Kriz yönetiminde etkin liderlik
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Bu araştırma, kriz yönetiminde etkin liderliğin önemini ve özelliklerini vurgulamaktadır. Bu önemin, net olarak anlaşılabilmesi için kriz, buna bağlı olarak kriz yönetimi, lider kavramlarına ve krizde gerekli olan lider özelliklerine ayrıntılı olarak yer verilmiştir. Araştırmada, kriz durumunda işletmenin devamlılığı ve başarısı için etkin kararlar alarak, astlarını eyleme geçirebilecek yeterliliğe sahip, krize karşı bağışıklık kazandırabilen, krizin manevralarını önceden saptayarak fırsata çevirebilen liderin özellikleri irdelenmiştir.
This research highlights the importance and features of effective leadership in crisis management. In order to be able to clearly understand this theme, the crisis has been given in detail to crisis management, crisis management, leader concepts and leader characteristics required in the crisis. In the research, the characteristics of the leader who can determine the crisis maneuver and which can gain immunity against the cruiser, which has enough ability to deal with his subordinates, by making effective decisions for the continuity and success of the operator in case of crisis are examined.
This research highlights the importance and features of effective leadership in crisis management. In order to be able to clearly understand this theme, the crisis has been given in detail to crisis management, crisis management, leader concepts and leader characteristics required in the crisis. In the research, the characteristics of the leader who can determine the crisis maneuver and which can gain immunity against the cruiser, which has enough ability to deal with his subordinates, by making effective decisions for the continuity and success of the operator in case of crisis are examined.
İşletme, Etkin liderlik, Business Administration, Kriz, Effective leadership, Kriz yönetimi, Crisis, Crisis management, Liderlik, Leadership
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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