangements and regulations in the banking system.
Bankacılık, Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu, Bankacılık sektörü, Bankalar, Banking, Ekonomik kriz, Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, Ekonomik kriz Şubat 2001, Banking sector, Banks, Finansal kriz, Economic crisis, Economical crisis February 2001, Güçlü Ekonomiye Geçiş Programı, Financial crisis, Türk bankacılık sektörü, Strong Economy Transition Program, Turkish banking sector, Yeniden yapılanma, Restructuring
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