Elektrikli forkliftler için batarya yönetim sistemi tasarımı
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Yeşil enerjinin kullanımı birçok sektörde önem kazanmaktadır ve kullanımı her geçen gün artmaktadır. Emisyonların düşürülmesi için otomotiv üreticileri dizel olanları piyasadan çekmekte benzinli olan birçok içten yanmalı motora sahip modellerinin elektrikli versiyonlarını da piyasaya sürmektedir. Forkliftlerin kapalı ortamlarda da çalışma durumları olduğundan bu ortamlarda elektrikli modellerin kullanımı zorunludur. Forkliftler uzun yıllardır kurşun asit akülerle elektrikli bir biçimde kullanılmaktadır. Forkliftler genellikle 24v,48v ve 80v kurşun asit akülere sahiptirler. Elektrikli araçlarda olduğu gibi forkliftlerde de lityum iyon akülerin hızlı şarj ve uzun kullanım ömürlerinden dolayı lityum iyon akülere geçiş hızlanmıştır. Lityum iyon aküler batarya yönetim sistemi (BYS) sayesinde güvenli bir biçimde yönetildiğinde birçok fazla avantaja sahiptir. Bu çalışmanın amacı 24V,48V ve 80V lityum iyon akülerle çalışacak şekilde modüler yapıda batarya yönetim sistemi ve lityum iyon batarya tasarlanmasıdır. Bu sayede geliştirilen BYS farklı gerilimlerde ve kapasitelerde lityum iyon akülerin güvenli bir şekilde yönetilmesini sağlayacaktır. Ayrıca bu çalışmanın bir sonraki adımı olan lityum iyon-süperkapasitör hibrit aküyle birlikte çalışabilecek bir şekilde BYS'nin bu fonksiyonlara da sahip olması göz önüne alınmıştır. Sisteme süperkapasitöründe eklenmesiyle birlikte aküden alınacak verim daha üst seviyeye çıkacaktır. Bu çalışma kapsamında forkliftlerde kullanılmak için lityum iyon akü tasarımı, farklı gerilimlerde ve süperkapasitör dahil edilen sistemle çalışabilecek BYS tasarımı amaçlanmıştır.
The use of green energy is gaining importance in many sectors and its use is increasing day by day. In order to reduce emissions, automotive manufacturers are pulling diesel ones from the market, and they are also launching electric versions of many gasolinepowered models. The decision of abandoning of Internal Combustion Engine driven vehicle manufactures by the 2030 is declared by the various automotive manufacturers. Since forklifts can work in indoor environments, the use of electric models is mandatory in these environments. Forklifts have been used electrically with lead acid batteries for many years. Forklifts usually have 24V, 48V and 80V lead acid batteries. As in electric vehicles, the transition to lithium-ion batteries has accelerated in forklifts due to the fast charging and long cycle life of lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries have many advantages when safely managed thanks to the battery management system (BMS). The aim of this study is to design a modular battery management system and lithium ion battery to work with 24v, 48v and 80v lithium-ion batteries. In this way, the developed BMS will ensure safe management of lithium-ion batteries of different voltages and capacities. In addition, it has been taken into account that the BMS has these functions in a way that can work with the lithium-ion-supercapacitor hybrid battery, which is the next step of this study. With the addition of the supercapacitor to the system, the efficiency to be obtained from the battery will increase to a higher level. Within the scope of this study, it is aimed to design a lithium-ion battery to be used in forklifts, and to design a BMS that can work at different voltages and with a supercapacitor system.
The use of green energy is gaining importance in many sectors and its use is increasing day by day. In order to reduce emissions, automotive manufacturers are pulling diesel ones from the market, and they are also launching electric versions of many gasolinepowered models. The decision of abandoning of Internal Combustion Engine driven vehicle manufactures by the 2030 is declared by the various automotive manufacturers. Since forklifts can work in indoor environments, the use of electric models is mandatory in these environments. Forklifts have been used electrically with lead acid batteries for many years. Forklifts usually have 24V, 48V and 80V lead acid batteries. As in electric vehicles, the transition to lithium-ion batteries has accelerated in forklifts due to the fast charging and long cycle life of lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries have many advantages when safely managed thanks to the battery management system (BMS). The aim of this study is to design a modular battery management system and lithium ion battery to work with 24v, 48v and 80v lithium-ion batteries. In this way, the developed BMS will ensure safe management of lithium-ion batteries of different voltages and capacities. In addition, it has been taken into account that the BMS has these functions in a way that can work with the lithium-ion-supercapacitor hybrid battery, which is the next step of this study. With the addition of the supercapacitor to the system, the efficiency to be obtained from the battery will increase to a higher level. Within the scope of this study, it is aimed to design a lithium-ion battery to be used in forklifts, and to design a BMS that can work at different voltages and with a supercapacitor system.
Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Enerji, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Energy, Lityum iyon pil, Lithium ion battery
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