Sürücüsüz karayolu taşıtlarının İstanbul trafiğinin kesintisiz akıma sahip kesimlerinde serbest akım koşullarında beklenen davranışlarının modellenmesi
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Alpergin, Hikmet Gamze
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Ülkemizin en kalabalık nüfusa sahip ili olan İstanbul'da yaşanılan en büyük sorunlardan bir tanesi nüfusun ve trafikteki taşıt sayısının artmasına bağlı olarak artan trafik sorunudur. Trafikte yaşanan sorunlara karşı geliştirilen çözüm önerilerinden en önemlilerinden biri de, öncü firma ve özel kuruluşlar tarafından tasarlanan sürücüsüz taşıtlardır. Yakın gelecekte tüm dünyada olduğu gibi İstanbul trafiğinde de sürücüsüz taşıtlar yer almaya başlayacaktır. Trafiğin tümüyle sürücüsüz taşıtlardan oluşacağı tarihe değin bu taşıtlar insan sürücülü taşıtlarla birlikte, karma trafikte yer alacaktır. Bu tez kapsamında, sürücüsüz taşıtların İstanbul'daki karma trafikte kesintisiz akım koşullarındaki davranışları modellenmiş ve trafiğe olası etkileri incelenmiştir. Öncelikle kesintisiz akım koşullarının gerçekleştiği D100 karayolu Acıbadem kesiminden elde edilen kamera görüntüleri incelenerek, trafik akımının şu andaki özellikleri saptanmıştır. İnsan sürücülerin tepki süresi, hızlanma ve yavaşlama ivmeleri gibi davranışları gönüllü sürücüler bulunarak, araç içi kameralardan toplanan saha verileri ile elde edilmiştir. Sürücüsüz taşıtların bu özellikleri ise üretici firmalar tarafından açıklanan veriler kullanılarak düzenlenmiştir. Sürücü davranışlarının trafiğe olan etkileri SIDRA TRIP yazılımı kullanılarak saptanmıştır. Acıbadem'den toplanan trafik verileri ve sürücü davranışlarına ilişkin değerler PTV Vissim benzetim yazılımının ölçümlenmesinde kullanılmıştır. Ölçümlenen trafik koşullarına sürücüsüz araçların farklı oranlarda katılımının etkileri incelenmiştir.
One of the biggest problems occured in the city of Istanbul which is the most populous province of our country, is the increasing traffic problem due to the population growth and the number of vehicles in traffic. Also, one of the most important solution that is developed against traffic problems is autonomous vehicles which are designed by leading companies and private organizations. In the near future, autonomous vehicles will start to take place in Istanbul traffic as they will do in the rest of the world. Until the traffic will be composed of autonomous vehicles entirely, they will take place in mixed traffic together with human driven vehicles. In this thesis, the behavior of autonomous vehicles under uninterrupted flow conditions in mixed traffic in Istanbul is modeled and examined for possible effects on traffic. Firstly, the camera footage which is obtained from the D100 Highway Acıbadem section, where uninterrupted flow conditions occur, were examined and the current characteristics of the traffic flow were determined. The behavior of human drivers such as response time, acceleration and decelerations were obtained from volunteer drivers and field data was collected from in-vehicle cameras. These features of autonomous vehicles are regulated by using the data which is announced by the manufacturer companies. The effects of driver behavior on traffic have been determined using SIDRA TRIP software. Traffic data and the values related to driver behavior which was collected from Acıbadem were calibrated by PTV Vissim simulation software. The effects of the participation of driverless vehicles at different rates in the measured traffic conditions were examined.
One of the biggest problems occured in the city of Istanbul which is the most populous province of our country, is the increasing traffic problem due to the population growth and the number of vehicles in traffic. Also, one of the most important solution that is developed against traffic problems is autonomous vehicles which are designed by leading companies and private organizations. In the near future, autonomous vehicles will start to take place in Istanbul traffic as they will do in the rest of the world. Until the traffic will be composed of autonomous vehicles entirely, they will take place in mixed traffic together with human driven vehicles. In this thesis, the behavior of autonomous vehicles under uninterrupted flow conditions in mixed traffic in Istanbul is modeled and examined for possible effects on traffic. Firstly, the camera footage which is obtained from the D100 Highway Acıbadem section, where uninterrupted flow conditions occur, were examined and the current characteristics of the traffic flow were determined. The behavior of human drivers such as response time, acceleration and decelerations were obtained from volunteer drivers and field data was collected from in-vehicle cameras. These features of autonomous vehicles are regulated by using the data which is announced by the manufacturer companies. The effects of driver behavior on traffic have been determined using SIDRA TRIP software. Traffic data and the values related to driver behavior which was collected from Acıbadem were calibrated by PTV Vissim simulation software. The effects of the participation of driverless vehicles at different rates in the measured traffic conditions were examined.
İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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