Kadınlara verilen kendi kendine meme muayenesi eğitiminin meme kanseri önleme davranışlarına etkisinin incelenmesi
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Bu araştırma, kadınlara verilen kendi kendine meme muayenesi eğitiminin meme kanseri önleme davranışlarına etkisini incelenmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yarı deneysel nitelikteki araştırmanın evrenini Bursa İline bağlı Mustafa KemalPaşa İlçesinde bulunan Karaoğlan Mahallesinde ikamet eden kadınlar, örneklemini ise 28.06.2021–30.09.2021 tarihleri arasında sağlık merkezine gelen 30 yaş ve üzeri kadınlar olarak oluşturmuştur. Araştırma verilerinin toplanmasında, 'Kişisel Bilgi Formu'' ve 'Kadının Meme Kanseri Önleme Davranışlarını Etkileyen Faktörleri Belirleme (MEKÖD) Ölçeği'' kullanılmıştır. Verilerin istaitstiksel analizi SPSS 24.00 paket programı kullanılarak yapılmuştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, yüzdelik ve frekans dağılımı hesaplamaları, iki faktörlü varyans analizi (MANOVA) ile Pearson Korelasyon analizi kullanılmıştır. İstatistiksel anlamlılık değeri 0,05 olarak kabul edilmiştir. Araştırmadaki kadınların yaş ortalamasının 41,91±6,16 yıl, % 95,0'inin evli, % 85,0'inin ev hanımı, %75,0'inin ilkokul mezunu, % 82,5'inin birinci dereceden akrabasında meme kanseri bulunmadığı, meme kanseri tanısı almış olan birinci dereceden aile bireylerinin % 42,8' inin kardeş olduğu, % 60,0'ının kendi kendine meme muayenesi yapmadığı, % 7,5'inin ayda bir kere düzenli olarak yaptığı, tamamına yakının klinik meme muayenesi yaptırmadığı bulunmuştur. Kadınların sosyodemografik özelliklerine göre gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık olmadığı belirlenmiştir (p<0,05). Müdahale ve kontrol grubundaki kadınların eğitim öncesinde Kadının Meme Kanseri Önleme Davranışlarını Etkileyen Faktörleri Belirleme Ölçeği ve her alt boyuttan almış oldukları puanlar arasında istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı bir farklılık saptanmamıştır. (p>0,05). Araştırma kapsamındaki kadınların eğitim sonrası ve eğitim sonrası 1.ayda ölçek ve alt boyutlarından aldıkları puanlar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık saptanmıştır (p<0,05). Bu araştırmada müdahale grubuna verilen eğitimin kadınların meme kanseri ile ilgili meme kanseri önleme davranışlarını etkilediği, eğitimin etkinliğinin daha sonraki ayda da devam ettiği bulunmuştur. Meme kanseri önleme davranışlarını eğitimlerin düzenli aralıklarla yinelenmesi ve düzenli olarak değerlendirilmesi, araştırmanın daha fazla örneklem ile tekrar edilmesi önerilmektedir.
This research was carried out to examine the effect of breast self-examination training given to women on breast cancer prevention behaviors. The universe of the quasi-experimental study consisted of women residing in Karaoğlan District in Mustafa KemalPaşa District of Bursa Province, and the sample consisted of women aged 30 and over who came to the health center between 28.06.2021 and 30.09.2021. 'Personal Information Form' and 'Identification of Factors Affecting Women's Breast Cancer Prevention Behaviors (MEKÖD) Scale' were used to collect research data. Statistical analysis of the data was made using SPSS 24.00 package program. Percentage and frequency distribution calculations, two-factor analysis of variance (MANOVA) and Pearson Correlation analysis were used to evaluate the data. The statistical significance value was accepted as 0.05. The mean age of the women in the study was 41.91±6.16 years, 95.0% were married, 85.0% were housewives, 75.0% were primary school graduates, and 82.5% had a first degree relative with breast cancer. There were no breast cancer patients, 42.8% of first-degree family members diagnosed with breast cancer were siblings, 60.0% did not do breast self-examination, 7.5% did it regularly once a month, almost all of them had clinical breast examination. Found that he did not. It was determined that there was no statistically significant difference between the groups according to the sociodemographic characteristics of the women (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the scores of the women in the intervention and control groups before the education in the Scale for Determining the Factors Affecting the Breast Cancer Prevention Behaviors of Women and in each sub-dimension. (p>0.05). A statistically significant difference was found between the scores of the women within the scope of the study obtained from the scale and its sub-dimensions after the education and at the first month after the education (p<0.05). In this study, it was found that the training given to the intervention group affected the breast cancer prevention behaviors of women regarding breast cancer, and the effectiveness of the training continued in the following month. It is recommended that the trainings on breast cancer prevention behaviors be repeated at regular intervals and that they should be evaluated regularly, and the research should be repeated with more samples.
This research was carried out to examine the effect of breast self-examination training given to women on breast cancer prevention behaviors. The universe of the quasi-experimental study consisted of women residing in Karaoğlan District in Mustafa KemalPaşa District of Bursa Province, and the sample consisted of women aged 30 and over who came to the health center between 28.06.2021 and 30.09.2021. 'Personal Information Form' and 'Identification of Factors Affecting Women's Breast Cancer Prevention Behaviors (MEKÖD) Scale' were used to collect research data. Statistical analysis of the data was made using SPSS 24.00 package program. Percentage and frequency distribution calculations, two-factor analysis of variance (MANOVA) and Pearson Correlation analysis were used to evaluate the data. The statistical significance value was accepted as 0.05. The mean age of the women in the study was 41.91±6.16 years, 95.0% were married, 85.0% were housewives, 75.0% were primary school graduates, and 82.5% had a first degree relative with breast cancer. There were no breast cancer patients, 42.8% of first-degree family members diagnosed with breast cancer were siblings, 60.0% did not do breast self-examination, 7.5% did it regularly once a month, almost all of them had clinical breast examination. Found that he did not. It was determined that there was no statistically significant difference between the groups according to the sociodemographic characteristics of the women (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the scores of the women in the intervention and control groups before the education in the Scale for Determining the Factors Affecting the Breast Cancer Prevention Behaviors of Women and in each sub-dimension. (p>0.05). A statistically significant difference was found between the scores of the women within the scope of the study obtained from the scale and its sub-dimensions after the education and at the first month after the education (p<0.05). In this study, it was found that the training given to the intervention group affected the breast cancer prevention behaviors of women regarding breast cancer, and the effectiveness of the training continued in the following month. It is recommended that the trainings on breast cancer prevention behaviors be repeated at regular intervals and that they should be evaluated regularly, and the research should be repeated with more samples.
Hemşirelik, Nursing
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