Maksiller yav değerlendirilmesinde midpalatal raphe referansıyla gülüş fotoğrafının değerlendirilmesinin karşılaştırılması
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Maksillanın veya maksiller dental arkın, transvers düzlemde anterior posterior hareketiyle ifade edilen Maksiller yav ölçümü en güvenilir ve tekrarlanabilir haliyle 3 boyutlu radyografik tekniklerle ölçülebilmektedir. Bu çalışma hastanın alacağı radyasyon dozu miktarını azaltacak ve ölçüm basamaklarını kolaylaştıracak metot olması maksadıyla yapıldı. Çalışmamızda ortognatik ameliyat öncesinde dental seviyelenmeleri 17.25ss tele kadar tamamlanmış 19-45 yaş aralığında 29 kadın 24 erkek olmak üzere 53 hastaya ait 3shape cihazıyla alınmış dijital ölçü modellerini ve poz gülüş fotoğraflarını kullanıldı. Bu dijital modellerde ölçümleri Orthoanalyzer programı (Trios, Kopenhag, Danimarka) kullanarak gerçekleştirildi. Modellerin okluzal görünümündeyken hays nance ve bolton arayüz hesaplamaları kullanılarak 11 numaralı dişin mezyodistal genişliği saptandı. Bu dişin mm cinsinden ölçümüyle çalışmanın diğer basamaklarında kalibrasyon sağlanması hedeflendi. Yine Orthoanalyzer (Trios, Kopenhag, Danimarka) programında aynı modelin okluzal görünümündeyken midpalatal raphe referansını oluşturmak üzere insisiv papil ve midpalatal sutur uzerine birer adet nokta yerleştirildi. Bu noktaların birleşimindeki doğrusal hat midpalatal raphe hattını oluşturdu. Midpalatal raphe hattını referans olarak kullanmak üzere, midpalatal raphe hattını dik kesen bir doğrusal çizgi anteriorda yer alan kanin dişinin kusp tepesinden geçecek biçimde yerleştirildi. Ayrıca kaninler arası hattı oluşturmak üzere, kanin kusp tepelerine birer adet nokta yerleştirildi. Midpalatal raphe hattını dik kesen doğru ve kaninler arası hat arasındaki mesafe kanin hizasından ölçüldü. 1 e 1 kalibrasyonu 11 nolu diş ölçüsü ile yapılmış dijital model üzerinde, elde ettiğimiz dentoalveoler yav miktarını mm cinsinden elde edildi. Korelasyonunu araştırmak üzere yine ortognatik ameliyat planlaması sürecindeki hastaların lazer hizalama aygıtı kullanılarak oluşturulmuş doğal baş pozisyonundaki fotoğrafları kullanıldı. Çalışmanın amacına uygun olarak FACS rehberliğinde hastalara gösterilmiş poz gülüş fotoğrafı kullanıldı. Fotoğrafların kalibrasyonu Adobe photoshop programı üzerinde 11 numaralı dişin elde edilmiş mezyodistal genişliği kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılacak poz gülümseme fotoğrafını her hasta için araştırıcı (D.K.) tarafından belirlendi. Seçilen gülüş fotoğrafı üzerinde bireye ait dış komissuralar ve kanin kusp tepeleri sağ ve sol olmak üzere belirlendi. Sağ dış komissura ve sağ kanin arası adobe photoshop programı kullanılarak ölçülürken, aynı ölçüm sol taraf için de yapıldı. Bu iki ölçüm arasında çıkan mm cinsinden fark ile gülüş fotoğrafı üzerinden yav ölçümü yapıldı. Ortaya çıkan sonuçlar istatistiksel metotlarla incelendi: Kadın ve erkeklerde sınıflar arası korelasyon analizinde anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır. 3 Shape (Trios, Kopenhag, Danimarka) dijital ölçümleri ile Fotoğraf ölçümleri arasında %92.1 düzeyinde bir uyum bulunmaktadır (p:0.000; p<0.05). 30 yaş altı olgularda; 3 Shape dijital ölçümleri ile Fotoğraf ölçümleri arasında %91.5 düzeyinde bir uyum bulunmaktadır (p:0.000; p<0.05). 30 yaş üstü olgularda; 3 Shape dijital ölçümleri ile Fotoğraf ölçümleri arasında %94.6 düzeyinde bir uyum bulunmaktadır (p:0.000; p<0.05). Sağ taraftan yapılan ölçümlerde; 3 Shape dijital ölçümleri ile Fotoğraf ölçümleri arasında %91.9 düzeyinde bir uyum bulunmaktadır (p:0.000; p<0.05). Sol taraftan yapılan ölçümlerde; 3 Shape dijital ölçümleri ile Fotoğraf ölçümleri arasında %92.9 düzeyinde bir uyum bulunmaktadır (p:0.000; p<0.05). Elde edilen sonuca göre gülüş fotoğrafı üzerinden yapılan yav ölçümü, dijital model üzerinde yapılan yav ölçümü ile korelasyon göstermektedir.
The rotation of maxillary bone and maxillary dental arch in transverse plane is known as Maxillary Yaw, which is diagnosed by 3d radiographic methods in most reliable and reproducible way. The aim of this study is to create a new method for simplifying the measurement of maxillary yaw and to reduce the amount of radiation dose which the patients get from radiographic evaluations. In this study, posed smile photography and digital model taken by 3 shape device records were used which was obtained from 53 patients ( 29 female 24 male) between 19-45 years, in surgical planning phase whose dental arches were aligned to 17.25 ss wire. In these digital models the Orthoanalyzer (Trios, Kopenhag, Danimarka) program was used. In occlusal view the hays nance and bolton interfaces of the program were used to measure number 11 teeth's mesiodistal length. With this measurement which is in mm, calibrations of digital model and photograph were obtained. By Orhoanalyzer program (Trios, Kopenhag, Danimarka) in occlusal view 2 marks were placed on incisiv papil and midpalatal suture region to make median palatal reference. With merging these 2 marks, a line segment was created which is called midpalatal raphe line. By using Midpalatal raphe reference, a line segment that is perpendicular to midpalatal raphe line were placed to the cusp tip of the canine tooth presenting anteriorly. And also another line was placed to the cusp tips of canine teeth to make the line segment of canines. The distance between Midpalatal raphe perpendicular line and canines segment line were measured in mm on the level of posterior canine. By 11 measurement's calibrated digital model, the amount of dentoalveolar maxillary yaw was obtained. Natural head posture posed smile photographs which is managed by using laser alignment device, were used for searching correlation with digital model measurement. The posed smile photographs were shown to the patients by FACS reference. The photographs were calibrated number 11 tooth's mesiodistal with measurement. These photographs which were used in the study, were chosen by the same observer.(D.K.) In all photographs outer commissure and canine tips were determined for each right and left sides. The distance between the right outer commissure and the right canine tip was measured by using adobe photoshop program in mm. The same protocol was followed for the left side of the patient. The difference between right and left measurements made the smile pose maxillary yaw amount. The result was analyzed with statical methods: There is no statical difference between sexes. There is %92.1 correlation between 3 Shape digital measurement and Photograph measurements (p:0.000; p<0.05). In the patients before 30 years old; there is %91.5 correlation between 3 Shape (Trios, Kopenhag, Danimarka) digital measurement and Photograph measurements. (p:0.000; p<0.05). ). In the patients after 30 years old; there is %94.6 correlation between 3 Shape digital measurement and Photograph measurements (p:0.000; p<0.05). On the right side; there is %91.9 correlation between 3 Shape digital measurement and Photograph measurements. (p:0.000; p<0.05). On the left side; there is %92.9 correlation between 3 Shape digital measurement and Photograph measurements. (p:0.000; p<0.05). By these results, measurement of maxillary yaw obtaining from posed smile photograph is correlated with digital model maxillary yaw measurement.
The rotation of maxillary bone and maxillary dental arch in transverse plane is known as Maxillary Yaw, which is diagnosed by 3d radiographic methods in most reliable and reproducible way. The aim of this study is to create a new method for simplifying the measurement of maxillary yaw and to reduce the amount of radiation dose which the patients get from radiographic evaluations. In this study, posed smile photography and digital model taken by 3 shape device records were used which was obtained from 53 patients ( 29 female 24 male) between 19-45 years, in surgical planning phase whose dental arches were aligned to 17.25 ss wire. In these digital models the Orthoanalyzer (Trios, Kopenhag, Danimarka) program was used. In occlusal view the hays nance and bolton interfaces of the program were used to measure number 11 teeth's mesiodistal length. With this measurement which is in mm, calibrations of digital model and photograph were obtained. By Orhoanalyzer program (Trios, Kopenhag, Danimarka) in occlusal view 2 marks were placed on incisiv papil and midpalatal suture region to make median palatal reference. With merging these 2 marks, a line segment was created which is called midpalatal raphe line. By using Midpalatal raphe reference, a line segment that is perpendicular to midpalatal raphe line were placed to the cusp tip of the canine tooth presenting anteriorly. And also another line was placed to the cusp tips of canine teeth to make the line segment of canines. The distance between Midpalatal raphe perpendicular line and canines segment line were measured in mm on the level of posterior canine. By 11 measurement's calibrated digital model, the amount of dentoalveolar maxillary yaw was obtained. Natural head posture posed smile photographs which is managed by using laser alignment device, were used for searching correlation with digital model measurement. The posed smile photographs were shown to the patients by FACS reference. The photographs were calibrated number 11 tooth's mesiodistal with measurement. These photographs which were used in the study, were chosen by the same observer.(D.K.) In all photographs outer commissure and canine tips were determined for each right and left sides. The distance between the right outer commissure and the right canine tip was measured by using adobe photoshop program in mm. The same protocol was followed for the left side of the patient. The difference between right and left measurements made the smile pose maxillary yaw amount. The result was analyzed with statical methods: There is no statical difference between sexes. There is %92.1 correlation between 3 Shape digital measurement and Photograph measurements (p:0.000; p<0.05). In the patients before 30 years old; there is %91.5 correlation between 3 Shape (Trios, Kopenhag, Danimarka) digital measurement and Photograph measurements. (p:0.000; p<0.05). ). In the patients after 30 years old; there is %94.6 correlation between 3 Shape digital measurement and Photograph measurements (p:0.000; p<0.05). On the right side; there is %91.9 correlation between 3 Shape digital measurement and Photograph measurements. (p:0.000; p<0.05). On the left side; there is %92.9 correlation between 3 Shape digital measurement and Photograph measurements. (p:0.000; p<0.05). By these results, measurement of maxillary yaw obtaining from posed smile photograph is correlated with digital model maxillary yaw measurement.
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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